"Bust is a giant Slime that spawns in the southeast corner in the Gate of Alker. Image:Bust.jpg"@en . . "Bust is a giant Slime that spawns in the southeast corner in the Gate of Alker. Image:Bust.jpg"@en . "Bust"@fr . . . "Image:Bust (Status Effect).png Bust est un effet sur le statut nocif qui mets un Corsaire de mauvaise humeur jusqu'\u00E0 ce qu'il se dissipe ou qu'on l'enl\u00E8ve. Les personnages affaibli par le bust b\u00E9n\u00E9ficieront d'un effet de jet fant\u00F4me en moins, et auront un effet n\u00E9gatif bas\u00E9 sur le Jet fant\u00F4me qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 bust (par exemple si ils bust sur Jet du corsaire, ils recevront moins d'exp\u00E9rience plut\u00F4t que plus). Le Corsaire sera toujours capable d'appliquer 2 jets sur les autres joueurs dans l'\u00E9quipe sous l'effet d'un seul Bust, mais sous l'effet de 2 Bust, il sera incapable d'utiliser Jet fant\u00F4me. Les joueurs ayant Corsaire comme job de soutien peuvent avoir seulement un jet fant\u00F4me actif au lieu de deux; de cette mani\u00E8re, effectuer un Bust l'emp\u00EAchera d'utiliser jet fant\u00F4me jusqu'\u00E0 ce que l'effet de bust s'enl\u00E8ve. Seul le Corsaire faisant le jet fant\u00F4me re\u00E7ois l'effet n\u00E9gatif du bust; le reste de l'\u00E9quipe perd juste le jet. Dur\u00E9e: 5 Minutes."@fr . . "As of 2267, Marla McGivers kept a bust of Augustus Caesar in her quarters aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS: \"Space Seed\" ) In 2373, Jake Sisko lied to Weyoun, saying that a bust of Willie Mays appeared at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown yesterday, New York, whereas it did not exist before, along with a baseball card depicting Mays. Jake suggested that Mays was a time traveller from the future. (DS9: \"In the Cards\")"@en . "Image:Bust (Status Effect).png Bust est un effet sur le statut nocif qui mets un Corsaire de mauvaise humeur jusqu'\u00E0 ce qu'il se dissipe ou qu'on l'enl\u00E8ve. Les personnages affaibli par le bust b\u00E9n\u00E9ficieront d'un effet de jet fant\u00F4me en moins, et auront un effet n\u00E9gatif bas\u00E9 sur le Jet fant\u00F4me qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 bust (par exemple si ils bust sur Jet du corsaire, ils recevront moins d'exp\u00E9rience plut\u00F4t que plus). Le Corsaire sera toujours capable d'appliquer 2 jets sur les autres joueurs dans l'\u00E9quipe sous l'effet d'un seul Bust, mais sous l'effet de 2 Bust, il sera incapable d'utiliser Jet fant\u00F4me."@fr . . "Busts are a major part of police missions such as Hot Pursuit and Interceptor. The player must bust a racer by either causing stopping the car or by wrecking the racer. This can be achieved by the player through either ramming, Spike Stripping, blocking or EMPing the target vehicle."@en . . "As of 2267, Marla McGivers kept a bust of Augustus Caesar in her quarters aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS: \"Space Seed\" ) In 2373, Jake Sisko lied to Weyoun, saying that a bust of Willie Mays appeared at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown yesterday, New York, whereas it did not exist before, along with a baseball card depicting Mays. Jake suggested that Mays was a time traveller from the future. (DS9: \"In the Cards\")"@en . . . . . . . "Bust"@en . "Card Sharks (1978-1981/1986-1989)"@en . "Card Sharks (1978-1981/1986-1989)"@en . . "Busts are a major part of police missions such as Hot Pursuit and Interceptor. The player must bust a racer by either causing stopping the car or by wrecking the racer. This can be achieved by the player through either ramming, Spike Stripping, blocking or EMPing the target vehicle. Another method for the player to earn a bust is by bringing the racer to a complete stop. This can be done by parking next to the racer and forcing them to stop or trapping them next to a wall so they cannot move their car. If the player is not within the vicinity of the racer when they come to a halt then the player will not be awarded a bust."@en . . . . . "Bust is a negative status effect in Final Fantasy XI which exclusively afflicts Corsairs. When a Corsair uses his/her Phantom Roll ability and then uses Double-Up one or more times and ends up with a number greater than 11, s/he will receive this status ailment. The status ailment gives a moderate negative effect of the same type that would have been granted should the Corsair have gained a positive relative to the type of roll attempted. The penalty is not given to all of the party, as the bonus would have been, only the Corsair. For example, if the Corsair rolls a bust while doing Chaos Roll, which would normally give him/her an Attack bonus, s/he will receive a penalty to his/her Attack score."@en . "Bust is a negative status effect in Final Fantasy XI which exclusively afflicts Corsairs. When a Corsair uses his/her Phantom Roll ability and then uses Double-Up one or more times and ends up with a number greater than 11, s/he will receive this status ailment. The status ailment gives a moderate negative effect of the same type that would have been granted should the Corsair have gained a positive relative to the type of roll attempted. The penalty is not given to all of the party, as the bonus would have been, only the Corsair. For example, if the Corsair rolls a bust while doing Chaos Roll, which would normally give him/her an Attack bonus, s/he will receive a penalty to his/her Attack score."@en . . . . . . .