. . . . . "Kirdo III is a desert world located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. It's the homeworld of the Choobas. The planet is covered by deserts of white sand and plains of dried mud. Strong 400-kilometer-per-hour winds are common, and so are powerful sandstorms. It hardly ever rains in Kirdo III, but when it does, it can last for several days, filling dry lakes and riverbeds and inundating the mud plains."@en . "Kirdo III"@pt . . . . . . . "Kirdo III"@pt . "Kirdo III is a desert world located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. It's the homeworld of the Choobas. The planet is covered by deserts of white sand and plains of dried mud. Strong 400-kilometer-per-hour winds are common, and so are powerful sandstorms. It hardly ever rains in Kirdo III, but when it does, it can last for several days, filling dry lakes and riverbeds and inundating the mud plains."@en . "[Source] Kirdo III, aussi appel\u00E9 plus simplement Kirdo, \u00E9tait le monde natal de Droopy McCool, un Kitonak qui jouait comme fl\u00FBtiste principal du groupe de musique de Max Rebo."@fr . . . . . . . . "Kirdo III"@en . . "Kirdo III"@en . "Kirdo III"@pt . . . . "[Source] Kirdo III, aussi appel\u00E9 plus simplement Kirdo, \u00E9tait le monde natal de Droopy McCool, un Kitonak qui jouait comme fl\u00FBtiste principal du groupe de musique de Max Rebo."@fr . . . . . "Kirdo III"@fr . . "Kirdo III was located within a star system in the Tamarin sector of the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy,[1] situated on the Sanrafsix Corridor between Sevarcos and Ma'ar Shaddam.[2] Its surface consisted of barren, sandy desert,[5] oceans of red, cracked mud, and escarpments of yellow-orange hills,[4] with quicksand and caves also present.[5] It had an arid climate[3] and winds often blew at speeds of 400-kilometers-per-hour[5] or more.[3] Rainfall occurred once a decade, and when it came it lasted several days, forming lakes and filling dry riverbeds. Herds of migrating chooba grazed on sulfaro plants and were hunted by the Kitonaks, a primitive sentient species native to the planet."@en . "Kitonaks"@fr . . . "Kirdo III is the Kitonak homeworld. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Kirdo III on Wookieepedia"@en . . "Kirdo III is the Kitonak homeworld. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Kirdo III on Wookieepedia"@en . . . "Kirdo III was located within a star system in the Tamarin sector of the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy,[1] situated on the Sanrafsix Corridor between Sevarcos and Ma'ar Shaddam.[2] Its surface consisted of barren, sandy desert,[5] oceans of red, cracked mud, and escarpments of yellow-orange hills,[4] with quicksand and caves also present.[5] It had an arid climate[3] and winds often blew at speeds of 400-kilometers-per-hour[5] or more.[3] Rainfall occurred once a decade, and when it came it lasted several days, forming lakes and filling dry riverbeds. Herds of migrating chooba grazed on sulfaro plants and were hunted by the Kitonaks, a primitive sentient species native to the planet."@en . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "Kirdo III"@pt . . . . "Kirdo III"@fr .