. "A young boy named Dudley finally turns ten and travels through the Dalto Region with his Pokemon by his side, and encounters an evil plot in the middle of it. Dudley Dudley's mom Professor Shrub Arnald Garnet Emila Chardog Riboat Dinoleaf Chiptune Robird Robbler Elder 1 Nermal Genis Plutonium Boron Burnhound Geonix Onix Munna"@en . . "A young boy named Dudley finally turns ten and travels through the Dalto Region with his Pokemon by his side, and encounters an evil plot in the middle of it. Dudley Dudley's mom Professor Shrub Arnald Garnet Emila Chardog Riboat Dinoleaf Chiptune Robird Robbler Elder 1 Nermal Genis Plutonium Boron Burnhound Geonix Onix Munna"@en . "Garnet and Peridot 3D RP: Part 1"@en . .