. . "300"^^ . . . . "arbol de sauce"@es . . . "675"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "A sauce is typically a liquid or pasty food mixture often prepared as a condiment to compliment the dish it is served with. While Hoshi Sato and Phlox shared a meal in the mess hall aboard Enterprise NX-01 in 2151, Sato practiced her Denobulan with Phlox. During their conversation, Sato inquired if Phlox liked the food, to which Phlox replied that he liked the sauce, but didn't care for the eggplant. (ENT: \"Dear Doctor\")"@en . . "Estos \u00E1rboles se encuentran cerca del agua. / Un \u00E1rbol caido."@es . . . "30"^^ . . . . . . "Salix, g\u00E9nero compuesto de unas 400 especies de \u00E1rboles y arbustos caducifolios dentro de la familia Salicaceae, se distribuyen por las zonas fr\u00EDas y templadas del Hemisferio Norte, principalmente en tierras h\u00FAmedas. Salix se utiliza en la fabricaci\u00F3n de varitas."@es . "Sauces were liquid condiments which came in a huge variety of flavors and styles. A example of a sauce was Muja sauce."@en . . "30"^^ . "Estos \u00E1rboles son usados para obtener r\u00E1pidamente experiencia para niveles alto. Talar estos \u00E1rboles juntos con las urnas de tala, es posiblemente una de las mejores formas de adquirir experiencia de Tala para los jugadores no miembros (ver Artesan\u00EDa) ya que la experiencia adicional de las urnas compensa el bajo nivel de estos \u00E1rboles. Los \u00E1rboles de sauce, junto la mayor\u00EDa de los \u00E1rboles m\u00E1s comunes, han sido actualizados gr\u00E1ficamente. Desde el 17 de august de 2011 la actualizaci\u00F3n de \u00E1rboles fue aplicada a Lumbridge, Falador y Varrock."@es . . . . . "Sauce, nombre vern\u00E1culo de diversas especies de Salix, por ejemplo S. humboldtiana sauce amargo"@es . . . . . . "Sauce is a liquid or sometimes semi-solid food served on or used in the preparation of other foods. Molly Weasley conjured a creamy sauce from her wand while cooking in 1994."@en . . . "Many types of food are flavored with or served in sauces. \n* barbecue sauce \n* black bean sauce \n* blue ribbon sauce \n* bolognese sauce \n* cherry sauce \n* clam sauce \n* Drayonian red sauce \n* forati sauce \n* French dressing \n* goho-lohyil sauce \n* grapok sauce \n* hollandaise sauce \n* Kaferian apple glaze \n* Klingon-ayse \n* mangonaisse \n* tomato sauce \n* yamok sauce \n* yerma sauce"@en . . . . "A sauce is typically a liquid or pasty food mixture often prepared as a condiment to compliment the dish it is served with. While Hoshi Sato and Phlox shared a meal in the mess hall aboard Enterprise NX-01 in 2151, Sato practiced her Denobulan with Phlox. During their conversation, Sato inquired if Phlox liked the food, to which Phlox replied that he liked the sauce, but didn't care for the eggplant. (ENT: \"Dear Doctor\") The Earth idiom \"what's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander,\" was in part spoken by Spock following Saavik's notation that Khan Noonien Singh, aboard the USS Reliant was following the USS Enterprise into the Mutara Nebula. In response, Spock stated stated \"sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik\" (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) This idiom came from the cooking concept that geese would be served with the same sauce, no matter their gender, which would later be applied to the concept of \"gender equality\" or \"what is right for you, is right for me.\" To express her disgust in the appearance of the fish-like Antedians on the transporter pad aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2365, Lwaxana Troi stated that \"they'd look better in sauce.\" (TNG: \"Manhunt\" ) While sharing a Klingon dinner with Melora Pazlar in 2370, Julian Bashir requested a double order of gladst with no sauce. In Klingonese, \"no sauce\" translated to \"usu bal.\" (DS9: \"Melora\") Later that year, while Quark and Nog were on a camping trip in the Gamma Quadrant with Jake and Benjamin Sisko, Quark complained about how disgusting the jambalaya was because he thought that some dirt and bugs had gotten into the sauce. (DS9: \"The Jem'Hadar\")"@en . . . . "arbol de sauce"@es . . "1.456"^^ . . "Sauce n. \u2013 In the most basic terms, a sauce is a thickened, flavored liquid designed to accompany food in order to enhance and bring out its flavor. In the days before refrigeration, however, sauces were more often used to smother the taste of foods that had begun to go bad. The French are credited with refining the sophisticated art of sauce making. Most French sauces are wine based. Wine is used in combination with cream or spices and/or stock. It was the 19th-century French chef Antonin Careme who evolved an intricate methodology by which hundreds of sauces were classified under one of five mother sauces. Those are: Espagnole (brown stock-based), Velout\u00E9 (light stock-based), B\u00E9chamel (basic white sauce), Hollandaise and Mayonnaise (Emulsified sauces) and Vinaigrette (oil-and-vinegar combinations)."@en . "Sauce"@en . . . "Sauce Ojos de Bruja"@es . "Sauces are a type of phrase."@en . . . . . . "Sauce"@es . . . "Sauces are a type of phrase."@en . "Sauce n. \u2013 In the most basic terms, a sauce is a thickened, flavored liquid designed to accompany food in order to enhance and bring out its flavor. In the days before refrigeration, however, sauces were more often used to smother the taste of foods that had begun to go bad."@en . . "No"@es . . . "Estos \u00E1rboles son usados para obtener r\u00E1pidamente experiencia para niveles alto. Talar estos \u00E1rboles juntos con las urnas de tala, es posiblemente una de las mejores formas de adquirir experiencia de Tala para los jugadores no miembros (ver Artesan\u00EDa) ya que la experiencia adicional de las urnas compensa el bajo nivel de estos \u00E1rboles. La cantidad de gente cortando \u00E1rboles de sauce caus\u00F3 un dr\u00E1stico aumento en la oferta, mermando el precio. Por este motivo, usualmente se talan \u00E1rboles de roble para ganar dinero, y de sauce para ganar experiencia. Es com\u00FAn encontrar grandes cantidades de taladores en un \u00E1rbol de sauce en un mundo no miembro. Tambi\u00E9n son populares porque se encuentran en las proximidades de bancos y en grupos; pueden ser encontrados cerca de casi cualquier fuente de agua en RuneScape: r\u00EDos, lagos y oc\u00E9anos. Los sauces adem\u00E1s tienen la m\u00E1s alta probabilidad de tener un [[Bird's nest|nido de ave, con el que puede hacerse nido triturado. Esto es conocido como una excelente forma de hacer dinero r\u00E1pido. El nido tambi\u00E9n puede contener una semilla, como la rara semilla m\u00E1gica. En los mundos gratuitos, el \u00E1rbol de sauce se tala com\u00FAnmente hasta el nivel 60, donde los jugadores pueden cortar \u00E1rboles de tejo, que son el \u00E1rbol de nivel m\u00E1s alto disponible para jugadores gratis. Esto era incluso mucho m\u00E1s com\u00FAn antes de la habilidad Mazmorras. Los \u00E1rboles de sauce, junto la mayor\u00EDa de los \u00E1rboles m\u00E1s comunes, han sido actualizados gr\u00E1ficamente. Desde el 17 de august de 2011 la actualizaci\u00F3n de \u00E1rboles fue aplicada a Lumbridge, Falador y Varrock."@es . . "Sauces were liquid condiments which came in a huge variety of flavors and styles. A example of a sauce was Muja sauce."@en . "\u0418\u0432\u0430"@es . . . . . . . . . "Sauce"@fr . . "Salix, g\u00E9nero compuesto de unas 400 especies de \u00E1rboles y arbustos caducifolios dentro de la familia Salicaceae, se distribuyen por las zonas fr\u00EDas y templadas del Hemisferio Norte, principalmente en tierras h\u00FAmedas. Salix se utiliza en la fabricaci\u00F3n de varitas."@es . "You: \"What\u2019s for dinner mom?\u201D Your mom: \u201CSauce Surprise. \u2026Okay, I admit it; it\u2019s just sauce with some sauce on it.\u201D C\u2019mon. No one wants to go and slurp that stuff down. Especially out of an unsterilized receptacle used for stool samples the day before. ...Eww, where did that come from? Sauce lies in the realm somewhere between art and cuisine, with slightly greater emphasis on cuisine. ...Okay, it's not art at all. But when prepared by the hands of a mustached gourmet chef of France, sauce can deliver taste sensations that will make your tongue tingle like a hardened cock in the cooch of a Taiwanese prostitute. ...Not that I would know. However, you should never abuse sauce, or try to make it anything that it isn\u2019t. It isn\u2019t an aphrodisiac. It isn\u2019t an antibiotic. It isn\u2019t a contraceptive. Ask any doctor that\u2019s graduated from the University of Phoenix. They\u2019ll simply tell you it\u2019s \u201Cdee-licious\u201D!"@en . "Sauce"@es . . "\u00C1rbol de sauce despu\u00E9s de actualizaci\u00F3n gr\u00E1fica en el norte de Port Sarim."@es . "Tala:"@es . "Muerta"@es . . "You: \"What\u2019s for dinner mom?\u201D Your mom: \u201CSauce Surprise. \u2026Okay, I admit it; it\u2019s just sauce with some sauce on it.\u201D C\u2019mon. No one wants to go and slurp that stuff down. Especially out of an unsterilized receptacle used for stool samples the day before. ...Eww, where did that come from? However, you should never abuse sauce, or try to make it anything that it isn\u2019t. It isn\u2019t an aphrodisiac. It isn\u2019t an antibiotic. It isn\u2019t a contraceptive. Ask any doctor that\u2019s graduated from the University of Phoenix. They\u2019ll simply tell you it\u2019s \u201Cdee-licious\u201D!"@en . . "Saule \u0152il-de-sorci\u00E8re"@es . . "Sauce aumenta la coordinaci\u00F3n f\u00EDsica del brujo y su resistencia al da\u00F1o. Debe tomarse antes de una lucha en la que el brujo corre el peligro de ser derribado o aturdido. Efectos: esta poci\u00F3n otorga inmunidad a aturdir y derribar."@es . "Sauce, nombre vern\u00E1culo de diversas especies de Salix, por ejemplo S. humboldtiana sauce amargo"@es . "Sauce aumenta la coordinaci\u00F3n f\u00EDsica del brujo y su resistencia al da\u00F1o. Debe tomarse antes de una lucha en la que el brujo corre el peligro de ser derribado o aturdido. Efectos: esta poci\u00F3n otorga inmunidad a aturdir y derribar."@es . . . "Sauce is a liquid or sometimes semi-solid food served on or used in the preparation of other foods. Molly Weasley conjured a creamy sauce from her wand while cooking in 1994."@en . . "Many types of food are flavored with or served in sauces. \n* barbecue sauce \n* black bean sauce \n* blue ribbon sauce \n* bolognese sauce \n* cherry sauce \n* clam sauce \n* Drayonian red sauce \n* forati sauce \n* French dressing \n* goho-lohyil sauce \n* grapok sauce \n* hollandaise sauce \n* Kaferian apple glaze \n* Klingon-ayse \n* mangonaisse \n* tomato sauce \n* yamok sauce \n* yerma sauce"@en . . "Cultivo:"@es . . . "Willow Witch-eye"@es . "Sauce"@es . . . . . "Un \u00E1rbol de sauce completamente crecido."@es .