"Beliefs and rituals of Mormonism"@en . . . "Latter-day Saints believe in \"God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.\" So wrote Joseph Smith in the Wentworth letter, a part of which now constitutes the Articles of Faith. As such, they are viewed as three separate and distinct entities, though one in purpose, in thought, in action, in works, etc. Further, men and women are viewed as His spirit sons and daughters, with the literal ability to become even as He (God the Father, of whom the exalted Jesus Christ is a perfect likeness) is. This is the purpose of the Gospel, the Lord's work and glory[1]."@en . . "Latter-day Saints believe in \"God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.\" So wrote Joseph Smith in the Wentworth letter, a part of which now constitutes the Articles of Faith. As such, they are viewed as three separate and distinct entities, though one in purpose, in thought, in action, in works, etc. Further, men and women are viewed as His spirit sons and daughters, with the literal ability to become even as He (God the Father, of whom the exalted Jesus Christ is a perfect likeness) is. This is the purpose of the Gospel, the Lord's work and glory[1]."@en .