. "Earth Demon Beast"@en . . "Earth Demon Beast (\u5730\u7403\u9B54\u7363, Chiky\u016B Maj\u016B, 43-50): When Demon Beast Daitanix is killed, a piece of its filthy flesh ended up within the Earth itself and slowly evolved into a new monster form, the Earth Demon Beast. The Barban then decides to make it the new host of their castle. However, having just been born, the Earth Demon Beast was not big (though it was still a very large creature) or strong enough, so Destruction King Battobas along with Black Marketeer Biznella attempts to give it the Extreme Growth Extract eventually succeeding with the monster now fully grown but at the cost of both Battobas' and Binzella's lives, despite the Gingamen using their combined Earth Power at the last moment to prevent him from growing. Chapter 49: The Mountain of Miracles"@en . . . . . . "Earth Demon Beast (\u5730\u7403\u9B54\u7363, Chiky\u016B Maj\u016B, 43-50): When Demon Beast Daitanix is killed, a piece of its filthy flesh ended up within the Earth itself and slowly evolved into a new monster form, the Earth Demon Beast. The Barban then decides to make it the new host of their castle. However, having just been born, the Earth Demon Beast was not big (though it was still a very large creature) or strong enough, so Destruction King Battobas along with Black Marketeer Biznella attempts to give it the Extreme Growth Extract eventually succeeding with the monster now fully grown but at the cost of both Battobas' and Binzella's lives, despite the Gingamen using their combined Earth Power at the last moment to prevent him from growing. Chapter 49: The Mountain of Miracles At full size it possessed immense brute strength, could breathe fire, and was able to fire deadly bursts of energy from his claws. The Gingamen realize the only chance they have to destroy it without the chance of creating a new Demon Beast from possible remains, is to incinerate the body with immense fire. During the battle, having attached the castle to it, Captain Zahab confronts Gingaman which increases the Earth Demon Beast's fighting abilities. The Earth Demon Beast puts an excellent fight to which BullTaurus uses up most of it's power to destroy Zahab's castle so Hyuuga could fight Zahab elsewhere and also weaken the Earth Demon Beasts fighting power. After a hard battle, it is killed by a sustained burst of fire from Super Armor Shine Gingaioh's Great Galaxy Flame attack after gaining a power boost from Steel Starbeast GigaPhoenix and Steel Starbeast GigaRhinos allowing the incineration to dissolve the Earth Demon Beast's body completely."@en . . . .