. . "Episodio 01"@es . "Kaede es la protagonista y anti-heroe de la historia de Elfen Lied.Es la Reina Diclonius (tambien conocida como Nyu o Lucy),fue atormentada numerosas veces en su ni\u00F1ez llevandola a pensar que ella nunca seria aceptada por la sociedad, hasta que conocio a Kouta el gran amor de su vida, volviendose a reencontrar cuando ambos son mayores. Como diclonius tenia una gran rivalidad con otros de su propia especie, como Nana o Mariko, sus vectores son inigualables y unicos,es capaz de infectar gente para seguir hacer creciendo la raza diclonius."@es . . "schwarz"@de . . "Kaede"@en . "Anime, Novelas y Pel\u00EDculas"@en . "Kaede (\u6953, \"Maple\") was a priestess who lived in a village near the Bone-Eater's Well. She was the first to encounter Kagome and she often provides important advice and background information to Inuyasha's group to assist in their journey; she was Kiky\u014D's younger sister."@en . "Kyouko Kaga"@en . . "Kaede (\u30AB\u30A8\u30C7, Kaede) es una kunoichi de Konohagakure."@en . . "9"^^ . "81"^^ . "\u677E\u6953"@es . . "Appearances"@en . "Kaede is in south central International, west of Sai Kung and Ikebukuro."@en . . . . . . . . "Hmmmm. An interview? Sure!\n\nOk, ok. So. I was, way, way back in the day, an Av-Matoran holed up in Karda Nui. I remember dealing with those pesky lightning bolts... what were their names. Avohkah, I think.\n\nLuckily, we had the six Toa Mata with us! I remember those guys. They sure were short, not all like when they returned many years after in their snazzy Adaptive gear. Those guys eventually took a long nap in the Codrex and we Matoran of Light went about our usual business, doing what it is Av-Matoran usually did. I baked cookies and muffins, mostly. I was known for those, ran my own little bakery out in the middle of nowhere. Baked goods are a valuable commodity in a village atop of a stalactite, I'll have you know.\n\nSo, yeah. I just spent my life with the rest of the villagers. You may have heard of a few of them. Do you know Photok? Yeah, the orange one. And Tamna, Solek? Mhhm, I've heard that they were pretty famous since they were with the Toa Nuva. Speaking of those three guys, the trio and I were the only Av-Maotran to survive the Shadow Leech attack. I'm not mentioned in any history texts since I technically didn't survive. You'll see what I mean in a bit.\n\nUh. What next? Yeah, so, the Toa Nuva. They came, and, like, fought and beat up the Makuta. Oh, yeah! That's right! 'Kay, so, there was this one day. Pohatu, Lewa, and Kopaka were exploring one of the caverns in Karda Nui. They found the Hive, where the Shadow Leeches were kept. So, boom, blam, kaboom, they blew it up with the Toa Ignika. But they chose such an inconvenient time to destroy the Hive. On its way down to the Swamp, it nearly crushed me! I was exploring the surrounding area of our village at the time. Imagine me, little old me, staring at this twenty-ton hunk of rock falling out of nowhere! I thanked my lucky stars as I crawled away, unharmed.\n\nThere was a squeaking beneath the rubble. It seems as though I was not the only survivor.\n\nA Shadow Leech! A tiny one. A baby? Stories I've heard descrfibed them as nearly two feet in length. I picked it up. It gave another squeak and licked me.\n\nAnd that was that. I named him, or her, Mr. Wiggles and brought him, or her, back to the village where I managed to nurse him, or her, back to health. The three other Av-Matoran were this close to killing it but I managed to prove that it was harmless by letting him, or her, gnaw on my arm. It tickled, mostly. No other side effects, such as turning into a Shadow Matoran.\n\nThe Shadow Matoran thing actually happened about four days later. I was coming out of my hut one day, minding my own business with Mr. Wiggles sitting on my head. I had just finished baking a batch of cookies for the rest of the Matoran when Photok started charging at me, his power swords unsheathed and all of that vicious stuff.\n\n'Wait! Wait! Try a cookie before you kill me!' I remember saying. Nothing like offering baked goods to your killer to throw him off track.\n\n'Hm. Not bad. Can I have another?'\n\n'Yeah, sure. Go for it.'\n\nAnd so, Photok became convinced that behind my now-black limbs and armor, behind my burning, scarlet eyes... I was still Kaede, baker extraordinaire and occasional airhead. Apparently, Mr. Wiggles wasn't trying to suck out my inner light. That, or even with my light sucked out, I make a really, really bad Shadow Matoran. \n\nStill, he insisted I leave the village, until the battles were over at least. The Toa could mistake me for an enemy, the Makuta might think I was an ally. A plethora of nasty stuff could occur.\n\nWith two weeks' worth of provisions given to me by Photok, he directed me to an old cave he found. It would serve as a temporary hideout. He then asked for a third cookie.\n\nI duly trekked my way to the cavern indicated on the map. I got lost a couple times, but I made it. Somehow. \n\nNot two minutes after I finished unpacking, I felt a strange wind. It was unnatural, for sure. And it... was tingly, somehow. Yes, as that air current blew past me, I actually shivered at the odd feeling. Have you ever felt electricity run through you? That sums up the sensation. It was the Energy Storm. At the time, no one knew what exactly was happening, only that something big was on the horizon. From a innocent little puff of air came a gale-force hurricane laced with electricity. Needless to say, with no Toa to fly me away to safety, I was badly injured. I think I may have even died.\n\nYeah. I died. That's for sure. There's this little blip in my memory. It's the weirdest thing. Ok, so, imagine you're lying on the ground in absolute agony, yeah? Then you wake up as a Toa. How weird is that? And not just any Toa. I'm talking about being a Toa of Shadow here. Some little fellow helped me to my feet and doffed his top hat to me. 'Welcome back to the land of the living, Kaede. I hope your trip into the underworld was a pleasant one.'\n\nI was speechless.\n\nThe short guy with the verrryy nice hat beckoned me to follow. Yeah, sure. Why not? He saved me, after all. \n\nHe asked if I was happy to be alive again. 'Yeah, sure. What's not to be happy about?'\n\n'Would you mind taking part in a Deathmatch in about twenty years?'\n\nAgain, speechless.\n\n'I'll take that as a yes. Now, hold still.' He raised his staff and gave me a good cracking on the head.\n\nMy story continues in the Madness Series."@en . "Bastok"@en . "Kanohi Aeterna"@en . . . "Female"@en . . "Sacerdotisa"@es . . . . "Sera Myu:"@pl . . "1"^^ . "Kaede (\u6953) es una sacerdotisa en la serie de manga y anime Inuyasha, conocida por ser la hermana menor de Kikyo y ayudar con sabios consejos a Kagome"@es . "Reconstrucci\u00F3n y restauracion de c\u00E9lulas, uso de vectores durante estados de inconsciencia y de dolor, pueden vibrar a una frecuencia tal que se vuelven invisibles"@es . "17"^^ . . "Images of Kaede"@en . "13"^^ . . "is a kunoichi of Konohagakure."@en . . . . "None"@en . . . "Kaede ist Kikyos j\u00FCngere Schwester. Als Kikyo noch lebte, k\u00FCmmertediese sich sehr um Kaede: Beide hatten ein gutes Verh\u00E4ltnis zueinander. Als Kagome auftaucht, nimmt sie sie sofort unter ihre Fittiche, weil ihr die \u00C4hnlichkeit mit Kikyo auff\u00E4llt und sofort erkennt, dass Kagome die Wiedergeburt ihrer \u00E4lteren Schwester ist. Kaede ist eine Miko und hat auch gewisse magische Kr\u00E4fte. Sie ist es, die Inu Yasha die Kette umlegt, durch welche Kagome mit \"Sitz!\"(im Manga) / \"Mach Platz!\" (im Anime) Inu Yasha zu Boden ringen kann. Kaede bringt den Halbd\u00E4mon dazu, mit Kagome zusammen die Splitter des Shikon no Tama zu suchen, genauer gesagt befiehlt sie es den beiden und Inu Yasha und Kagome haben keine andere Wahl. Die beiden kehren immer wieder zu Kaede zur\u00FCck, um sich bei ihr Rat zu holen und um i"@de . "Kaede"@es . "Gaisei , Moriya Minakata , Yuki"@en . "Blade Brandier"@en . "Good"@en . . . "Kaede (\u30AB\u30A8\u30C7, Kaede) es una kunoichi de Konohagakure."@en . "Padre"@es . "AyaRuka"@en . . "Kaede"@pl . "Anime: Episodio 13"@es . . "5m"@es . "Ai Hashizume"@en . "60"^^ . "Armstrong"@en . . "Shadow"@en . "117"^^ . "1"^^ . . "Kaede ist Kikyos j\u00FCngere Schwester. Als Kikyo noch lebte, k\u00FCmmertediese sich sehr um Kaede: Beide hatten ein gutes Verh\u00E4ltnis zueinander. Als Kagome auftaucht, nimmt sie sie sofort unter ihre Fittiche, weil ihr die \u00C4hnlichkeit mit Kikyo auff\u00E4llt und sofort erkennt, dass Kagome die Wiedergeburt ihrer \u00E4lteren Schwester ist. Kaede ist eine Miko und hat auch gewisse magische Kr\u00E4fte. Sie ist es, die Inu Yasha die Kette umlegt, durch welche Kagome mit \"Sitz!\"(im Manga) / \"Mach Platz!\" (im Anime) Inu Yasha zu Boden ringen kann. Kaede bringt den Halbd\u00E4mon dazu, mit Kagome zusammen die Splitter des Shikon no Tama zu suchen, genauer gesagt befiehlt sie es den beiden und Inu Yasha und Kagome haben keine andere Wahl. Die beiden kehren immer wieder zu Kaede zur\u00FCck, um sich bei ihr Rat zu holen und um ihre Wunden auszuheilen. Als Kikyo sp\u00E4ter erneut durch Naraku stirbt, kommt ihre Seele zu Kaede und bittet um Vergebung f\u00FCr ihre Untaten, um sich so w\u00FCrdevoll von ihrer geliebten Schwester zu verabschieden. Kaede vergibt ihrer Schwester und trauert um ihren erneuten Tod. Am Ende bleiben Shippou und Rin bei Kaede, die Rin zu einer Miko ausbildet. Im Allgemeinen ist Kaede meist sehr weise und hat immer einen guten Rat parat, auch sorgt sie f\u00FCr einige lustige Momente in der Geschichte (wenn auch unbewusst)."@de . "4"^^ . "Iga"@en . ""@en . "Kaede_Render.png"@en . . "28"^^ . "1995-02-23"^^ . "\u6953"@en . "Occupation"@en . "Kaede es la protagonista y anti-heroe de la historia de Elfen Lied.Es la Reina Diclonius (tambien conocida como Nyu o Lucy),fue atormentada numerosas veces en su ni\u00F1ez llevandola a pensar que ella nunca seria aceptada por la sociedad, hasta que conocio a Kouta el gran amor de su vida, volviendose a reencontrar cuando ambos son mayores. Como diclonius tenia una gran rivalidad con otros de su propia especie, como Nana o Mariko, sus vectores son inigualables y unicos,es capaz de infectar gente para seguir hacer creciendo la raza diclonius."@es . . . "Female"@en . "Mundial"@es . "10"^^ . "is a kunoichi of Konohagakure."@en . "aktorka, modelka"@pl . . "\u6953"@es . "KAI-day"@en . "\"Lucy/Nyuu'\""@es . "Secundario"@es . . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesKaede (\u30AB\u30A8\u30C7, Kaede) es una kunoichi de Konohagakure."@es . "\u30AB\u30A8\u30C7"@es . "Kaede, Toa of Shadow"@en . . "Kaede (\u304B\u3048\u3067) is a female ninja from Onimusha: Warlords. She fought the demons with Samanosuke Akechi, and searched for his whereabouts after the battle at Gifu Castle. Kaede will throw herself into the heat of battle no matter what the risk to life and limb. She is playable at one point in the game. Kaede was voiced by Nao Takamori in the Japanese version of Onimusha: Warlords and by Ayumi Iizuka in the English version. In the Japanese version of Onimusha: Blade Warriors she was voiced by Nao Takamori and by Jennifer Hale in the English version."@en . "Protosteel crucifix"@en . . "*Lure of the Wildcat (Bastok)\n*Ayame and Kaede\n*Riding on the Clouds"@en . . "Kaede (\u6953, Kaede which means \"maple\") is a character who is considered to be the main protagonist of the Last Blade series. He is symbolized by falling maple leaves (he also has a golden stylized maple leaf on the back of his vest) and his official slogan is \"Shining Soul\": \u6642\u4EE3\u3092\u7D99\u3050\u5C11\u5E74 (Jidai wo Tsugu Sh\u014Dnen, lit. Boy who Inherits the Age). His transformation ability is a reference to the Super Saiyan state in Dragon Ball Z, and has been likened to Rock Howard since the latter's first appearance. He is voiced by K\u014Dji Suidzu."@en . . "Kaede (\u6953, Kaede, lit. \"Maple\") is the Captain of Moon Tree's Third Division. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow."@en . "in park"@en . "Kaede"@en . "Possessor of Seiry\u016B"@en . "Kaede (\u6953) es una sacerdotisa en la serie de manga y anime Inuyasha, conocida por ser la hermana menor de Kikyo y ayudar con sabios consejos a Kagome"@es . "Xeno Nui, Alive"@en . "Female"@en . "Nyu, Lucy"@en . "Sweltering things"@en . "Kaede"@de . "Aproximadamente 15-16 al comienzo del manga"@es . . "Kaede (ur. 23 lutego 1995) \u2013 japo\u0144ska aktorka i modelka. Jest czternast\u0105 aktork\u0105, kt\u00F3ra wciela si\u0119 w rol\u0119 Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter w musicalach. Jej pierwszym wyst\u0119pem b\u0119dzie musical Amour Eternal."@pl . . "Hisako Kyoda"@es . "\u304B\u3048\u3067"@en . . . . . "Awakened form of Kaede in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum"@en . "black"@en . . "Kaede"@en . . "Anime, Novelas y Pel\u00EDculas"@es . . "Kaede (\u6953, Kaede, lit. \"Maple\") is the Captain of Moon Tree's Third Division. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow."@en . "Sayaka Oohara"@en . "Alive"@en . . "Akechi"@en . . . "Human"@en . . "Hume"@en . "#232323"@en . "Seeing what's been imported from overseas"@en . "Manga: Capitulo 1"@es . "Anime: Episodio 1"@es . "108"^^ . "Mensch"@de . . "Unknown"@en . "Akechi"@en . . "Black \u2192 Gray"@en . "Birthdate"@en . "12"^^ . . . . . "Aliases"@en . . . . "White"@en . "Kira Vincent David"@es . "Hayate-Maru , a katana"@en . "SouthWest"@en . . . . "Alignment"@en . . . "lebendig"@de . "* \n*Linda Darlow \n*"@en . "Personaje Principal, Anti-Heroe"@es . . "Kaede"@es . . "*\n*"@en . . "Ai Hashizume"@es . . "Dark Pink"@en . . . "Sanae Kobayashi"@es . "Kaede"@en . "The Tragedy Chronicle"@en . . "Humano"@es . "15"^^ . . . "Kaede"@en . "Japan"@en . . "Kaede.png"@pl . "Oni"@en . "Kaede"@en . . . "Ahorn"@de . . "\"Reina Diclonius\""@es . . . "Schwarz \u2192 Grau"@de . "Femenino"@es . "Kari Wahlgren"@en . . "135"^^ . . . "Kasshin Itt\u014D-ry\u016B"@en . . "1.67"^^ . "\u00C1ngela Villanueva"@es . "\u00C1rbol de arce"@es . . . "5.364792E8"^^ . "\u30AB\u30A8\u30C7"@en . "Faction"@en . "Refreshing things"@en . "Millones"@es . . . . . "60.0"^^ . "Medio Hermano"@es . "He is gradually getting used to harboring Seiry\u016B"@en . "\u6953"@pl . . "Samanosuke Akechi"@en . "Allegiances"@en . . "Kaede.png"@en . . "The kunoichi trainee Kaede seemingly appears out of thin air. Though she shares the same snowboarding prowess as Shinobin, Kaede lacks his maturity and discipline. Despite this, she is still largely a mystery."@en . "179.0"^^ . "Full name"@en . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesKaede (\u30AB\u30A8\u30C7, Kaede) es una kunoichi de Konohagakure."@es . "Kaede is the main character, protagonist and anti-heroine/anti-villainess of the Elfen Lied series. The so-called 'Queen' Diclonius, Kaede (also known as Lucy and Nyu) was both ruthlessly tormented and at times was herself a sadistic tormentor, driven by both the cruelty she found so often in life, but also by the knowledge that love and acceptance was possible. Her great love was Kouta, a boy she met when they were children and again when they were young adults. Elfen Lied is, at its core, defined by her love for and relationship with Kouta, marked by some joy but also by deepest tragedy. As a Diclonius, Kaede possessed power rivaled by few others of her kind, and control over her vectors, mostly invisible telekinetic 'arms', virtually second to none. She was also capable of spreading the"@en . "Madre"@es . "Toa"@en . "Family"@en . "14"^^ . . "Kaede (\u304B\u3048\u3067) is a female ninja from Onimusha: Warlords. She fought the demons with Samanosuke Akechi, and searched for his whereabouts after the battle at Gifu Castle. Kaede will throw herself into the heat of battle no matter what the risk to life and limb. She is playable at one point in the game. Kaede was voiced by Nao Takamori in the Japanese version of Onimusha: Warlords and by Ayumi Iizuka in the English version. In the Japanese version of Onimusha: Blade Warriors she was voiced by Nao Takamori and by Jennifer Hale in the English version."@en . "*Kiky\u014D"@en . "Pfeil und Bogen"@de . "Kaede was a neighbourhood located somewhere on the southern edge of the International District. It is also the residence of the exile contact known as Rickshaw. It is also where the Sisters of Fate gang reside, who are led by Clotho."@en . . "Arco y Flecha"@es . "Iga ninja"@en . . . "Kaede is the main character, protagonist and anti-heroine/anti-villainess of the Elfen Lied series. The so-called 'Queen' Diclonius, Kaede (also known as Lucy and Nyu) was both ruthlessly tormented and at times was herself a sadistic tormentor, driven by both the cruelty she found so often in life, but also by the knowledge that love and acceptance was possible. Her great love was Kouta, a boy she met when they were children and again when they were young adults. Elfen Lied is, at its core, defined by her love for and relationship with Kouta, marked by some joy but also by deepest tragedy. As a Diclonius, Kaede possessed power rivaled by few others of her kind, and control over her vectors, mostly invisible telekinetic 'arms', virtually second to none. She was also capable of spreading the Diclonius mutation to the children born to people she infected, with the idea of replacing normal humans with her kind."@en . "Position: Bastok-Hafen (J-5) Typ: Auftraggeber-NPC"@de . "gradientkae.png"@en . . . "Position: Bastok-Hafen (J-5) Typ: Auftraggeber-NPC"@de . . . . . . "Central"@en . "Maple"@en . . . . "240"^^ . . . "Kaede (\u6953, Kaede which means \"maple\") is a character who is considered to be the main protagonist of the Last Blade series. He is symbolized by falling maple leaves (he also has a golden stylized maple leaf on the back of his vest) and his official slogan is \"Shining Soul\": \u6642\u4EE3\u3092\u7D99\u3050\u5C11\u5E74 (Jidai wo Tsugu Sh\u014Dnen, lit. Boy who Inherits the Age). His transformation ability is a reference to the Super Saiyan state in Dragon Ball Z, and has been likened to Rock Howard since the latter's first appearance. In the character popularity poll on Neo Geo Freak's website, his awakened state was voted as the ninth favorite character with a total of 1,028 votes. In the same poll, his normal form occupied the fourteenth spot with 896 votes. He is voiced by K\u014Dji Suidzu."@en . . . . . "\u6953"@de . "History"@en . "Mizu yokan"@en . . . "Potencial Matriarca De La Nueva Humanidad"@es . . . "Kunoichi in the service of Samanosuke and Mitsuhide Akechi"@en . "Kaede"@de . "Kaede.png"@de . . . . "Manga: Capitulo 106"@es . . "Purple Line"@en . "prefektura Aichi, Japonia"@pl . . "The kunoichi trainee Kaede seemingly appears out of thin air. Though she shares the same snowboarding prowess as Shinobin, Kaede lacks his maturity and discipline. Despite this, she is still largely a mystery."@en . . . . . "Kaede (\u6953, \"Maple\") was a priestess who lived in a village near the Bone-Eater's Well. She was the first to encounter Kagome and she often provides important advice and background information to Inuyasha's group to assist in their journey; she was Kiky\u014D's younger sister."@en . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Kanae"@en . . . . "weiblich"@de . . . "2m"@es . . . "10"^^ . "Japanese Name"@en . . . . "Kaede (ur. 23 lutego 1995) \u2013 japo\u0144ska aktorka i modelka. Jest czternast\u0105 aktork\u0105, kt\u00F3ra wciela si\u0119 w rol\u0119 Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter w musicalach. Jej pierwszym wyst\u0119pem b\u0119dzie musical Amour Eternal."@pl . "Kaede"@en . "110"^^ . . . . . "Kaede is in south central International, west of Sai Kung and Ikebukuro."@en . "Red"@en . . "Kaede"@pl . "Kaede"@pl . . "Kaede was a neighbourhood located somewhere on the southern edge of the International District. It is also the residence of the exile contact known as Rickshaw. It is also where the Sisters of Fate gang reside, who are led by Clotho."@en . "15"^^ . . "Kaede"@en . "Oshichau Zo!!"@en .