"Attilian"@en . . "You'd be lucky to not come across me in the sea."@en . "*Often when on land, Malak will have a breathing device at the ready to use when he's on land longer than 5 hours."@en . "Malak"@en . "Orange"@en . "Red"@en . . "5"^^ . . "Attilian"@en . "*Malak feels he is the opposite of fellow Defender Lila, where she is more able to go between land and sea, she cannot remain in the sea long where Malak is based more towards the sea and cannot survive on land for long.\n*Malak is also one of the few Inhumans whose changes by the Terrigen crystals are influenced by genetics."@en . . "His own power, Attilian vehicles"@en . . "Shark-like appearance"@en . "Inhuman powered by Terrigenesis"@en . "*Excellent Swimmer:Since he was young, Malak has shown to be a strong swimmer due to long periods of being around water. This was further enhanced when he underwent Terrigenesis.\n*Master Spearman:Malak has been trained to use different types of spears, in particular those that can be used in aquatic environments.\n*Master Close Quarters Combatant:Before and after his transformation, Malak has been extensively trained in armed and unarmed combat to the point he can take on multiple opponents. He in particular is best suited in aquatic environments but also can still fight fairly well on land.\n*Malak has also shown to have extensive knowledge of various kinds of fish and how to catch them due to having worked with the Attilan's fishing industry since he was incredibly young."@en . "===Early Life===\nMalak was born to a middle class family, losing his mother shortly after he was born and forcing his father to raise him initially alone. During the first few years of life, Malak often made the trips with his father to Attilan's docks and remained with him throughout the work day. Though at first Malak merely watched and sometimes played around close to his father and his fellow fishermen he did show interest in helping. But, with being too young at the time he spent days listening to the stories and tales of the fishermen, learning the different marine life and the fish that was part of the staple of the Inhuman humans' diet.\n\nEventually, at the age of seven Malak was allowed to start helping on the docks and decks of the ships, though usually small jobs. A year later though during a freak storm Malak would lose his father during one of his outings that also took three other lives while the rest barely made it back. Devastated by the loss, Malak was put in the care of his father's parents who encouraged the boy to continue what he seemed to love. Thus, well into his pre-teen years he continued to be something of a junior member of the fishing crews, learning quickly the life of a fisherman and even came to make use of the harpoon often.\n\nDuring his tenure in becoming a fisherman, he also became incredibly close to another fellow swimmer, Lila Johnson. Her father too was a fisherman but she often was with her mother studying the marine life as a whole. So though the two became friends they didn't see each other often unless she came with her father or during sessions where they were being taught with the elders. By chance, Malak's own grandparents were two of those scholars who also held comfortable positions of power which placed Malak in a decent chance to follow their footsteps if he so wished but often turned down such studies. His sole focus was towards fishing and helping to keep Attilan well fed on the labor of the fishers.\n\nNevertheless, Malak did not just rely on his fishing abilities to get by. He made efforts to learn to fight and defend himself, especially in further adapting his ability to use a harpoon towards spears. He as usual learned quickly and became quite proficient in the use of spears as a throwing weapon and melee before adapting this into the aquatic environment.\nFollowing a Legacy\nSoon enough though, as Malak came into his teens he was one of the many in his generation to be approached about being tested for Terrigenesis. Happily doing so, Malak waited for a month before he heard that he was capable of undergoing the process and has begun preparing for the possibility of following in having an aquatic form much like his father."@en . . "Rinilya94"@en . "Earth-69112"@en . "Tavon , Milatta Unknown parents"@en . "Neutral"@en . "Sharkboy, Fish breathe"@en . . "None"@en . "Malak (Earth-69112)"@en . "190.0"^^ . "*One of the most obvious issues for Malak is that even though he can come on land he cannot be out of water for long without risking drying up or suffocating after about five hours.\n**As a result of the above, Malak requires a secondary breathing device in order to stay for longer periods of time on land.\n*Malak is also highly susceptible to pollution or other contaminates in the water or air, which tends to cause him to become severely ill or weakened.\n*Malak also has a weakness towards the taste and smell of blood, something that triggers a predatory instinct in him the causes him to go into a blind berserk rage."@en . "Attilian"@en . "Public"@en . "Single"@en . "Male"@en . "Spear Fisherman; Sea Warrior"@en . "His claws and teeth, harpoons or spears"@en . "-18000.0"^^ . . "Malak"@en . "Defenders,Attilian Tribe"@en . . "Malak has greater strength then any humans his age, height, and weight."@en . . "Tiger Shark"@en . "Taught by Attilian elders"@en .