. . . "Isler: 7.. it pains me greatly that I would have to call you that. Kurt: I am part of 422 now, do not concern yourself with such matters. Crowe: The mission I'm about to hand you now has been given to you on Major General Isler's instructions. Isler: There are complicated matters at play here. You are the only ones that we can hand this mission to. This is the Cardinal of the Yggdist church, His Eminence Gennaro Borgia. Borgia: A pleasure. Isler: His Eminence has come from the Yggdist head church in the Empire on matters of peace. But the Commander-in-Chief for the Gallian war, Maximillian, is a ruthless dictator who would not consider a peaceful resolution. It is important that we escort His Eminence back into Empire lands without being spotted by any Imperial guards. Isler: This is where you come in. You will play the part of the escort for His Eminence's safety. Borgia: In times of peace, it would have been possible for us to ask for an official permit and done this in daylight. But it is unfortunate that war has spread this fast that nothing can remain quite as simple. Our countries have become locked in a bitter hatred as we speak. We seek a quick end to the war. Soldiers and politicians are not the ones suffering the most.. it is the citizens. Borgia: I'm willing to risk my life for the citizens. If you could understand my position, would you lend me your assistance? Kurt: Yes, gladly. Isler: I was certain you'd agree to it. Ahh, it saddens me that I cannot speak your name. Kurt: I was a soldier bound by orders before. Nothing has changed. You can leave the mission in my hands. Isler: Please. this concerns the fate of Gallia herself. As this is a secretive operation, you will be left to fend for yourselves. Do your best. I'm keeping my attention on you no matter which squad you may be relocated to. Crowe: Be certain to prioritize His Eminence's will during the escort. Got it? Kurt: Roger that. Kurt: Tomorrow, we will be escorting His Eminence Borgia, our target is the border. 56: Wait a moment, are you saying we're going to cross the border? This must be a joke, I wasn't born with enough lives for such a stupid mission. 21: Even if we manage to succeed in breaking through the border, how are we even supposed to get back? We've got no backup and no support! Amy: Why is everyone giving up before even trying! We need to protect His Eminence! Can't we put in more effort? Riela: Wow, you're really motivated for this Giulios: Are you a member of the Yggdist church, Amy? Gusurg: Yggdism.. Is that the one that worships Valkyria? Amy: That's right! His Eminence is a really wonderful man! That last time he came over to Gallia, everyone lined up in the city just to hear his speech! Riela: His Eminence Borgia is a famous person isn't he... Giulios: It would make sense why he snuck over then, everyone would make a huge fuss.. Kurt: His influence over the Imperial army would be a hindrance to our goals. Amy: The teachings of Borgia are easy to understand, it's a great hit with the people. No matter how hopeless the future looks, there's always a way out. Riela: That does sound easy to understand. Amy: I entered the church because of my father. Giulios: So, did your father receive salvation? Amy: Not.. yet.. probably. 56: I'd say. Kurt: We set out at noon tomorrow. Everyone, get ready by then. We will now proceed with the mission to escort His Eminence over the border. Protect the carriage that carries Borgia until it reaches the Empire border. We have confirmation that the Imperials have set up a border patrol. There is nothing else you can rely on except your wits in order to sneak past the Imperial checkpoints that have been set up. It is expected that we will encounter resistance along the way, but our top priority remains the safety of the carriage. Break through and shake them off to your best efforts. We cannot hand over Borgia to the enemy. Use speed and caution and perform your duties. Kurt: Okay. I'm almost done shopping. Guess all that's left is the candy... -- Man: Don't be late! The time of departure is already past! Woman: Please wait! My child isn't with me! Man: Leave now! It's not an excursion! Kurt: The people are evacuating.. They must be going south.. -- Man: You! Give me back that watch you stole! (Zeri): I told you I don't know no watch. Man: You're the most suspicious around here, filthy Darcsen. (Zeri): What..? You think I'd steal just because I'm Darcsen? Man: Of course, you people are all thieves and murderers. (Zeri): Don't speak of us as criminals! If you won't take back-..!! Kurt: Wait there, chew one of these and calm down. (Zeri): What do you want! Are you trying to make a fool of me as well! Kurt: Just do it! Don't swallow it though. (Zeri): ...nggh, what's the point! (crunch) Man: Mind your own business! He's stolen my watch! (Zeri): I do not steal! Kurt: I said calm down. You be quiet for a bit. (Zeri): ... Kurt: Your stolen watch, is it expensive? Man: It's made of gold! I left it in my pocket and this man stole it! Kurt: There's no shortage of people here. Are there any witnesses to him stealing your watch? Man: He was quick! Kurt: So you noticed your watch was stolen from the start, and started following him all the way here? Man: Yeah, I'm sure of it. Kurt: So the watch must still be on his body, am I mistaken? Man: ... Kurt: Let's search him then. If the golden watch isn't found on him, you will apologize sincerely to him, we have a deal? Man: Say sorry?! You must be kidding! Why the hell would a Darcsen deserve it! Kurt: You've made accusations of him being a thief loudly in public haven't you? Man: Shut up! Stupid meddling man! Remember this! Kurt: I thought it'd be more trouble than this, but he pulled away pretty quickly. (Zeri): Why.. did you help a Darcsen like me? Kurt: I didn't intend to. I just thought you were doing a pathetic job of proving your own innocence, getting riled up for no reason. (Zeri): ..What?! You're one of them as well aren't you! Looking down on us Darcsens! Kurt: Me look down on you? The opposite, actually, I have much to thank the Darcsen for. (Zeri): Thank? Kurt: What I am now is all thanks to a single Darcsen man, who saw in me when others didn't. (Zeri): ..! Kurt: He is a good man, and it is not just me, the rest of the squad thinks he is trustworthy as well. (Zeri): That Darcsen's a man of the military? Kurt: Yes he is. (Zeri): ..the military.. Kurt: Have I got you interested in the army? Hold that thought, injustices happen on a daily basis. (Zeri): Huh? Kurt: You're evacuating, aren't you? In that case, you'd best focus on survival. (Zeri): ... File:Savior of Gallia.png This article is within the scope of VC3 Missions project.You may be awarded a \"Savior of Gallia\" medal for contributing. File:The Crimson Heart .png This article is a . You can help Encyclopedia Europa by expanding it.Improving 5 stub articles will earn you a \"Crimson Heart\" medal."@en . "\u524D\u7DDA\u3092\u7A81\u7834\u305B\u3088\u3000\u68EE\u6797\u30EB\u30FC\u30C8"@en . "The armored vehicle must survive"@en . "All infantry defeated"@en . "Morale 0"@en . "\u4FBF\u5229\u5C4B\u30DE\u30C3\u30BF\u30FC"@en . "5"^^ . "\u524D\u7DDA\u3092\u7A81\u7834\u305B\u3088\u3000\u5E02\u8857\u5730\u30EB\u30FC\u30C8"@en . "Chapter 04: Escort Cardinal Borgia (Pt.1)"@en . "Isler: 7.. it pains me greatly that I would have to call you that. Kurt: I am part of 422 now, do not concern yourself with such matters. Crowe: The mission I'm about to hand you now has been given to you on Major General Isler's instructions. Isler: There are complicated matters at play here. You are the only ones that we can hand this mission to. This is the Cardinal of the Yggdist church, His Eminence Gennaro Borgia. Borgia: A pleasure. Isler: This is where you come in. You will play the part of the escort for His Eminence's safety. Kurt: Yes, gladly. Kurt: Roger that. Amy: Not.. yet.. probably. --"@en . ""@en . "Start ?, ? per turn"@en . . "20"^^ . . "Chapter 03: The Calamity Raven"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "The enemy succeeds in taking your base"@en . "3"^^ . . "\u6CE3\u304D\u306E\u30A2\u30E9\u30A4\u30BB\u30EB"@en . "Chapter 04: Escort Cardinal Borgia"@en . .