"NAME: Captain Leon REASON FOR ARREST: Attempting to take over EITC IF SEEN: Kill on sight, or bring to King John Breasly or Lord Samuel Redbeard Captain Leon is wanted for arsenal, conspiracy, attempt at over throwing, false accusation, rebellion, and many more crimes. he must pay for his crimes under command of the King of England and Head of the East India Trading Company. Captain Leon, for committing crimes against the crown and empire, and against the EITC. Such crimes being: Arsenal, stealing, false accusation, conspiracy, rebellion, impersonating a leader of the EITC, and many more. Your crimes are numerous in quantity, and foul in nature. You are sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul."@en . "UNDESIRABLE NO. 1"@en . . . . . . "NAME: Captain Leon REASON FOR ARREST: Attempting to take over EITC IF SEEN: Kill on sight, or bring to King John Breasly or Lord Samuel Redbeard Captain Leon is wanted for arsenal, conspiracy, attempt at over throwing, false accusation, rebellion, and many more crimes. he must pay for his crimes under command of the King of England and Head of the East India Trading Company. Captain Leon, for committing crimes against the crown and empire, and against the EITC. Such crimes being: Arsenal, stealing, false accusation, conspiracy, rebellion, impersonating a leader of the EITC, and many more. Your crimes are numerous in quantity, and foul in nature. You are sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul. Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company 19:08, February 12, 2011 (UTC) King John Breasly of the British Empire \uFEFF"@en . .