"*sits on Milkbunodon* smilies_heart"@en . "O ^ O *sits*"@en . "ke ke ke ke ke ke~~~"@en . "...and then..."@en . "--05-03"^^ . . "*Farts.*"@en . "*swoops down attempts to steal Milkbunodon's strawberry*"@en . "RRRRRRRRRRWWWWAAAAAWWWWRRRR"@en . "RRWARR rwwwwarr Rwaaa"@en . "smilies_yum_bacon yum_burger yum_hotdog yum_bacon yum_burger yum_hotdog"@en . "*The dragon begins to perform an elaborate wiggle dance.*"@en . "*Completes dance.*"@en . "Ebonscald is tired of seeing his dragon brethren defeated and so prepares a final attack as follows:"@en . "[NPC] Ebonscald"@en . "...and then corpses"@en . "Ebonscald glares at the dragons and roars for them to quiet down."@en . "Rwaaaawwr RWWAAAWWRR RWAAARR RWAAWR"@en . "shi shi shi ~~~"@en . "*The dragon mumbles to itself and looks bored.*"@en . . "Avatar FaywingPocketdrake.png"@en . "*rolls over*"@en . "Avatar Ebonscald.png"@en . "*Mishirisaurus nods at Ebonscald and goes grab a snack first* smilies_yum_strawberry"@en . "Secret Dragon Meeting/transcript"@en . "on nom nom nom~~~ smilies_yum_puddi"@en . "............eeeeeeeeeee"@en . "*Mishirisaurus wants more candy*"@en . "KE KE KE KE KE *swishes tail excitedly*"@en . "*joins the fart party*"@en . . . "\"Zoro - My Body is Ready.gif\""@en . "*burps and smacks hungrily*"@en . . "Avatar Mishirisaurus.png"@en . "ayookookookoo"@en . "RWWWWAAAARRRR RWAR RWAR"@en . "SHI SHI SHI!!!!!"@en . "*Pepperex glares at the other dragons disdainfully.*"@en . "RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR"@en . "hueueuheueuuheheuhehheeueeuuheuheueuhe...................... smilies_emotion_dowant"@en . "brbrbrbrrbrbbrbrbrdddddddd......"@en . "RWWWWAAAAARRR Rwaar"@en . . ""@en . "*Ebonscald summons his dragon brethren to the secret meeting*"@en . "fu fu fu fu fu~"@en . "[NPC] Faywing Pocketdrake"@en . "*shares some news*"@en . "*Pepperex listens in stony silence*"@en . "kee kee ke ke ke ke *chases and eats farts*"@en . "*farts on you all*"@en . "chu!? smile_yum_cupcake"@en . "[NPC] Mishirisaurus"@en . "RRRRRRRRRWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!"@en . "*swats at Ethelos*"@en . "huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeee"@en . "...and finally..."@en . "*gives a smug look*"@en . "chu nchu uchu!!! ~~ !!!!"@en . "kookookoo"@en .