"Nightin' Ale's is a fictional bar and strip club in the Venture Bros television show. It sometimes frequented by Brock Samson and Dr. Venture. Hunter Gathers also formerly worked there as an exotic dancer after his gender reassignment surgery, though he also used it as a base for his intelligence operations at the same time. The unnamed bartender at Nightin' Ale's from time to time engages in creative insults of both customer and employee alike. He is not seen in the Season 4 episodes that revisit Nightin' Ale's after it has been given a redesign by the shows' creators."@en . "Nightin' Ale's"@en . "Nightin' Ale's is a fictional bar and strip club in the Venture Bros television show. It sometimes frequented by Brock Samson and Dr. Venture. Hunter Gathers also formerly worked there as an exotic dancer after his gender reassignment surgery, though he also used it as a base for his intelligence operations at the same time. The unnamed bartender at Nightin' Ale's from time to time engages in creative insults of both customer and employee alike. He is not seen in the Season 4 episodes that revisit Nightin' Ale's after it has been given a redesign by the shows' creators."@en . .