"N/A"@en . . . "15"^^ . . "Spiteful Strike"@en . . . . "N/A"@en . "Rare"@en . . ""@en . "N/A"@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "4430"^^ . . "Nuckelavee are fey creatures that are the living embodiment of nature's rage against all who have despoiled her pristine beauty."@en . "5850"^^ . "Nuckelavee Plaguebringer"@en . . "\u90AA\u795E\u306E\u5FE0\u5B9F\u306A\u308B\u756A\u72AC\u3002 \u53E4\u306E\u6642\u4EE3\u3001 \u4E3B\u795E\u306B\u80CC\u304D\u90AA\u795E\u306B\u8912\u8FD4\u3063\u305F\u7F70\u3067\u3001 \u4F53\u4E2D\u306E\u76AE\u819A\u3092\u306F\u304C\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002 \u6DE1\u6C34\u306B\u5F31\u304F\u3001\u6D77\u4E2D\u306B\u3057\u304B\u4F4F\u3081\u306A\u3044\u5F7C\u306F\u3001\u6BCE\u65E5\u5869\u6C34\u306B\u4F53\u3092\u713C\u304B\u308C\u308B\u75DB\u307F\u3092\u5473\u308F\u3063\u3066\u3043\u308B\u3002 Rough Translation: Faithful watchdog of the false god. Aeons ago, in service to his master, he rebelled against the chief god, and was duely punished; the flesh stripped from his body. Unable to live in, and weak to, fresh water, it lives in the sea, savouring the pain that burns the body in salt water, every day."@en . . "70"^^ . . "Nuckelavee"@en . . . "Nuckelavee is monster number 66, part of Series 2. It has a points value of fifteen. The figurine was available in all four Series 2 neon colours. The apearance of the figurine is a good match to traditional folkloric descriptions of the being, a horse with a single eye and a wide mouth, with a skeletal human torso rising from its back, the head hung low and the long arms dragging their hands on the ground."@en . . "N/A"@en . . . "1970"^^ . . . . "Nuckelavee are fey creatures that are the living embodiment of nature's rage against all who have despoiled her pristine beauty."@en . "Darklander"@en . . . "88"^^ . "Nucklave"@en . . "Snowdust Streams"@en . "O"@en . . "Normal"@en . "4430"^^ . "aquatic"@en . "Cold aquatic or coastline"@en . . "539"^^ . . . . "Nuckelavee is monster number 66, part of Series 2. It has a points value of fifteen. The figurine was available in all four Series 2 neon colours. The apearance of the figurine is a good match to traditional folkloric descriptions of the being, a horse with a single eye and a wide mouth, with a skeletal human torso rising from its back, the head hung low and the long arms dragging their hands on the ground."@en . . "N/A"@en . "So what is the Nuckelavee? The Nuckelavee is a monstrous type of fairy found in the folklore of Scotland and the Orkney Islands. It is as far removed from our modern conception of a fairy as possible, and its name is still considered unlucky in some parts of the Scottish Isles. The burning and harvesting of seaweed was said to invoke the Nuckelavee's wrath even more than usual. In retribution the evil fairy would inflict the islands' horses with a deadly disease known as mortasheen."@en . . . "Nuckelavee Plaguebringer II"@en . "Karummm!"@en . . . "Nuckelavee"@es . . "Nuckelavee"@en . . "3630"^^ . "y"@en . . "So what is the Nuckelavee? The Nuckelavee is a monstrous type of fairy found in the folklore of Scotland and the Orkney Islands. It is as far removed from our modern conception of a fairy as possible, and its name is still considered unlucky in some parts of the Scottish Isles. A horrific demon of the seas, Nuckelavee was a godlike horror that was intangible and invisible while in the sea, taking corporeal form only once it reached land. The form it took was akin to a living nightmare and was described as either a horse, a man, or a fusion of both. In both forms the fairy was skinless, with pulsating veins and muscles exposed. Nuckelavee was gigantic in size, yet its features were grotesquely mismatched with a head so horribly large, it would roll to one side. Its arms were so long they'd drag along the ground. In addition, Nuckelavee's hands were monstrously huge: often it would have only a single Cyclops-like eye on its head. The horse's legs were said to be akin to flippers. Further horror came from Nuckelavee's gaping mouth, which was filled with rotting fangs and a supernaturally putrid breath that could strike living beings dead or infect them with disease. The creature spread all manner of catastrophe to mankind and was said to be responsible for plague, famine, drought and more. According to legend the Nuckelavee's power was only rivaled by its undying hatred of humanity. The burning and harvesting of seaweed was said to invoke the Nuckelavee's wrath even more than usual. In retribution the evil fairy would inflict the islands' horses with a deadly disease known as mortasheen. Only two possible ways existed to stop the Nuckelavee: the fairy's inability to cross freshwater and the intervention of a benevolent spirit known as the \"Sea Mother\" who held the power to undo Nuckelavee's curses and drive the demon back to the depths (she was presumably a powerful fairy or angel, perhaps even an aspect of some ancient goddess)."@en . "2400"^^ . "Nuckel"@en . . "Fey"@en . . "Rare"@en . "The Nuckelavee is quite gruesome. Somewhat resembling a centaur the Nuckelavee sports a thin body protruding from the middle of an equine torso. It has a large round head that lolls on a thin neck, and it's empty eye sockets are filled with flames. It's mouth is wide and gaping with a long black tongue and a forest of sharp teeth to complement the talons on its hands. The Nuckelavee has no skin or hair. Black blood pulses in its yellow veins, which can be seen in the exposed muscles. It is said that the creature's breath could kill plants and sicken livestock."@en . . "Las islas brit\u00E1nicas son famosas por su gran colecci\u00F3n de seres relacionados con las hadas. Desde los pixies hasta los redcaps y los ahora famosos boggarts; hay pues, pocos seres fe\u00E9ricos que puedan resultar aterradores al lector moderno. Las hadas han sido convertidas a lo largo de cientos de a\u00F1os en seres peque\u00F1os e inofensivos; ya que casi siempre se les describe como peque\u00F1as mujeres con alas de insecto que viven en el bosque y si bien no son da\u00F1inas, tampoco son ben\u00E9ficas al ser humano en la mayor\u00EDa de los casos. \u00BFQu\u00E9 se supon\u00EDa que har\u00EDa? As\u00ED que Tammie se dijo a s\u00ED mismo:"@es . "Nuckelavee is a monstrous type of fairy found in the folklore of Scotland and the Orkney Islands, it is as far removed from our modern conception of a fairy as possible and its name is still considered unlucky in some parts of the Scottish Isles. The burning and harvesting of seaweed was said to invoke the Nuckelavee's wrath even more than usual and in retribution the evil fairy would inflict the islands' horses with a deadly disease known as mortasheen."@en . . "1"^^ . . . "66"^^ . "2600"^^ . "1970"^^ . "250"^^ . "Nuckelavee II"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . "9"^^ . "Las islas brit\u00E1nicas son famosas por su gran colecci\u00F3n de seres relacionados con las hadas. Desde los pixies hasta los redcaps y los ahora famosos boggarts; hay pues, pocos seres fe\u00E9ricos que puedan resultar aterradores al lector moderno. Las hadas han sido convertidas a lo largo de cientos de a\u00F1os en seres peque\u00F1os e inofensivos; ya que casi siempre se les describe como peque\u00F1as mujeres con alas de insecto que viven en el bosque y si bien no son da\u00F1inas, tampoco son ben\u00E9ficas al ser humano en la mayor\u00EDa de los casos. Sin embargo, una en particular rompe el estereotipo del hada fant\u00E1stica es el Nuckelavee. El Nuckelavee (o Nuckalavee) es un ser del folklore Orcadiano; y su nombre original \"knoggelvi\" se deriva del \"Nokk\" o el kelpie, y est\u00E1 relacionado al Nykur de Islandia. Se le considera el m\u00E1s horrible de los elfos y duendes escoceses, vive primariamente en el oc\u00E9ano y es responsable de cosechas arruinadas, epidemias y sequ\u00EDas. Es temido a\u00FAn en tiempos modernos y muy pocas personas nativas de Escocia se atreven a contar sobre \u00E9l; ya que a diferencia de otros seres con caracter\u00EDsticas duales en la mitolog\u00EDa; el Nuckelavee es una criatura de maldad pura cuyo \u00FAnico prop\u00F3sito es plagar a los isle\u00F1os hasta el cansancio. Y de acuerdo a la tradici\u00F3n, la \u00FAnica cosa que lo detiene es el poder de la Mither o the Sea, una entidad oce\u00E1nica opuesta al Nuckelavee. La Mither o the Sea mantiene aterrado al Nuckelavee en verano, mientras que a su vez el monstruo la hace esconderse durante el invierno. Y es durante estos meses finales del a\u00F1o, que es visto por los isle\u00F1os; montando un corcel tan aterrador como \u00E9l mismo. El Nuckelavee asemeja vagamente a un centauro, cuyas patas terminan en aletas; tiene una gigantesca boca y un gran ojo que arde como una llamarada roja. Algunas fuentes lo describen como poseedor de una cabeza de caballo y un torso y cabeza humanos que salen de su espalda. Es un ser sin piel; con sangre negra que corre por sus venas amarillentas, mientras que los tendones y sus poderosos m\u00FAsculos son visibles como masas temblorosas. Otros dicen que es tan solo una cabeza que se sostiene con dos brazos peque\u00F1os. Se sabe que el Nuckelavee es el causante de m\u00FAltiples desastres en Orkney: \"Si las cosechas se da\u00F1an por el viento del mar o el moho, si el ganado se cae sobre las rocas que bordean las costas, o si una epidemia ataca a los hombres o a los animales; el Nuckelavee es la causa. Su aliento es veneno, cayendo como una infecci\u00F3n sobre los vegetales y como una mortal enfermedad en la vida animal. La \u00FAnica cosa que puede herirlo es el quemar algas, lo cual se supone ocasiona una terrible ofensa para el Nuckelavee. El ser no soporta el olor del humo, conduci\u00E9ndolo a una feroz y diab\u00F3lica ira. En este estado, ventila su furia al atacar a todos los caballos en la isla de Stronsay con una plaga terrible conocida como \"Mortasheen\". Una vez propagado, el Mortasheen se diseminar\u00E1 sobre las islas donde se quemaron las algas; y as\u00ED se completar\u00E1 la terrible venganza del Nuckelavee. El experto en folklore, Walter Trail Dennison, que vivi\u00F3 en Sanday en el siglo XIX, tiene el \u00FAnico registro de un encuentro con el Nuckelavee: \"Tammas, al igual que su hom\u00F3nimo Tam o'Shanter, estaba fuera a altas horas de la noche. Era una noche llena de estrellas, a pesar de que no hab\u00EDa luna en el cielo. El camino de Tammas se hallaba cerca de la costa, y pues, mientras caminaba por un costado de un camino entre el oc\u00E9ano y un profundo loch de agua dulce; vio un gran objeto frente a \u00E9l, que avanzaba hacia su direcci\u00F3n. \u00BFQu\u00E9 se supon\u00EDa que har\u00EDa? Estaba seguro que lo que ven\u00EDa hacia \u00E9l no era una cosa terrenal. No pod\u00EDa salir de su camino, y sabia que darle la espalda a esta monstruosidad maligna; seg\u00FAn hab\u00EDa o\u00EDdo, era lo peor que pod\u00EDa hacer. As\u00ED que Tammie se dijo a s\u00ED mismo: El Se\u00F1or est\u00E1 sobre m\u00ED, y cuidar\u00E1 de m\u00ED, y me proteger\u00E1 de cualquier intento maligno en esta noche. Tammie siempre fue un poco brusco e ignorante. As\u00ED que determin\u00F3, que la mejor soluci\u00F3n era encarar a su enemigo; y as\u00ED camin\u00F3 de forma resoluta y lenta hacia adelante. De pronto descubri\u00F3 que la grotesca criatura acerc\u00E1ndose a \u00E9l era nadam\u00E1s que el temible Nuckelavee - la m\u00E1s cruel y maligna bestia enemiga de la humanidad. La parte inferior de este terrible monstruo, seg\u00FAn Tammie; era la de un gran caballo con aletas en las piernas y una boca tan ancha como la de una ballena; de la cual pod\u00EDa exhalar un vapor ardiente como el de una tetera hirviendo. Ten\u00EDa solo un ojo, rojo como el fuego. En \u00E9l se sentaba, o m\u00E1s bien crec\u00EDa de su espalda; un gigantesco hombre sin piernas y con brazos que llegaban al suelo. Su cabeza era enorme y se tambaleaba sobre sus hombros como si se fuera a caer. Lo que fue m\u00E1s horrible seg\u00FAn Tammie, fue que el monstruo no ten\u00EDa piel; y toda su superficie solo mostraba carne roja y cruda; Tammie vio sangre negra como la brea corriendo por venas amarillas y tendones blancos, gruesos como piernas de un caballo; torci\u00E9ndose, alarg\u00E1ndose y contray\u00E9ndose conforme el monstruo se mov\u00EDa. Tammie camin\u00F3 envuelto en terror mortal, con el cabello de punta y una sensaci\u00F3n como una pel\u00EDcula de hielo entre su cuero y cr\u00E1neo, con sudor helado saliendo de cada uno de sus poros. Sab\u00EDa que era in\u00FAtil escapar, y si deb\u00EDa morir; quer\u00EDa ver cara a cara a su asesino. Aterrorizado, Tammie record\u00F3 haber escuchado sobre que el Nuckelavee odiaba el agua fresca; as\u00ED que se acerc\u00F3 al lado del camino m\u00E1s cercano al loch. Y fue ah\u00ED que la cabeza inferior de la bestia vio a Tammie. La boca del monstruo se abri\u00F3 como un foso sin fondo. Tammie sinti\u00F3 su aliento caliente como fuego en el rostro, los brazos largos se extendieron para capturar al infeliz hombre. Para intentar evitar el agarre del monstruo, Tammie se acerc\u00F3 lo m\u00E1s que pudo al loch; tanto que al tocar el agua, sus pies salpicaron algo de agua en la pata delantera del monstruo; donde la parte de caballo de la bestia resopl\u00F3 como un trueno y corri\u00F3 al otro lado del camino. Tammie sinti\u00F3 el viento producido por los brazos del Nuckelavee, apenas escapando del agarre del monstruo. As\u00ED vio su oportunidad y corri\u00F3 con toda su fuerza; aunque fue in\u00FAtil, pues el Nuckelavee gir\u00F3 y galop\u00F3 tras \u00E9l; resoplando con un sonido como el rugir del mar. Frente a Tammie se encontraba un r\u00EDo por el cual el agua en exceso del loch sal\u00EDa al mar; y Tammie supo que si lograba cruzar el riachuelo, estaba seguro. La bestia intent\u00F3 sujetarlo de nuevo, y esta vez Tammie salt\u00F3 con toda su fuerza para alcanzar el otro lado; dejando solo su gorro en las manos del monstruo. El Nuckelavee solt\u00F3 un grito desgarrador de furia mientras Tammie ca\u00EDa inconsciente al otro lado del agua. Categor\u00EDa:Bestiario Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . "\u90AA\u795E\u306E\u5FE0\u5B9F\u306A\u308B\u756A\u72AC\u3002 \u53E4\u306E\u6642\u4EE3\u3001 \u4E3B\u795E\u306B\u80CC\u304D\u90AA\u795E\u306B\u8912\u8FD4\u3063\u305F\u7F70\u3067\u3001 \u4F53\u4E2D\u306E\u76AE\u819A\u3092\u306F\u304C\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002 \u6DE1\u6C34\u306B\u5F31\u304F\u3001\u6D77\u4E2D\u306B\u3057\u304B\u4F4F\u3081\u306A\u3044\u5F7C\u306F\u3001\u6BCE\u65E5\u5869\u6C34\u306B\u4F53\u3092\u713C\u304B\u308C\u308B\u75DB\u307F\u3092\u5473\u308F\u3063\u3066\u3043\u308B\u3002 Rough Translation: Faithful watchdog of the false god. Aeons ago, in service to his master, he rebelled against the chief god, and was duely punished; the flesh stripped from his body. Unable to live in, and weak to, fresh water, it lives in the sea, savouring the pain that burns the body in salt water, every day."@en . "5400"^^ . "Nuckelavee is a monstrous type of fairy found in the folklore of Scotland and the Orkney Islands, it is as far removed from our modern conception of a fairy as possible and its name is still considered unlucky in some parts of the Scottish Isles. A horrific demon of the seas, Nuckelavee was a godlike horror that was intangible and invisible while in the sea - taking corporeal form only once it reached land: the form it took was akin to a living nightmare and was described as either a horse, a man or a fusion of both - in both forms the fairy was skinless, with pulsating veins and muscles exposed. Nuckelavee was gigantic in size yet its features were grotesquely mismatched - with a head so horribly large it would roll to one side and its arms were so long they'd drag along the ground, in addition Nuckelavee's hands were monstrously huge: often it would have only a single Cyclops-like eye on its head and the horse's legs were said to be akin to flippers. Further horror came from Nuckelavee's gaping mouth, filled with rotting fangs and a supernaturally putrid breath that could strike living beings dead or infect them with disease - the creature spread all manner of catastrophe to mankind and was said to be responsible for plague, famine, drought and more: according to legend the Nuckelavee's power was only rivalled by its undying hatred of humanity. The burning and harvesting of seaweed was said to invoke the Nuckelavee's wrath even more than usual and in retribution the evil fairy would inflict the islands' horses with a deadly disease known as mortasheen. Only two possible ways existed to stop the Nuckelavee - the fairy's inability to cross freshwater and the intervention of a benevolent spirit known as the \"Sea Mother\" - who held the power to undo Nuckelavee's curses and drive the demon back to the depths (she was presumably a powerful fairy or angel, perhaps even an aspect of some ancient goddess)."@en . . . . . . "7390"^^ . "Nuckelavee"@en . . "Nuckelavee"@en . "The Nuckelavee is quite gruesome. Somewhat resembling a centaur the Nuckelavee sports a thin body protruding from the middle of an equine torso. It has a large round head that lolls on a thin neck, and it's empty eye sockets are filled with flames. It's mouth is wide and gaping with a long black tongue and a forest of sharp teeth to complement the talons on its hands. The Nuckelavee has no skin or hair. Black blood pulses in its yellow veins, which can be seen in the exposed muscles. It is said that the creature's breath could kill plants and sicken livestock."@en . . "1610"^^ .