. . . . "The crown's special ability allows the user to gain stat boosts when they are equipped with an instrument. The crown is a good support job in battle, since the crown's first three abilities buff up the party's overall stats by 50%. These abilities are highly useful in the earlier stages of the game, since spells like Protect and Berserk do not become available until the later stages. Those using the crown should focus on buffing the party instead of attacking, since the crown only gives stat bonus in the magic category and harps make poor striking weapons. The Bard crown has no actual proficiency with both kinds of magic, so the player should only equip Bards with Level One spells. The crown eventually loses its worth in the later stages when Lux becomes available to the player. The job's special armor, Poet Tunic, provides a 10% boost to the user's Spirit and Intellect stats."@en . . . . . . . . . "Bard (The 4 Heroes of Light)"@en . . . "The crown's special ability allows the user to gain stat boosts when they are equipped with an instrument. The crown is a good support job in battle, since the crown's first three abilities buff up the party's overall stats by 50%. These abilities are highly useful in the earlier stages of the game, since spells like Protect and Berserk do not become available until the later stages."@en . . .