"*\n\n*\n\n*"@en . . . . "Blue"@en . . "Daertha Ollan"@en . "310.0"^^ . "Daertha Ollan was a female Twi'lek Jedi who was a member of the New Jedi Order and, later, the Jedi Coalition. Born on Commenor, Daertha was unaware of her Force-sensitivity until her teenaged years. Running away from home, she sought refuge with the New Jedi Order on Yavin 4. There, she was accepted into the order and trained to become a full-fledged Jedi. She quickly rose to the rank of Jedi Knight by aiding the Order defend against Admiral Daala and the Empire Reborn. She, along with several other Jedi Knights, was chosen to act as de facto Jedi Watchmen who searched the galaxy for Force-sensitive recruits. She discovered the Ithorian Jedi, Marrik Quee, in hiding on the planet Tatooine and was the one to bring him into the New Jedi Order. Since, the pair have been very close and Daertha, depite being roughly of Jedi Knight rank and skill, took on Marrik as a master figure. Eventually, he officially took her on as his Padawan. Alongside her master and Jedi brethren, Daertha fought against the Yuuzhan Vong invaders during the Yuuzhan Vong War. She fought during the Swarm War and again during the Second Galactic Civil War."@en . . "Daertha Ollan"@en . . . . "Daertha Ollan was a female Twi'lek Jedi who was a member of the New Jedi Order and, later, the Jedi Coalition. Born on Commenor, Daertha was unaware of her Force-sensitivity until her teenaged years. Running away from home, she sought refuge with the New Jedi Order on Yavin 4. There, she was accepted into the order and trained to become a full-fledged Jedi. She quickly rose to the rank of Jedi Knight by aiding the Order defend against Admiral Daala and the Empire Reborn."@en . . . . "*\n\n*\n\n*\n\n*"@en . . "Green"@en .