. . . "Samples from sci-fi and horror movies play a big role in several of GMMs tracks (mainly Ugress and Shadow Of The Beat tracks). This article tries to give a comprehensive list of the movies sampled in these tracks."@en . "a couple of things in test tubes used for evidence. File:Placeholder"@en . . "Toxic 1 - 25"@en . . . . "Granting the player points"@en . . "Samples"@en . . . "Samples"@en . "Samples from sci-fi and horror movies play a big role in several of GMMs tracks (mainly Ugress and Shadow Of The Beat tracks). This article tries to give a comprehensive list of the movies sampled in these tracks."@en . . "a couple of things in test tubes used for evidence. File:Placeholder"@en . "Samples (called power cells in Toxic 2) are pickup items in the Toxic series, and prior to Toxic II the only pickup item in the game (bomb ammo not counted). They also appear in Super Stock Take as a ware to collect and in Bump Battle Royale as an interactive object."@en . "Samples (called power cells in Toxic 2) are pickup items in the Toxic series, and prior to Toxic II the only pickup item in the game (bomb ammo not counted). They also appear in Super Stock Take as a ware to collect and in Bump Battle Royale as an interactive object."@en . . "VB Basic Samples. \n* Run: Run.exe file: Run.vb When you begin designing an application, you will think it would be easy in Visual Basic, but if you do not generate complex content and design, the application may not catch the passive block. Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition was used to develop this sample. Feel free to edit and reproduce the code in any edition of Visual Studio. Module Run 'I kept this simple for both beginner and advanced users to understand. 'Please visit MSDN for the Visual Studio free Express 'Editions and Trials. Sub Main() Console.WriteLine(\"Hello, please enter your username after the beep!\") Console.Beep() Dim username1 = Console.ReadLine If (username1 IsNot Nothing) Then Console.WriteLine(\"Welcome, \" + username1) ElseIf (username1 Is Nothing) Then Console.WriteLine(\"Please re-enter your username.\") Dim usernamecheck1 = Console.ReadLine If (usernamecheck1 IsNot Nothing) Then Console.WriteLine(\"Welcome, \" + usernamecheck1) ElseIf (usernamecheck1 Is Nothing) Then Console.WriteLine(\"Sorry, cannot access your username, may I help you anonymous?\") End If End If Console.WriteLine(\"Please enter the application you now wish to run:\") Dim readapp = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine(\"Running...\" + readapp) Console.WriteLine(\"Press any key to run another application.\") If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(readapp) Then Process.Start(readapp) Else Console.WriteLine(\"Error, press any key and re-enter\") End If ProcessIt() Console.ReadKey(True) Console.ReadKey(True) 'Once this line is processed and passed End Sub the application may close for some users. End Sub Sub ProcessIt() Console.WriteLine(\"Please enter the application you now wish to run:\") Dim readapp = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine(\"Running...\" + readapp) Console.WriteLine(\"Press any key to run another application.\") If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(readapp) Then Process.Start(readapp) Else Console.WriteLine(\"Error, press any key and re-enter\") End If Console.ReadKey(True) ProcessIn() End Sub Sub ProcessIn() 'Generate repeat. ProcessIt() End Sub End Module VC# Basic Samples."@en . . "VB Basic Samples. \n* Run: Run.exe file: Run.vb When you begin designing an application, you will think it would be easy in Visual Basic, but if you do not generate complex content and design, the application may not catch the passive block. Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition was used to develop this sample. Feel free to edit and reproduce the code in any edition of Visual Studio. Module Run 'I kept this simple for both beginner and advanced users to understand. 'Please visit MSDN for the Visual Studio free Express 'Editions and Trials. Sub Main() Console.WriteLine(\"Hello, please enter your username after the beep!\") Console.Beep() Dim username1 = Console.ReadLine If (username1 IsNot Nothing) Then Console.WriteLine(\"Welcome, \" + username1) ElseIf (username1 Is Nothing) Then Console"@en . "Toxic 2 - 1000"@en .