"{angry, counting down before you open fire} Nine..."@en . "{You and Nick go way back. He was snooping around your headquarters when you captured him, and now he's broken out. / Angry} Nicky? What're you doin'? You come into my house. Shoot up my guys. You have any idea how much this is gonna set me back?"@en . "1697.0"^^ . "{Stern} I still see your ugly faces after that, I'm gonna start shooting until there ain't no more bullets left in this whole Vault!"@en . "{Stern} Now quit stallin'. You gonna talk? Talk."@en . "A5a"@en . "16442"^^ . "MobsterGirl: What are you doin', Skinny? Kill 'em!"@en . "83"^^ . "A3a"@en . "Player Default: That wasn't the plan originally, but hey, tempting."@en . "{you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} Better leave before I forget my generous nature."@en . . "10.0"^^ . "{to yourself / Depressed} They always gotta hit you where it hurts..."@en . "{Surprised} My crew threw me outta the Vault. Me! Skinny Malone."@en . "{you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} You got till I count 10. Now beat it."@en . . "SkinnyMalone: Now what am I gonna do about you two? I know. I'm gonna give you until the count of ten."@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Five..."@en . "Nick: My friend here just did you a favor, Skinny. You always did have bad taste in women."@en . "{player convinced you that Darla is a bad influence / Angry} I'm sayin' you're draggin' me and this whole operation down a bad road, toots. We're through."@en . "{player just walked off / Angry} Don't you walk away from me! Ice 'em!"@en . "{waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Stern} You better talk fast..."@en . "{in combat, referring to the detective you've taken as prisoner} You and Valentine are both dead!"@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Ten!"@en . "{Defiant} You're lucky I'm so compassionate. Else I'd punch ya in the face for all the trouble you caused."@en . "A1a"@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Three..."@en . "A8a"@en . "{Angry} You double-crossing, moll! Teach me to fall for a great set of legs."@en . "18331.0"^^ . "{player knows a part of your past you've never told anyone / Surprised} How the hell did you know about that?"@en . "Y1c"@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Six..."@en . "1600000000000000"^^ . "10"^^ . "{player convinced you to let him and Nick go / Stern} No, Darla. They get one chance to leave. Skinny Malone's puttin' his foot down."@en . "{Puzzled} Oh, come on, Nicky! You cost me my men, now you and your friend cost me my girl?"@en . "8"^^ . "16080"^^ . "A2b"@en . "Player Default: You and Nick know each other?"@en . "{Angry} I'm gonna give you two until the count of ten before I forget my good manners, and just start shooting up the place!"@en . . "{Stern} Like hell, you won't! Don't you get it? All the other crews in the area will see this as weakness. Then, they'll come for me."@en . "MobsterGirl: Well, fine then! I'm going back home. I don't need you, you fat ass!"@en . "2"^^ . "44"^^ . "3"^^ . "A4a"@en . "MobsterGirl: Awww... poor little, Valentine. Ashamed you got beat up by a girl? I'll just run back home to daddy, shall I?"@en . "{in combat, referring to the detective you captured} She's here for the detective. Ice her!"@en . "{Angry} You and Nick shot all of my crew and you expect to just...Agh! All right, you're lucky I still owe him for that time back in the Quarry."@en . "15427"^^ . "MobsterGirl: What are you talkin' about Skinny?"@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Four..."@en . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . "Nick: Never thought he'd manage to scrape together a big enough crew to take over a Vault. Guess life's full of surprises."@en . "MobsterGirl: What are you doin', Skinny? Kill 'em!"@en . "{Angry} Should've left it alone, Nicky. This ain't the old neighborhood. In this Vault, I'm king of the castle, you hear me?"@en . "Player Default: This is all just a misunderstanding, Skinny. You know that. You let us walk and we won't come back."@en . "MobsterGirl: Home, Skinny! Where I should have been all this time. This is goodbye for us."@en . "Player Default: This is all just a misunderstanding, Skinny. You know that. You let us walk and we won't come back."@en . "10"^^ . "{this happens after the player breaks Nick out of Vault 114. Skinny Malone eventually gets kicked out of the Vault by his crew / Disgust} You. My life really hit the bottom when you showed up."@en . "8"^^ . "0"^^ . "160000000000000000"^^ . "A9a"@en . "MQ104SkinnyMalone.txt"@en . "4"^^ . "{Defiant} I'll be back. One day, Skinny Malone's gonna be king of the castle again."@en . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Two..."@en . "MobsterGirl: Sorry, babe, but this is the end for us. And for you..."@en . "MobsterGirl: Well, fine then! I'm going back home. I don't need you, you fat ass!"@en . "SkinnyMalone: They always gotta hit you where it hurts..."@en . "{in combat, referring to the detective you captured} He's here for the detective. Ice him!"@en . "A7a"@en . "83550"^^ . "{waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Stern} You gonna say somethin', or what?"@en . "18"^^ . "MobsterGirl: My mother was right. You mobsters are all just talk."@en . "MobsterGirl: I told you we should've just killed him, but then you had to get all sentimental! All that stupid crap about the "old times.""@en . "X2a"@en . "16"^^ . "Y1b"@en . "{Stern} Sorry. Time to give you both the hard goodbye."@en . "142"^^ . "A10a"@en . "MobsterGirl: I told you we should've just killed him, but then you had to get all sentimental! All that stupid crap about the "old times.""@en . "1478"^^ . "A2a"@en . "Nick: Now that she's not around to feed that temper of yours, maybe you'll see sense and let us walk? You still owe me for two weeks in the hole."@en . "{Angry} All right, you get to the count of ten! I still see your face after that, I'm gunning both of you down!"@en . "-"@en . "{Amused} Must have done this dance a hundred times. Enemies are kind of the closest thing you get to friends in these parts."@en . "{Sad} What? You and Valentine gonna ruin the rest of my life?"@en . "{fondly remembering the past / Amused} *chuckle* This troublemaker here used to be a real headache back in the day. Before we got kicked out of the old neighborhood."@en . "{you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} You get out of here. Now."@en . "{yelling at the end in frustration between wanting to let Nick go and wanting to kill him / Angry} You smug, overconfident ass... Agh!"@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Eight..."@en . "{Stern} Now what am I gonna do about you two? I know. I'm gonna give you until the count of ten."@en . "1547"^^ . "A6a"@en . "Player Default: Look at yourself. Darla is playing you for a sap. You're better than this. You're better than her."@en . . "{player, Nick, and Darla are all talking, you step in to take back control of the conversation / Angry} Hey, I'm the one in charge here. You got something to say? Say it to me."@en . "MobsterGirl: What are you talkin' about Skinny?"@en . "{player, Nick, and Darla are all talking, you step in to take back control of the conversation / Angry} Hey, who's running this show, here? You got something to say, say it to me."@en . "{waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Stern} You stallin' on me? I said talk."@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} One..."@en . "{Angry} No one tells Skinny Malone how to run his affairs! I've had enough of this. Time for the hard goodbye!"@en . "{Sad} You're...you're right. Things have gone nothin' but south since she walked into my life."@en . "A1b"@en . "{angry, counting down before you open fire} Seven..."@en . "{you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} Don't push your luck! Go!"@en . "{you snap in anger. Darla's always pushing your buttons / Angry} Darla, I'm handling this! Skinny Malone's always got things under control!"@en . "{in combat, referring to how your boss is going to kill the player} Malone's gonna have your guts for garters!"@en . "{Darla has been convinced by the player to break up with you and leave / Surprised} Darla? Wh-where are you goin'?"@en . "X1a"@en . "MobsterGirl: Home, Skinny! Where I should have been all this time. This is goodbye for us."@en . . "{Stern} Okay. You two can go. You got until the count of ten. Then I don't care what happened back in the old days. You're dead."@en . "{you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} Get lost!"@en . "{Angry} And I ain't lettin' some private dick shut us down now that I finally got a good thing goin'!"@en . "969"^^ . "Nick: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your two-timing dame, Skinny. You ought to tell her to write home more often."@en . "Y1a"@en .