. . . "El ciento cincuenta y ocho (158) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 157 y precede al 159. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . . "The number 158 can refer to: \n* Puzzle From A to D from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future \n* Puzzle Touch Stone from Professor Layton and the Last Specter \n* Puzzle A Puzzling Pyramid 3 from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy"@en . "[[Plik:Niemcewicza (autobus 158).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 158 na ul. Niemcewicza]] 158 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z Witolina do Centrum Handlowego Reduta. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje zajezdnia autobusowa OstrobramskaKategoria:Linie obs\u0142ugiwane przez Zajezdni\u0119 Ostrobramska."@pl . "#158 is the one-hundred fifty-eighth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . "Dr. Reeves examines Elizabeth, who says she feels too weak to move. She doesn't want to be sick now. Reeves admits to Roger that he's never run up against a case like this one. There's nothing physically wrong with Elizabeth. Dr. Reeves needs to move her to Boston to do further testing. Roger points out that although he approves, Elizabeth will require a stick of dynamite to be dislodged from Collinwood. Dr. Reeves advises the utmost urgency. Roger tries to lure Carolyn and Victoria into helping Elizabeth; they agree. It occurs to Carolyn that Elizabeth's absence will greatly ease Roger's divorce and David's custody. Elizabeth awakens with a start. Roger comes in and tells her Dr. Reeves wants her moved to Boston. Elizabeth freaks out and demands to speak with Carolyn, who backs up the doctor's and Roger's advice. Elizabeth implores Carolyn, as her heir and protector, not to allow them to take her away. Carolyn says that she can't rest easy until she knows what's making Elizabeth ill, and Liz finally agrees to go -- as long as Carolyn is in charge at home. She wants no decisions to be made until her return. Elizabeth worries that Carolyn will be prevented (with a glance askance to Roger) from contacting her in the event of a too-important decision. Elizabeth becomes hysterical and throws a fit, demanding her lawyer. Elizabeth tells a placating Roger she's going to prevent him from sending her to the hospital. Finally, she calls for Victoria, whom she implores to protect David from Laura. She is to be doubly responsible for David while Elizabeth is gone. Elizabeth also wants Victoria to prevent David from seeing Laura, and gets upset when Victoria asks how to handle Roger. After Victoria leaves, Laura appears to Elizabeth, demanding she be allowed to see her son. Elizabeth's attempts to remember what possessed her anger Laura. Laura places her into limbo, where time stops for Elizabeth. Carolyn tells Roger it's not right to go against Elizabeth's wishes. Roger points out that she needs the rest and attention only the hospital can provide. Laura startles everybody with her appearance. Laura 'learns' of Elizabeth's plight and offers condolences, which are rebuffed by Carolyn. Carolyn believes Laura's plans are expedited. Roger tells Laura that Elizabeth is adamant about her not getting David. Laura hints that if Roger wants her to have David\u2026, but Roger stops her by stating that he doesn't want to upset Elizabeth in her condition. He also thinks Carolyn might keep Elizabeth around to spite Laura. Laura doesn't know why Carolyn would do that, so Roger sheds light on Burke and Carolyn\u2019s flirtatious adventures prior to Laura's arrival. Laura says she wants only David, not Burke, and won't be stopped by Elizabeth. Roger says as long as Elizabeth can speak, she can give orders, wherever she is. Laura says Elizabeth speaking might not be a problem. Carolyn screams, and Victoria and Roger rush upstairs, where they find Elizabeth has gone catatonic. Alone, Laura gloats."@en . . "List Number 158"@en . . . . . "DStitle.jpg"@en . "155"^^ . "Bazookara"@en . "1967-02-01"^^ . ""@en . "Dr. Reeves examines Elizabeth, who says she feels too weak to move. She doesn't want to be sick now. Reeves admits to Roger that he's never run up against a case like this one. There's nothing physically wrong with Elizabeth. Dr. Reeves needs to move her to Boston to do further testing. Roger points out that although he approves, Elizabeth will require a stick of dynamite to be dislodged from Collinwood. Dr. Reeves advises the utmost urgency. Roger tries to lure Carolyn and Victoria into helping Elizabeth; they agree. It occurs to Carolyn that Elizabeth's absence will greatly ease Roger's divorce and David's custody."@en . "158"@de . . . . "[[Plik:Niemcewicza (autobus 158).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 158 na ul. Niemcewicza]] 158 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z Witolina do Centrum Handlowego Reduta. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje zajezdnia autobusowa OstrobramskaKategoria:Linie obs\u0142ugiwane przez Zajezdni\u0119 Ostrobramska."@pl . "158"^^ . . . "A Puzzling Pyramid 3"@en . . "1967"^^ . "Number 158 was an item on The List"@en . "158"@pl . . . . . . . "From A to D"@en . . . ""@en . . . "El ciento cincuenta y ocho (158) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 157 y precede al 159. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "158"^^ . . "Diana l\u00E4sst sich auf Oliver Kuss ein und ger\u00E4t gegen\u00FCber Annette ins Schw\u00E4rmen. Dianas Stimmung wird jedoch getr\u00FCbt, als sie erf\u00E4hrt, dass sie ein \u00E4rztliches Attest abliefern soll, um die Ger\u00FCchte um die Herzmuskelentz\u00FCndung zu widerlegen. Im Krankenhaus ist Diana \u00FCberrascht, als sie auf Oliver trifft, der dort als Assistenzarzt arbeitet. Leider stellt Oliver fest, dass Diana einen gesundheitlichen R\u00FCckfall hat. Jenny ist durch den vorgezogenen Qualifikationslauf verunsichert, doch Julian und Simone reden ihr gut zu. Tats\u00E4chlich l\u00E4uft Jenny eine sensationelle K\u00FCr, die auch Frau Baisch \u00FCberzeugt. Jennys Gl\u00FCck ist perfekt, als sie erf\u00E4hrt, dass Diana einen R\u00FCckfall hat und sie Dianas Platz bekommt, wenn Diana nicht bald wieder fit ist. Schweren Herzens entscheidet sich Julian, die Preise f\u00FCr"@de . . . . . "#158 is the one-hundred fifty-eighth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . . "158"@en . "1967-01-25"^^ . "Made Randy steak electronics and got caught"@en . . "157"^^ . . "Incomplete"@en . . "Diana l\u00E4sst sich auf Oliver Kuss ein und ger\u00E4t gegen\u00FCber Annette ins Schw\u00E4rmen. Dianas Stimmung wird jedoch getr\u00FCbt, als sie erf\u00E4hrt, dass sie ein \u00E4rztliches Attest abliefern soll, um die Ger\u00FCchte um die Herzmuskelentz\u00FCndung zu widerlegen. Im Krankenhaus ist Diana \u00FCberrascht, als sie auf Oliver trifft, der dort als Assistenzarzt arbeitet. Leider stellt Oliver fest, dass Diana einen gesundheitlichen R\u00FCckfall hat. Jenny ist durch den vorgezogenen Qualifikationslauf verunsichert, doch Julian und Simone reden ihr gut zu. Tats\u00E4chlich l\u00E4uft Jenny eine sensationelle K\u00FCr, die auch Frau Baisch \u00FCberzeugt. Jennys Gl\u00FCck ist perfekt, als sie erf\u00E4hrt, dass Diana einen R\u00FCckfall hat und sie Dianas Platz bekommt, wenn Diana nicht bald wieder fit ist. Schweren Herzens entscheidet sich Julian, die Preise f\u00FCr die Powersnack-Herstellung zu dr\u00FCcken, was f\u00FCr Kremers Firma das Todesurteil bedeutet. Erwin Kremer ist zutiefst entt\u00E4uscht, aber Julian verspricht ihm Hilfe und bietet ihm einen Job an. Doch Erwin Kremer geht es nicht um einen guten Posten, ihm geht es um den Erhalt seines Familienunternehmens! Erneut appelliert er an Julians Ehrenwort."@de . "158"@ko . "158"@ko . "Number 158 was an item on The List"@en . . . . . "158"@ko . . "Touch Stone"@en . "The number 158 can refer to: \n* Puzzle From A to D from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future \n* Puzzle Touch Stone from Professor Layton and the Last Specter \n* Puzzle A Puzzling Pyramid 3 from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy"@en . "8"^^ . "159"^^ . . "158"^^ . "158"@es . . . "red"@en . "4"^^ .