. . "Echo Luna Vald\u00EDs"@en . . "*Tra'tal Alor'uss\n*Moribundas majordomo\n*Apotheosis Corporation CEO\n*[[starwars:Nar Shaddaa"@en . "Dusty brown with tattoos"@en . "Left hand and forearm"@en . "*Sihivus Verne\n*Lady Ciera"@en . "[[starwars:Vahla"@en . . . . "*[[starwars:Ember of Vahl"@en . "Black, but often dyed"@en . "Echo was trouble from the word go, and rebellion for attention or protest was her primary motivation from a very young age. Echo's father was an alcoholic con man who seized every upheaval with enthusiasm and no regard for the stability of his children, believing every relocation to be a beneficial new opportunity for his scams. Echo's mother was a petty thief and dedicated Ember of Vahl cultist who often took to abusing her children in the name of their goddess, Vahl. Echo was trained in destructive Force use, thievery, and other criminal activities from a very young age. She proved to be extremely gifted with pyrokinesis, but did not enjoy her training in darker Force powers. She was, however, fond of her historical studies; obsessing over influential galactic females such as crime lord Sihivus Verne and Death Watch Overlord Shiva Vayne. Her family life was rocky, and Echo later credited surviving her childhood to her brothers. The youngest of three children, having a one brother five years her senior and another fifteen years older, Echo was protected for a time by her oldest brother Tyrion, who was born with very rare and valued red hair, a trait which was believed to make a Vahla blessed by the goddess Vahl. Tyrion was placed on a pedestal but consequently took on most of the torture, including scarring and burning as a sacrifice to the goddess. Ty, as he was more often called by his friends and siblings, did his best to hold the dysfunctional family together, but it became too much to cope with and he struck out on his own as many Vahla did. Without the protection of Ty, Echo and her other brother Marlowe were left to defend themselves. Both quickly became involved in the world of piracy and thievery, if not just to get away from their parents and begin working on a foundation to strike out on their own as Ty had. Just shy of age ten, Sparrow ran off with her brother Marlowe. Things took a turn for the worse not long after when they received news of Tyrion's death. Marlowe became more reckless, finally getting arrested and forcing Sparrow to fend for herself for a time."@en . "*Ember of Vahl\n*Clan Tra'tal\n*Order of Seven"@en . . "[[starwars:Female"@en . "*Devon X'iir\n*Rosa'diateska"@en . "*Tyrion Vald\u00EDs \n*Marlowe Vald\u00EDs \n*Lokan Myther Vald\u00EDs"@en . "Echo Vald\u00EDs"@en . "1.8m"@en . . "Blue"@en . . "105"^^ . "[[starwars:Mon Gazza"@en . "violetile resident"@en . . . "Echo was trouble from the word go, and rebellion for attention or protest was her primary motivation from a very young age. Echo's father was an alcoholic con man who seized every upheaval with enthusiasm and no regard for the stability of his children, believing every relocation to be a beneficial new opportunity for his scams. Echo's mother was a petty thief and dedicated Ember of Vahl cultist who often took to abusing her children in the name of their goddess, Vahl."@en .