. . . . . "Black"@en . . . "Humano"@es . . . "60"^^ . . "Talon Karrde"@es . . . . . . "Disruptive"@en . . . "Antes del 31 ABY"@es . . "Talon Karrde"@it . "Criminal"@es . "\u0422\u044D\u043B\u043E\u043D_\u041A\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0434\u0435"@cs . . . . . . "1,7 m"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . "10"^^ . . "*Car'das\n*Alianza de Contrabandistas\n*Nueva Rep\u00FAblica\n*Federaci\u00F3n Gal\u00E1ctica de Alianzas Libres\n*Coalici\u00F3n Jedi"@es . . "Talon Karrde"@en . . "Talon Karrde"@cs . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@es . "Talon Karrde"@cs . . "Talon Karrde was released in 2006 with the Bounty Hunters set."@en . . . . "sv\u011Btle modr\u00E1"@cs . . . "15"^^ . "Talon Karrde"@en . . "*Imperiumin nousun aikakausi\n*Kapinallisten aikakausi\n*Uuden tasavallan aikakausi\n*Uuden jediritarikunnan aikakausi\n*Perinn\u00F6n aikakausi"@fi . . . . . . . . . "Talon Karrde was a smuggler and information broker who dominated the underworld market in information. He began his career in the organization of Jorj Car'das, where he moved quickly through the ranks to become one of Car'das's top lieutenants. When Car'das disappeared in 0 BBY, Karrde quickly and quietly took over the organization to avoid internal feuding. The smuggling and information-brokering organization was already formidable, and when Jabba Desilijic Tiure was killed in 4 ABY, Karrde was able to pick up the most pieces and guide his group to the top spot in the smuggling world. Known as an honest and honorable man, Karrde kept a low profile despite his lofty underworld position."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "100.0"^^ . . . "p\u0159ed 31 P\u0159BY"@cs . . . . "Light blue"@en . . "Talon Karrde"@cs . . "Talon Karrde byl pa\u0161er\u00E1k a nez\u00E1visl\u00FD informa\u010Dn\u00ED zprost\u0159edkovatel, kter\u00FD ovl\u00E1dal \u010Dern\u00FD trh s informacemi. Svou kari\u00E9ru za\u010Dal ve spole\u010Dnosti Jorje Car'dase, kde se rychle stal jedn\u00EDm z vysoce postaven\u00FDch pobo\u010Dn\u00EDk\u016F Car'dase. Kdy\u017E Jorj v roce 0 P\u0159BY zmizel, Karrde nen\u00E1padn\u011B p\u0159evzal organizaci, aby zabr\u00E1nil boj\u016Fm o moc. V roce 4 PBY po smrti Jabby Desilijica Tiure a rozpadu jeho spole\u010Dnosti se Karrdova organizace stala nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED ze v\u0161ech."@cs . "Aqualish Assassin"@en . . "\u010Dern\u00E1"@cs . . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@es . . . . . "Noin 170 cm"@fi . . . . "16"^^ . "Nato qualche tempo prima del 31 BBY in un pianeta da lui sempre tenuto segreto, Karrde fu introdotto nella vita del crimine fin da giovane. Inizi\u00F2 la sua carriera come dipendente di Jorj Car'das, il leader nell'ambito del contrabbando e del traffico di informazioni. L\u00EC, Karrde scal\u00F2 rapidamente i ranghi, guadagnando esperienza sia nel campo del contrabbando che in quello informativo. Nel 6 BBY Karrde serviva come navigatore e operatore dei sensori su una delle navi di Car'das sotto il capitano Hoffner; alla fine oper\u00F2 sotto il suo comando per due anni. Quando una volta si trov\u00F2 si trov\u00F2 inseguito da due incrociatori classe Carrack molto determinati, progett\u00F2 un breve salto alla cieca. Quando usc\u00EC dall'iperspazio, si trov\u00F2 davanti a un incrociatore classe Dreadnaught, e preso dal panico esegu\u00EC subito un altro salto. L'iperguida, per\u00F2, si ruppe nel bel mezzo del salto, uccidendo parte dell'equipaggio della nave. Fu sono quando ricontroll\u00F2 l'esame dei sensori che scopr\u00EC che non c'era una sola Dreadnaught, ma centinaia; aveva infatti scoperto la leggendaria flotta Katana."@it . . "\u30BF\u30ED\u30F3\u30FB\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9"@cs . . "Fringe Reserves 20"@en . "Azul claro"@es . . "Vaalean siniset"@fi . "Talon Karrde was a smuggler and information broker who dominated the underworld market in information. He began his career in the organization of Jorj Car'das, where he moved quickly through the ranks to become one of Car'das's top lieutenants. When Car'das disappeared in 0 BBY, Karrde quickly and quietly took over the organization to avoid internal feuding. The smuggling and information-brokering organization was already formidable, and when Jabba Desilijic Tiure was killed in 4 ABY, Karrde was able to pick up the most pieces and guide his group to the top spot in the smuggling world. Known as an honest and honorable man, Karrde kept a low profile despite his lofty underworld position. In 9 ABY, Karrde was drawn into the Galactic Civil War, in which he had previously avoided taking sides, when he rescued Luke Skywalker from being stranded in deep space and helped Skywalker avoid capture by Imperial leader Grand Admiral Thrawn, though only after his hand was forced. Thrawn placed a bounty on Karrde, driving him to sell the location of the Katana fleet, a secret he had kept since his days in Car'das's employ, to the New Republic. Karrde then organized the Smugglers' Alliance to represent the smugglers to the New Republic and aid in the battle against Thrawn. When Thrawn was defeated, Karrde remained a valued ally of Skywalker and the Solos but was not trusted by the New Republic leadership as a whole due to his shady past. In 19 ABY, Karrde undertook a mission to find Car'das, whose retribution he had long feared, in order to seek out a copy of the Caamas Document and end the political crisis regarding it. Car'das did not have a copy, but did provide information that was key in exposing the hoax regarding Thrawn's return. In the aftermath of the peace treaty between the New Republic and Imperial Remnant, Karrde turned his organization into an information-sharing agency to maintain trust between the two governments. He lost his valued second-in-command, Mara Jade, in the process as she married Skywalker and took up the Jedi life. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded six years later, Karrde revived the Smugglers' Alliance to combat the Yuuzhan Vong and played a key role, in partnership with Lando Calrissian and longtime friend Booster Terrik, in helping pro-Jedi Chief of State candidate Cal Omas be elected to office during the crisis. When the Jedi were declared enemies of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances in 40 ABY, Karrde put his organization at their disposal, having become a staunch ally of the Jedi in contrast to his previous desire for neutrality."@en . . "1.7"^^ . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . "Talon Karrde was a famous businessman and dealer, operating the large Karrde's Organization, with influence across a large portion of the galaxy. He would later affiliate himself with the New Republic, aiding them in numerous campaigns, including the destruction of the Third Death Star and temporarily heading up New Republic Intelligence. Currently, Karrde's whereabouts are unknown. Official story keeps that he retired in 15 ABY, though rumors of his death (some claim at the hands of Tyy'sun Eson, others at the hands of Draga the Hutt) abound. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . . "Very Rare"@en . . . . . "250"^^ . . "Talon Karrde was a famous businessman and dealer, operating the large Karrde's Organization, with influence across a large portion of the galaxy. He would later affiliate himself with the New Republic, aiding them in numerous campaigns, including the destruction of the Third Death Star and temporarily heading up New Republic Intelligence. Currently, Karrde's whereabouts are unknown. Official story keeps that he retired in 15 ABY, though rumors of his death (some claim at the hands of Tyy'sun Eson, others at the hands of Draga the Hutt) abound."@en . . . . "Talon Karrde"@it . "Talon Karrde"@es . . . . "250"^^ . . . "*Aliance pa\u0161er\u00E1k\u016F\n*Nov\u00E1 republika"@cs . . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@es . . . . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@es . "Neri"@it . "Talon Karrde"@en . "Talon Karrde byl pa\u0161er\u00E1k a nez\u00E1visl\u00FD informa\u010Dn\u00ED zprost\u0159edkovatel, kter\u00FD ovl\u00E1dal \u010Dern\u00FD trh s informacemi. Svou kari\u00E9ru za\u010Dal ve spole\u010Dnosti Jorje Car'dase, kde se rychle stal jedn\u00EDm z vysoce postaven\u00FDch pobo\u010Dn\u00EDk\u016F Car'dase. Kdy\u017E Jorj v roce 0 P\u0159BY zmizel, Karrde nen\u00E1padn\u011B p\u0159evzal organizaci, aby zabr\u00E1nil boj\u016Fm o moc. V roce 4 PBY po smrti Jabby Desilijica Tiure a rozpadu jeho spole\u010Dnosti se Karrdova organizace stala nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED ze v\u0161ech. V roce 9 PBY byl Talon vta\u017Een do Galaktick\u00E9 ob\u010Dansk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky, kdy\u017E jeho pod\u0159\u00EDzen\u00E1 Mara Jade na\u0161la v hlubok\u00E9m vesm\u00EDru Luka Skywalkera v porouchan\u00E9m X-wingu. Karrde se nejd\u0159\u00EDve rozhodoval, komu Skywalkera prod\u00E1, nakonec mu v\u0161ak pomohl ut\u00E9ct p\u0159ed velkoadmir\u00E1lem Thrawnem, \u010D\u00EDm\u017E si z n\u011Bj ud\u011Blal velmi nebezpe\u010Dn\u00E9ho nep\u0159\u00EDtele."@cs . . . . . "*\n*\n*The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook\n*Heir to the Empire Sourcebook\n*Dark Force Rising Sourcebook\n*The Last Command Sourcebook\n*Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook\n*Cracken's Rebel Operatives\n*The Jedi Academy Sourcebook\n*Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook\n*The New Jedi Order Sourcebook\n*The Essential Guide to Alien Species\n*Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide\n*The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons\n*The Essential Guide to Characters\n*The New Essential Guide to Characters\n*The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels\n*The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels\n*The Essential Chronology\n*The New Essential Chronology\n*The New Essential Guide to Alien Species\n*The New Essential Guide to Droids\n*Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*Secrets of Tatooine\n*\n*\n*Star Wars Finest\n*Star Wars Miniatures: Bounty Hunters\n*\n*Threats of the Galaxy\n*The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide\n*Scum and Villainy\n*The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia\n*Jedi Academy Training Manual\n*\n*\n*The Essential Atlas\n*"@fi . . . "He is also a Smuggler Alliance Leader (and Trainer for Tier 2) located in the Mos Eisley Cantina, see \"Talon Karrde Smuggler Alliance Leader for details on missions to complete."@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "Talon Karrde"@en . "Talon Karrde was released in 2006 with the Bounty Hunters set."@en . "Talon Karrde"@en . . . "He is also a Smuggler Alliance Leader (and Trainer for Tier 2) located in the Mos Eisley Cantina, see \"Talon Karrde Smuggler Alliance Leader for details on missions to complete."@en . . . "Talon Karrde was a famous businessman and dealer, operating the large Karrde's Organization, with influence across a large portion of the galaxy. He would later affiliate himself with the New Republic, aiding them in numerous campaigns, including the destruction of the Third Death Star and temporarily heading up New Republic Intelligence. He later helped rescue refugees on Chandrila during the Chandrilan Insurgency, and developed a deep hatred for Danik Kreldin due to the Chandrilan Massacre. Publicly, the tragedy was blamed on Karrde. After being exonerated, the typically even-keeled Talon went so far as to profess his desire to assassinate Kreldin, something Karrde had never done before. Currently, Karrde's whereabouts are unknown. Official story keeps that he retired in 15 ABY, though rumors of his death (some claim at the hands of Tyy'sun Eson, others at the hands of Draga the Hutt) abound."@en . . . "Twin Attack"@en . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@es . "Bounty Hunters"@en . "Talon Karrde (s. n. 32 BBY) oli salakuljettaja ja tietohakkeri. H\u00E4n aloitti uransa Jorj Car'dasin joukoissa, joissa h\u00E4n kohosi nopeasti yhdeksi Car'dasin luotetuimmista alip\u00E4\u00E4llik\u00F6ist\u00E4. Kun Car'das katosi Yavinin taistelun aikoihin, Karrde otti nopeasti koko j\u00E4rjest\u00F6n valtaansa v\u00E4ltt\u00E4\u00E4kseen sis\u00E4iset kiistat. Silloinen salakuljetusj\u00E4rjest\u00F6 oli jo laaja, mutta Jabba Desilijic Tiuren kuollessa Karrde onnistui ker\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n suurimman siivun ja h\u00E4nen j\u00E4rjest\u00F6st\u00E4\u00E4n tuli kaikista suurin. Karrde piti melko matalaa profiilia, mutta h\u00E4net tunnettiin rehellisen\u00E4 ja kunniallisena miehen\u00E4 alhaisten salakuljettajien keskuudessa."@fi . . . . . . . . . "Medium"@en . "Prima del 31 BBY"@it . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Lord Vader"@en . . . "Ennen 31 BBY"@fi . . . "Mustat"@fi . . . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@en . "1"^^ . . . "Talon Karrde"@cs . . . "\u30BF\u30ED\u30F3\u30FB\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9"@en . . . . . "\u0422\u044D\u043B\u043E\u043D_\u041A\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0434\u0435"@en . "17"^^ . . "*Car'dasit\n*Salakuljettajien liitto\n*Uusi tasavalta\n*Vapaiden allianssien galaktinen liitto\n*Jedikoalitio"@fi . . . . . . "Talon Karrde era un contrabandista y corredor de informaci\u00F3n que dominaba el mercado del bajo mundo sobre informaci\u00F3n. Comenz\u00F3 su carrera en la organizaci\u00F3n de Jorj Car'das, donde r\u00E1pidamente ascendi\u00F3 para convertirse en uno de los tenientes m\u00E1s importantes de Car'das. Cuando Car'das desapareci\u00F3 en el 0 ABY, Karrde r\u00E1pida y silenciosamente se apropi\u00F3 de la organizaci\u00F3n para evitar conflictos internos. La organizaci\u00F3n de contrabando e informaci\u00F3n ya era formidable, y cuando Jabba Desilijic Tiure fue asesinado en el 4 DBY, Karrde pudo recoger la mayor cantidad de restos y guiar a su grupo a la cima del mundo del contrabando. Conocido como un hombre honesto y honorable, Karrde mantuvo un perfil bajo a pesar de su acomodada posici\u00F3n en el bajo mundo. En el 9 DBY, Karrde fue arrastrado a la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica, en la que hab\u00EDa evitado tomar partido, cuando rescat\u00F3 a Luke Skywalker, que estaba atrapado en el espacio profundo, y lo ayud\u00F3 para evitar ser capturado por el l\u00EDder Imperial Gran Almirante Thrawn, aunque solamente despu\u00E9s de haberse visto obligado a hacerlo. Thrawn puso una recompensa sobre Karrde, impuls\u00E1ndolo a vender a la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica la ubicaci\u00F3n de la flota Katana, algo que hab\u00EDa mantenido en secreto desde sus d\u00EDas con Car'das. Karrde despu\u00E9s organiz\u00F3 a la Alianza de Contrabandistas para representar a los contrabandistas ante la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica y ayudar en la batalla contra Thrawn. Cuando Thrawn fue derrotado, Karrde sigui\u00F3 siendo un valioso aliado de Skywalker y los Solos, mas el gobierno de la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica en general no confiaba en \u00E9l debido a su oscuro pasado. En el 19 DBY, Karrde llev\u00F3 a cabo una misi\u00F3n para encontrar a Car'das, cuya retribuci\u00F3n hab\u00EDa temido desde hac\u00EDa mucho tiempo, para buscar una copia del Documento de Caamas y terminar con la crisis pol\u00EDtica que lo rodeaba. Car'das no ten\u00EDa una copia, pero le dio informaci\u00F3n clave para exponer el fraude del supuesto regreso de Thrawn. Como consecuencia del tratado de paz entre la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica y el Remanente Imperial, Karrde convirti\u00F3 a su organizaci\u00F3n en una agencia para compartir informaci\u00F3n para mantener la confianza entre los dos gobiernos. \u00C9l perdi\u00F3 a su valiosa segunda al mando, Mara Jade, cuando ella se cas\u00F3 con Skywalker y se dedic\u00F3 a una vida como Jedi. Cuando los yuuzhan vong invadieron la galaxia seis a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, Karrde revivi\u00F3 a la Alianza de Contrabandistas para combatirlos y, en conjunto con Lando Calrissian y Booster Terrik, ayud\u00F3 al candidato pro-Jedi Cal Omas a ser electo como Jefe de Estado durante la crisis. Cuando los Jedi fueron declarados enemigos de la Federaci\u00F3n Gal\u00E1ctica de Alianzas Libres en el 40 DBY, Karrde puso a su organizaci\u00F3n a su disposici\u00F3n, pues se hab\u00EDa convertido en un aliado incondicional aliado de los Jedi en contraste con su deseo previo de neutralidad."@es . . . . . "*Car'das\n*Smugglers' Alliance\n*New Republic\n*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances\n*Jedi Coalition"@en . "*Rise of the Empire era\n*Rebellion era\n*New Republic era\n*New Jedi Order era\n*Legacy era"@en . . . . "\u010Dlov\u011Bk"@cs . . "Talon Karrde era un contrabandista y corredor de informaci\u00F3n que dominaba el mercado del bajo mundo sobre informaci\u00F3n. Comenz\u00F3 su carrera en la organizaci\u00F3n de Jorj Car'das, donde r\u00E1pidamente ascendi\u00F3 para convertirse en uno de los tenientes m\u00E1s importantes de Car'das. Cuando Car'das desapareci\u00F3 en el 0 ABY, Karrde r\u00E1pida y silenciosamente se apropi\u00F3 de la organizaci\u00F3n para evitar conflictos internos. La organizaci\u00F3n de contrabando e informaci\u00F3n ya era formidable, y cuando Jabba Desilijic Tiure fue asesinado en el 4 DBY, Karrde pudo recoger la mayor cantidad de restos y guiar a su grupo a la cima del mundo del contrabando. Conocido como un hombre honesto y honorable, Karrde mantuvo un perfil bajo a pesar de su acomodada posici\u00F3n en el bajo mundo."@es . . "13"^^ . "sv\u011Btl\u00E1"@cs . . "mu\u017E"@cs . "Talon Karrde"@cs . "Talon Karrde"@fi . . . "1"^^ . . . . "*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio\n*Era de la Rebeli\u00F3n\n*Era de la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica\n*Era de la Nueva Orden Jedi\n*Era del Legado"@es . . . . "Nato qualche tempo prima del 31 BBY in un pianeta da lui sempre tenuto segreto, Karrde fu introdotto nella vita del crimine fin da giovane. Inizi\u00F2 la sua carriera come dipendente di Jorj Car'das, il leader nell'ambito del contrabbando e del traffico di informazioni. L\u00EC, Karrde scal\u00F2 rapidamente i ranghi, guadagnando esperienza sia nel campo del contrabbando che in quello informativo. Nel 6 BBY Karrde serviva come navigatore e operatore dei sensori su una delle navi di Car'das sotto il capitano Hoffner; alla fine oper\u00F2 sotto il suo comando per due anni. Quando una volta si trov\u00F2 si trov\u00F2 inseguito da due incrociatori classe Carrack molto determinati, progett\u00F2 un breve salto alla cieca. Quando usc\u00EC dall'iperspazio, si trov\u00F2 davanti a un incrociatore classe Dreadnaught, e preso dal panico ese"@it . "Talon Karrde"@cs . . . "8"^^ . . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Talon Karrde was a famous businessman and dealer, operating the large Karrde's Organization, with influence across a large portion of the galaxy. He would later affiliate himself with the New Republic, aiding them in numerous campaigns, including the destruction of the Third Death Star and temporarily heading up New Republic Intelligence. He later helped rescue refugees on Chandrila during the Chandrilan Insurgency, and developed a deep hatred for Danik Kreldin due to the Chandrilan Massacre. Publicly, the tragedy was blamed on Karrde. After being exonerated, the typically even-keeled Talon went so far as to profess his desire to assassinate Kreldin, something Karrde had never done before. Currently, Karrde's whereabouts are unknown. Official story keeps that he retired in 15 ABY, though rumors of his death (some claim at the hands of Tyy'sun Eson, others at the hands of Draga the Hutt) abound. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . . . . "GFFA"@en . "1,7 m"@it . "Fair"@en . . . "Talon Karrde"@en . "Talon Karrde"@fi . . . . "Talon Karrde#legends"@en . "*Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds \n*Star Wars: Rebellion\n*Choices of One \n*\n*\n*\n* \n*Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption \n*Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance \n*\n*X-Wing Rogue Squadron 2: The Rebel Opposition, Part 2 \n*\n*X-Wing: The Bacta War\n*\n*Heir to the Empire \n*Heir to the Empire comic adaptation\n*Dark Force Rising\n*Dark Force Rising comic adaptation\n*The Last Command\n*The Last Command comic adaptation\n*X-Wing: Isard's Revenge\n*Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith \n*I, Jedi \n*Jedi Search \n*Dark Apprentice \n*Champions of the Force \n*Simple Tricks \n*Darksaber \n*Shield of Lies \n*The New Rebellion\n*Jade Solitaire\n*Specter of the Past\n*Vision of the Future\n*Star Wars: Union\n*Survivor's Quest\n*The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime \n*The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin \n*The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse\n*The New Jedi Order: Balance Point \n*The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest\n*The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth\n*Emissary of the Void \n*The New Jedi Order: Star by Star \n*The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey \n*The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream \n*The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand \n*The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way\n*The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee \n*The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force\n*Dark Nest III: The Swarm War \n*Legacy of the Force: Betrayal \n*Legacy of the Force: Fury \n*Fate of the Jedi: Outcast\n*Fate of the Jedi: Omen"@en . "Talon Karrde (s. n. 32 BBY) oli salakuljettaja ja tietohakkeri. H\u00E4n aloitti uransa Jorj Car'dasin joukoissa, joissa h\u00E4n kohosi nopeasti yhdeksi Car'dasin luotetuimmista alip\u00E4\u00E4llik\u00F6ist\u00E4. Kun Car'das katosi Yavinin taistelun aikoihin, Karrde otti nopeasti koko j\u00E4rjest\u00F6n valtaansa v\u00E4ltt\u00E4\u00E4kseen sis\u00E4iset kiistat. Silloinen salakuljetusj\u00E4rjest\u00F6 oli jo laaja, mutta Jabba Desilijic Tiuren kuollessa Karrde onnistui ker\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n suurimman siivun ja h\u00E4nen j\u00E4rjest\u00F6st\u00E4\u00E4n tuli kaikista suurin. Karrde piti melko matalaa profiilia, mutta h\u00E4net tunnettiin rehellisen\u00E4 ja kunniallisena miehen\u00E4 alhaisten salakuljettajien keskuudessa. Yhdeks\u00E4n vuotta Yavinin taistelun j\u00E4lkeen Karrde joutui mukaan galaktiseen sis\u00E4llissotaan, jossa h\u00E4n oli siihen asti onnistunut pysyttelem\u00E4\u00E4n puolueettomana. Suuramiraali Thrawn lupasi palkkion Karrdesta, mik\u00E4 sai Karrden kertomaan legendaarisen Katana-laivueen sijainnin Uudelle tasavallalle. Thrawnin kuoleman j\u00E4lkeen Karrde pysyi Luke Skywalkerin, Han Solon ja Leia Organa Solon uskollisena yst\u00E4v\u00E4n\u00E4, vaikka suurin osa Uuden tasavallan hallinnosta piti h\u00E4nt\u00E4 ep\u00E4luotettavana. Kymmenen vuotta my\u00F6hemmin Karrde l\u00E4hti etsim\u00E4\u00E4n Car'dasia, jonka h\u00E4n kuitenkin pelk\u00E4si kantavan kaunaa. H\u00E4n toivoi saavansa Car'dasilta kopion Caamas-dokumentista, joka oli aiheuttanut poliittisen kriisin. Dokumentin sijasta Karrde sai tietoja, jotka auttoivat h\u00E4nt\u00E4 paljastamaan Thrawnina esiintyneen huijarin. Kriisi\u00E4 seuranneen rauhansopimuksen tukemiseksi Karrde muutti j\u00E4rjest\u00F6ns\u00E4 puolueettomaksi tiedonjakajaksi, joka palveli molempia hallituksia tasapuolisesti. Karrde menetti luotetuimman avustajansa, kun Mara Jade meni naimisiin Luke Skywalkerin kanssa. Yuuzhan vongien hy\u00F6k\u00E4tess\u00E4 kuusi vuotta my\u00F6ehemmin Karrde her\u00E4tti Salakuljettajien liiton uudelleen henkiin taistelemaan hy\u00F6kk\u00E4\u00E4ji\u00E4 vastaan ja yhdess\u00E4 Lando Calrissianin ja vanhan yst\u00E4v\u00E4ns\u00E4 Booster Terrikin kanssa auttoi nostamaan jedej\u00E4 tukeneen Cal Omasin valtionp\u00E4\u00E4llik\u00F6ksi. Kun jedit 40 ABY julistettiin valtion vihollisiksi Vapaiden liittojen galaktisen allianssin toimesta, Karrde luovutti j\u00E4rjest\u00F6ns\u00E4 n\u00E4iden k\u00E4ytett\u00E4v\u00E4ksi muututtuaan jedien vakaaksi tukijaksi pidetty\u00E4\u00E4n aiemmin tiukasti kiinni puolueettomuudestaan."@fi . . . . . . . "Prior to 31 BBY"@en . . "Talon Karrde"@cs . "Negro"@es . "*Car'das\n*Alleanza dei Contrabbandieri\n*Federazione Galattica delle Alleanza Libere\n*Coalizione Jedi"@it . . "Azzurri"@it . "Chiara"@it . . . . . . . "Recon"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Era dell'Ascesa dell'Impero\n*Era della Ribellione\n*Era della Nuova Repubblica\n*Era del Nuovo Ordine Jedi\n*Era dell'Eredit\u00E0"@it . "New Republic"@en . . . . . "Talon Karrde"@cs . . . . . "Karrde.jpg"@cs . . . . "24"^^ .