. . . "V\u00EDtor de Bourg"@en . . . . . . . . . "V\u00EDtor de Bourg is a micronationalist, head of the Andorran Dinasty and Prince of Efat\u00E9\u00B4s Canton, of the Free Community of Pasargada. He was initiated in micronationalism in 2000 as an industrious politician of R\u00E9union. Initially affiliated to Imperial Dinasty Party, later he has joined legendary Democratic Humanist Union (UNIDA), being elected his president. UNIDA was the experiment and seed for future Free Community's ideas and proposals. In April 2001, V\u00EDtor and seven companions from UNIDA decided to start a new micronation, Free Community of Pasargada. Besides founder of Pasargada, he is also creator of Efat\u00E9\u00B4s Canton, the first Pasargadan division to be cultivated in monarchical regimen and style, intended to absorb a french atmosphere. Much years later, in the very beginning of Pasargadan risorgimento, in 2008, he was acclaimed Prince of Efat\u00E9, title in which he remains until today. Throughout his career, he has ascended to first-class diplomat of Pasargada, working almost always as Vice-Chancellor for Francophone Affaris, thanks to his fluency in French language. As journalist, he was responsible for second most ancient Pasargadan newspaper, \"frenchly\" called Le Chemin. In August 2002, in face of political critical dissent at Pasargada, he and a dozen fellow citizens resigned their offices and moved on to launch another micronational project, Andorra Imperial, a respectful well-organized small-to-average size lusophone micronation, know to be first \"daughter\"-nationette of the Free Community. Since August 18, 2005, His Imperial Highness is married with Her Imperial Highness Ta\u00EDs Hohenstaufen de Bourg Oldenberg, Princess of El Serrat, of Andorra. In Andorra, he has become second-in-command with the title of Prince Heir. Moreover, he has escalated to the high offices of Senate\u00B4s Speaker and Imperial Chancellor. With Jos\u00E9 Luiz Borr\u00E1s retirement (later reverted) in 2007, he was saluted Emperor of Andorra. Neverthess, months later entire project of Andorra would sink into inactivity and was finally and officially dismantled, by V\u00EDtor himself, in August 12, 2007 (Act of Dissolution). After a short period as citizen of German Empire, a modest micronation in lusophone sector, founder of Pasargada bounced back to his motherland, in April 2008. One month after his return, Efatans decided unanimously to restore monarchy and acclaimed him new Prince Regent of Efat\u00E9. Politically, he has remained active in Federalist Alliance re-established, from February 2008 on. He was appointed by Premier Felipe Aron (AFP) for top position Deputy Prime Minister, which he exerted to the end of mandate, in June 2009. After 3 years away of micronationalism, he was invited to join in a new micronation, called as United Provinces of Mauricia . Since July 4, 2013, Vitor de Bourg is part of this new lusophone project and helped to write the Mauricia Constitution. On July 25, 2013, he was designated as Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Stadhouder (Head of State) Lucas."@en . . . . "V\u00EDtor de Bourg is a micronationalist, head of the Andorran Dinasty and Prince of Efat\u00E9\u00B4s Canton, of the Free Community of Pasargada. He was initiated in micronationalism in 2000 as an industrious politician of R\u00E9union. Initially affiliated to Imperial Dinasty Party, later he has joined legendary Democratic Humanist Union (UNIDA), being elected his president. UNIDA was the experiment and seed for future Free Community's ideas and proposals. In April 2001, V\u00EDtor and seven companions from UNIDA decided to start a new micronation, Free Community of Pasargada."@en .