. "Carmine Infantino"@en . . "Cary Bates"@en . . . "Mort Weisinger"@en . "E. Nelson Bridwell"@en . "169"^^ . "George Klein"@en . . "World's Finest Vol 1 169"@en . . . . . . "1967"^^ . "Curt Swan"@en . "While on a patrol over Gotham City, Supergirl witnesses a large hand formed out of gas trying to grab her. As she fights it off, she is soon joined by Batgirl and the two end up being captured by the gaseous hand. However the two manage to get free and decide that they make a great team. Later as a televised broadcast where a time capsule dedicated to Superman and Batman is being buried, the two heroes become jealous of their male counterparts success as heroes and both decide to make everyone adore them instead.\n\nLater in Metropolis, when Superman botches placing a corner stone into a building, Supergirl swoops in to stop it from toppling on the people. While in Gotham City, when a crook grabs Robin during a fight, Batman suddenly becomes a coward and Batgirl comes to Robin's rescue. Superman, Batman and Robin later meet in the Batcave to air their suspicions of the girls intentions.\n\nThe next day, coming back from a patrol, Batman and Robin are shocked to find that the entire contents of the Batcave have been stolen, while in the Arctic, Superman arrives just in time to see Supergirl making off with his Fortress of Solitude. Trying to stop her, Superman suddenly finds his powers fail, and he is soon picked up by Batman and Robin who arrive in the Batplane, they then give the power-less hero a lift back to Metropolis. The next day while busting up a hideout for criminals, Batgirl manages to take Robin and the Batplane while Batman is busy tying up the crooks.\n\nSpeeding to Metropolis in the Batmoble, Batman finds Superman who still dosen't have his powers. Batman inspects himself and also finds that his secret identity has also changed as his face is no longer that of Bruce Wayne. Soon the Batmobile crashes and soon the two heroes are openly mocked by Supergirl and Batgirl as they struggle to change the Batmobile's flat tire.\n\nRestoring Superman's powers, Supergirl challenges him to a duel in space. During the fight Supergirl hurls a meteor at Superman that Superman's X-Ray vision reveals to have Kryptonite inside. Defeating \"Supergirl\", Superman pulls off a mask revealing his opponent to be Black Flame from the bottle city of Kandor. Meanwhile, Batman battles who he thinks is Batgirl until he defeats her and unmasks her to reveal that \"Batgirl\" is really Catwoman in disguise. Defeated the crooks explain how they pulled off their latest exploit and take them to where they have the real Batgirl and Supergirl hostage.\n\nAs they do so, they are suddenly destroyed, and it turns out that they were really decoys and the real Supergirl and Batgirl arrive.\n\nThey explain that the whole thing was a plot to trick Superman and Batman from trapping themselves into another dimension. With the plot revealed \"Catwoman\" and \"Black Flame\" are revealed to really be Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk, who were betting to see if they could trick the heroes into trapping themselves. As Batmite as the winner, he tricks Mxyzptlk into saying his name backwards and restores everything to normal before returning to his own dimension."@en . "Mort Weisinger"@en . . "Curt Swan"@en . . "DC Comics"@en . . "USA"@en . "September"@en . . . "The Supergirl-Batgirl Plot"@en . "George Klein"@en . "* \"The Supergirl-Batgirl Plot\" is reprinted in Showcase Presents: Batgirl, Volume 1.\n\n* Issue includes an Editor's round table reprinted from ."@en . "Featured Characters:\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \nSupporting Characters:\n* \n* \nAdversaries:\n* \"Black Flame\"\n* \"Catwoman\"\nOther Characters:\n*\nLocations:\n* \n:*\n* \n* \n:*\n\nItems:\n* \n\nVehicles:\n* \n*"@en . "Curt Swan"@en . "1"^^ . . "Cary Bates"@en . . . "World's Finest"@en . "George Klein"@en . "E. Nelson Bridwell"@en . . . . . . .