. . . . . . . . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597) byla lod\u00ED t\u0159\u00EDdy Nebula pat\u0159\u00EDc\u00ED Federaci. Ve slu\u017Eb\u011B byla ke konci 24. stolet\u00ED. V roce 2371 p\u0159ilet\u011Bl Farragut na pomoc pos\u00E1dce lodi USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), jej\u00ED\u017E tal\u00ED\u0159ov\u00E1 sekce ztroskotala po v\u00FDbuchu sekund\u00E1rn\u00EDho trupu na povrchu planety Veridian III. (Star Trek: Generations) O dva roky pozd\u011Bji, b\u011Bhem druh\u00E9 v\u00E1lky s Klingonskou \u0159\u00EDs\u00ED, byl Farragut posl\u00E1n na pomoc kolonist\u016Fm na Ajilon Prime, kte\u0159\u00ED byli pod \u00FAtokem Klingon\u016F. P\u0159i tomto z\u00E1sahu byla Klingony zni\u010Dena. (DS9: Nor the Battle to the Strong)"@cs . . . . . "USS Farragut"@en . . . "2373"^^ . . "USS Farragut"@en . . "220"^^ . "Posiblemente en honor a David Farragut, un oficial de alta graduaci\u00F3n de la Marina estadounidense durante la Guerra de Secesi\u00F3n. Hijo de padre espa\u00F1ol, fue el primer contraalmirante, el primer vicealmirante, y el primer almirante de la Marina Estadounidense."@es . "The USS Farragut (NCC-60597) was a Nebula-class Federation starship in service during the 24th century. Farragut was launched on Stardate 38110 from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards; the third starship to bear the name. It was immediately pressed into service within the Exploration Command for four years before being retrofitted with weapons and propulsion upgrades at the Antares Ship Yards on Stardate 42740.4. Captain Krystine Leone was appointed in command of the Farragut in mid-2366 (Stardate 43224.28) and held command until 2372. (Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead: \"Damn the Torpedoes\") The Farragut was based out of Starbase 310 near the Cardassian border and participated in policing civilian shipping lanes along with the USS Phoenix until 2367. (Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead: \"Milk Run\") On Stardate 43997, the Farragut, USS Lexington, and USS Excalibur were ordered to join the assembled fleet at Wolf 359, but did not arrive until after the battle was lost. Instead, they spearheaded the search and rescue mission to pick up escape pods and shuttles left behind. (Star Trek: The Quarterdeck Breed: \"Farragut\") In 2371, the Farragut led a small flotilla of Starfleet vessels to rescue the marooned crew of the USS Enterprise from Veridian III, when the saucer section crash-landed after the stardrive section detonated due to a warp core breach. (Star Trek Generations) While on a mission to defend the colony on Ajilon Prime during the Second Federation-Klingon War, the Farragut was destroyed by the Klingons en route near the Lambatta Cluster in 2373. (DS9: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\") Rear Admiral Kiri Vaughn was executive officer and then commanding officer of Farragut sometime prior to the ship's destruction. (Dockyard Review)"@en . . "NCC-60957"@en . . . "fed"@en . "Nebula"@en . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597)"@fr . "L' USS Farragut NCC-60957 \u00E9tait un vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration de classe Nebula affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet, en service durant la 2\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . "Farragut"@fr . . . . . . . "FarragutPlaque.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . "USS"@fr . . "L' USS Farragut NCC-60957 \u00E9tait un vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration de classe Nebula affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet, en service durant la 2\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . "The USS Farragut (NCC-60597) was a Nebula-class Federation starship in service during the 24th century. Farragut was launched on Stardate 38110 from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards; the third starship to bear the name. It was immediately pressed into service within the Exploration Command for four years before being retrofitted with weapons and propulsion upgrades at the Antares Ship Yards on Stardate 42740.4. Captain Krystine Leone was appointed in command of the Farragut in mid-2366 (Stardate 43224.28) and held command until 2372. (Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead: \"Damn the Torpedoes\")"@en . . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597)"@de . . "The USS Farragut (NCC-60597) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. In 2371, the Farragut helped recover the crew of USS Enterprise-D from Veridian III following the warp core breach that destroyed the ship's engineering section, and forced the crash-landing of its saucer section. (Star Trek Generations)"@en . . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597)"@cs . . . . . . "NCC-60597"@fr . . . . . "In the year 2369, the Farragut, along with the USS Enterprise-D and the USS Centaur, was assigned to planet Jevalan in the Doltiri star system to provide assistance to the refugees of the recently abandoned Cardassian-run labor camps. The Farragut was assigned to deal with the Cardassian refugees, keeping them separate from the Bajorans. (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms) In 2371, the Farragut was one of three Starfleet vessels to rescue the crew of the Enterprise-D following its destruction at the hands of Lursa and B'Etor at Veridian III. (TNG movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Generations; TNG novel: Triangle: Imzadi II) The Return, features the destruction of the Farragut at the hands of the Romulans as recovery operations of the Enterprise-D were proceeding, despite canon describing a later fate of the vessel. Later that year, the Farragut was one of several starships that were dispatched to Bajor to help Captain Benjamin Sisko and the crew of the USS Defiant deal with the Hive crisis. (DS9 novel: Objective: Bajor) In 2373, the Farragut was dispatched to planet Ajilon Prime to help the colonists that had suffered an attack by the Klingons. However, en route to Ajilon, she was ambushed by Klingon warships in the Lembatta Cluster and was destroyed. (DS9 episode: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\", Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)"@en . "NCC-60597"@en . . . . . "destroyed"@en . "2373"^^ . . . . "The USS Farragut (NCC-60597) was a Nebula Class ship in the 24th century. In 2371, it helped recover the crew of the Enterprise D when the saucer section crash landed on Veridian III. In 2373, the USS Farragut sent to help the colonists of Ajilon Prime from the Klingons during the 2nd Federation-Klingon War. En route, it came under attack and was destroyed near the Lembatta Cluster."@en . "The USS Farragut (NCC-60597) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. In 2371, the Farragut helped recover the crew of USS Enterprise-D from Veridian III following the warp core breach that destroyed the ship's engineering section, and forced the crash-landing of its saucer section. (Star Trek Generations) Two years later, during the Federation-Klingon War, the Farragut was sent to assist the colonists of Ajilon Prime, who had come under attack by the Klingons. En route, however, the ship itself was attacked by Klingons and was destroyed near the Lembatta Cluster. (DS9: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\")"@en . . . "thumb|Die USS Farragut. Die USS Farragut (NCC-60597) ist ein Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration der Nebula-Klasse aus dem sp\u00E4ten 24. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 2371 geh\u00F6rt die Farragut gemeinsam mit zwei weiteren Schiffen zu einer Gruppe, welche die Besatzung der auf Veridian III notgelandeten Untertassensektion der zerst\u00F6rten USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) bergen soll. Captain Jean-Luc Picard und Commander William T. Riker sind die letzten Crewmitglieder der Enterprise, welche dann auf die Farragut beamen. (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen)"@de . . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597)"@en . "The USS Farragut (NCC-60597) was a Nebula Class ship in the 24th century. In 2371, it helped recover the crew of the Enterprise D when the saucer section crash landed on Veridian III. In 2373, the USS Farragut sent to help the colonists of Ajilon Prime from the Klingons during the 2nd Federation-Klingon War. En route, it came under attack and was destroyed near the Lembatta Cluster."@en . . . "thumb|Die USS Farragut. Die USS Farragut (NCC-60597) ist ein Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration der Nebula-Klasse aus dem sp\u00E4ten 24. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 2371 geh\u00F6rt die Farragut gemeinsam mit zwei weiteren Schiffen zu einer Gruppe, welche die Besatzung der auf Veridian III notgelandeten Untertassensektion der zerst\u00F6rten USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) bergen soll. Captain Jean-Luc Picard und Commander William T. Riker sind die letzten Crewmitglieder der Enterprise, welche dann auf die Farragut beamen. (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen) Etwa zwei Jahre sp\u00E4ter wird das Schiff w\u00E4hrend des F\u00F6deral-Klingonischen Kriegs dann nach Ajilon Prime geschickt, um die dortige F\u00F6derationskolonie im Fall eines Angriff der Klingonen zu unterst\u00FCtzen. Allerdings wird die Farragut auf dem Weg dorthin von mindestens einem klingonischen Schiff abgefangen und in der N\u00E4he des Lembatta-Clusters zerst\u00F6rt. (DS9: )"@de . "Destroyed"@en . "In the year 2369, the Farragut, along with the USS Enterprise-D and the USS Centaur, was assigned to planet Jevalan in the Doltiri star system to provide assistance to the refugees of the recently abandoned Cardassian-run labor camps. The Farragut was assigned to deal with the Cardassian refugees, keeping them separate from the Bajorans. (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms) The Return, features the destruction of the Farragut at the hands of the Romulans as recovery operations of the Enterprise-D were proceeding, despite canon describing a later fate of the vessel."@en . . . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597)"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Heavy cruiser"@en . . . "Posiblemente en honor a David Farragut, un oficial de alta graduaci\u00F3n de la Marina estadounidense durante la Guerra de Secesi\u00F3n. Hijo de padre espa\u00F1ol, fue el primer contraalmirante, el primer vicealmirante, y el primer almirante de la Marina Estadounidense."@es . . . . . "USS Farragut (NCC-60597) byla lod\u00ED t\u0159\u00EDdy Nebula pat\u0159\u00EDc\u00ED Federaci. Ve slu\u017Eb\u011B byla ke konci 24. stolet\u00ED. V roce 2371 p\u0159ilet\u011Bl Farragut na pomoc pos\u00E1dce lodi USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), jej\u00ED\u017E tal\u00ED\u0159ov\u00E1 sekce ztroskotala po v\u00FDbuchu sekund\u00E1rn\u00EDho trupu na povrchu planety Veridian III. (Star Trek: Generations) O dva roky pozd\u011Bji, b\u011Bhem druh\u00E9 v\u00E1lky s Klingonskou \u0159\u00EDs\u00ED, byl Farragut posl\u00E1n na pomoc kolonist\u016Fm na Ajilon Prime, kte\u0159\u00ED byli pod \u00FAtokem Klingon\u016F. P\u0159i tomto z\u00E1sahu byla Klingony zni\u010Dena. (DS9: Nor the Battle to the Strong)"@cs . .