. "USS Providence, derelict\n registry ="@en . "In 2376, the Providence saw action in the war against the Borg when the Collective invaded the Alpha Quadrant to assimilate the Federation and acquire an Omega particle. (TNG video game: Armada) On stardate 54566.1 (July 26th, 2377), the Providence was at Starbase 176 when the sector was invaded by Borg forces. The ship was left derelict, it's crew either killed or assimilated. A task force led by the USS Enterprise recovered the Providence and the other abandoned ships. When the Borg attacked a second time, the rebuilt fleet defeated them. (TNG video game: Armada II mission: \"Recovery\")"@en . . "battleship"@en . "In 2376, the Providence saw action in the war against the Borg when the Collective invaded the Alpha Quadrant to assimilate the Federation and acquire an Omega particle. (TNG video game: Armada) On stardate 54566.1 (July 26th, 2377), the Providence was at Starbase 176 when the sector was invaded by Borg forces. The ship was left derelict, it's crew either killed or assimilated. A task force led by the USS Enterprise recovered the Providence and the other abandoned ships. When the Borg attacked a second time, the rebuilt fleet defeated them. (TNG video game: Armada II mission: \"Recovery\") No final fate is established for this vessel as its name was randomly selected for a Sovereign-class vessel by the game software."@en . . . "fed"@en . . "USS Providence"@en . . . "2370.0"^^ . . "active"@en . . "USS Providence (Sovereign class)"@en .