. . . . "I, Jedi"@en . . "Paperback"@en . . . . "\u0420\u044B\u0446\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u0421\u0438\u043B\u044B"@en . "322"^^ . . . . "1994-09-01"^^ . "*Bantha \n*Battle hydra \n*Desert sponge \n*Energy spider\n*Fire-mantid \n*Floozam \n*Glurpfish\n*Gundark \n*Insect-bird\n*Krabbex \n*Krakana \n*Mynock \n*Piranha beetle \n*Wampa \n*Woolamander"@en . . "Champions of the Force"@en . . "Voiman valtiaat"@en . . "Campeones de la Fuerza"@en . . "*Assassin droid\n*Astromech droid\n**R2-series astromech droid\n*Foreign Intruder Defense Organism \"FIDO\" \n*GNK power droid\n*Medical droid\n*TDL nanny droid"@en . . . . . "*Admiral Gial Ackbar\n*General Wedge Antilles\n*Colonel Ardax\n*Vodo-Siosk Baas \n*Lando Calrissian\n*Chewbacca\n*Cilghal\n*Admiral Natasi Daala\n*Dack\n*Lieutenant Dauren\n*General Jan Dodonna\n*Moruth Doole\n*Dorsk 81\n*Paldis Doxin \n*Kyp Durron\n*Zeth Durron / 2112\n*Furgan\n*Gantoris \n*Zakarisz Ghent\n*Golanda \n*Garm Bel Iblis\n*Mara Jade\n*Talon Karrde \n*Obi-Wan Kenobi \n*Kithra \n*Commander Kratas\n*Exar Kun \n*Grodon Lakky \n*Bevel Lemelisk \n*General Crix Madine \n*Duchess Mistal\n*Mitth'raw'nuruodo \"Thrawn\" \n*Mon Mothma\n*Nawruun \n*Nien Nunb \n*Bail Prestor Organa \n*Captain Tresk Ortola\n*Judder Page\n*Palpatine \n*Warlord Ulic Qel-Droma \n*General Carlist Rieekan\n*Shana \n*Tol Sivron\n*Arb Skynxnex \n*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader \n*Luke Skywalker\n*Anakin Solo\n*General Han Solo\n*Jacen Solo\n*Jaina Solo\n*Leia Organa Solo\n*Kam Solusar\n*Streen\n*Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin \n*Terpfen\n*Hrekin Thorm\n*Kirana Ti\n*Kirana Ti's daughter \n*Tionne\n*Jabba Desilijic Tiure \"Jabba the Hutt\" \n*Ulic Qel-Droma \n*Unidentified tentacle musician\n*Wermyn \n*Winter\n*Qwi Xux\n*Yemm \n*Yoda"@en . "The release of Champions of the Force marks the first ever Star Wars trading card game offered exclusively online. Available only through a valid, active, fully-paid subscription to Star Wars Galaxies, Champions of the Force provides Star Wars Galaxies subscribers an entirely new gameplay experience by combining the challenge of a trading card game with the adventures and community of the massively multiplayer game. For the first time, players can: \n* Choose between the light and dark sides of the Force and build their own Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game decks to fight virtual matches for the Rebel or Imperial factions; \n* Challenge their skills in story-based solo-play or against other Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game players in epic one-on-one matches, cooperative Heroic Encounters, and official tournaments; \n* Find more than 20 \u201Cloot\u201D cards in the first release, Champions of the Force that can be redeemed for fantastic virtual items for use within the Star Wars Galaxies massively multiplayer game; \n* Adventure in Star Wars Galaxies and collect desirable cards that enhance their virtual trading card game deck. All Star Wars Galaxies subscribers with valid, active, fully-paid accounts in good standing are scheduled to receive five Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game booster packs per month, included at no additional cost, as part of their valid monthly subscription to the game, providing a simple way for players to quickly and easily build their decks. In addition, all subscribers will be able to purchase booster packs and starter decks through Sony Online Entertainment\u2019s Station Store at www.store.station.sony.com."@en . . "The release of Champions of the Force marks the first ever Star Wars trading card game offered exclusively online. Available only through a valid, active, fully-paid subscription to Star Wars Galaxies, Champions of the Force provides Star Wars Galaxies subscribers an entirely new gameplay experience by combining the challenge of a trading card game with the adventures and community of the massively multiplayer game. For the first time, players can:"@en . . "*Ambassador\n*Baron Administrator \n*Black market \n*Duchess\n*Galactic Empire\n**Galactic Emperor \n**Stormtrooper\n***Zero-G assault stormtrooper \"Spacetrooper\"\n*Loronar Corporation \n*New Jedi Order\n**Jedi apprentice / Jedi trainee\n**Jedi healer\n**Jedi Knight\n**Jedi Master\n*New Republic\n**New Republic Fleet\n**New Republic Ruling Council\n***Chief of State\n***Minister of State\n**Senator\n**Special forces\n***Page's Commandos\n*Nightsisters \n*Pirate \n*Rebel Alliance \n*Scientist\n*Sith\n**Brotherhood of the Sith \n**Dark Lord of the Sith\n*Smugglers' Alliance\n**Mistryl Shadow Guard\n**Smuggler\n*Witches of Dathomir\n*Xenosurgeon"@en . . "Champions of the Force is the fifth Star Wars Miniatures set. This set was released on June 6th, 2006 and features 60 miniature figures. The box artwork for the Champions of the Force booster packs is by Chris Trevas."@en . . . . . . . . "Champions of the Force is the fifth Star Wars Miniatures set. This set was released on June 6th, 2006 and features 60 miniature figures. The box artwork for the Champions of the Force booster packs is by Chris Trevas."@en . . . "Champions of the Force"@en . "cargobay"@en . . "Champions of the Force"@en . "*Battle of Anoth \n*Battle of Endor \n*Battle of the Maw Installation \n*Battle of Yavin \n**Trench run \n*Blob racing \n*Destruction of Alderaan \n*Destruction of Carida \n*Destruction of the Cauldron Nebula \n*Battle of Kessel \n*Great Jedi Purge \n*Great Sith War \n**Battle of Yavin 4 \n**Conclave on Deneba \"Great Council\" \n*Rescue of Princess Leia \n*Skirmish in the Maw \n*Attack on Mon Calamari"@en . "*Anoth system\n**Anoth\n*Bespin \n**Cloud City \n**Tibannopolis \n*Byss \n*Carida system \"Caridan system\" \n**Carida\n***Academy of Carida\n**Caridan \n*Cauldron Nebula \n*Core Systems\n*Coruscant\n**Imperial City\n***Coruscant underworld \n***Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals \n***Imperial Palace\n***Skydome Botanical Gardens \n*Dagobah \n**Dark Side Cave \n*Dargul \n*Dathomir \n*Deneba \n*Deyer \n*Endor \n*Hoth \n**Echo Base \n*Ithor \n*Kessel system\n**Garrison Moon\n***Imperial Correction Facility\n**Kessa\n**Kessel\n***Kessendra \n***Spice Mines of Kessel\n*Nkllon \n*Maw cluster\n**Maw Installation\n*Mon Calamari\n**Reef Home City\n*Omwat \n*Outer Rim\n*Ryloth \n*Sullust \n*Tatooine \n**Jabba's Palace \n*Umgul \n*Vortex\n**Cathedral of Winds\n*Yavin system\n**Yavin 4\n***Jedi Praxeum/Massassi Temple\n****Grand Audience Chamber\n***Temple of Exar Kun\n**Yavin primary"@en . "Champions of the Force"@en . "Die Meister der Macht"@en . . . . . "11"^^ . "55329802"^^ . . "*Atmosphere containment field\n*Bacta tank\n*Binders\n*Blaster cannon\n*Blaster pistol\n*Blaster rifle\n*Bowcaster\n*Chronometer\n*Cluster-resonance shell \n*Comlink\n*Comm unit\n*Computer\n*Concussion detonator \n*Concussion missile\n*Crash webbing\n*Datapad\n*Deflector shield\n*Environment suit\n*Force whip\n*Hologram\n*Homing beacon / Tracer\n*Hyperdrive\n*Intercom\n*Jedi Holocron \n*Jetpack\n*Laser cannon\n*Life support\n*Lightsaber\n*Metal-Crystal Phase Shifter \"MCPS\" \n*Nano-destroyer \n*Optical sensor\n*Power pack\n*Proton torpedo\n*Pulsemass generator\n*Quantum-crystalline armor\n*Repulsorlift\n*Resonance torpedo\n*Sensor array\n*Servomotor\n*Slicer chip\n*Sublight engine\n*Superlaser\n*Thermal detonator\n*Tractor beam\n*Transparisteel\n*Turbolaser\n*Turbolift\n*Turbo-ski \n*Vibroblade\n*Viewscreen"@en . . . "webapps/cargobay/item-detail/116"@en . . . "*All Terrain Armored Transport \"AT-AT\" \n*B-wing starfighter \"B-wing\"\n*B-wing/E starfighter \n*BTL Y-wing starfighter \"Y-wing\"\n*Cocoon pod \n*Corellian corvette / Blockade runner\n**Tantive IV \n*Death Star I \n*Death Star II \n*Death Star prototype\n*Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser\n**Vendetta \n*EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate\n**Yavaris \n*Galactic Voyager \n*Gamma-class assault shuttle\n*Imperial I-class Star Destroyer\n**Devastator \n*Lady Luck\n*Lambda-class T-4a shuttle\n*Maw fleet\n**Basilisk \n**Gorgon\n**Hydra \n**Manticore \n*Millennium Falcon\n*Mountain Terrain Armored Transport \"MT-AT\", \"Spider walker\" \n*RZ-1 A-wing interceptor \"A-wing\"\n*Strike-class medium cruiser \"Loronar Strike Cruiser\"\n*Sun Crusher\n*TIE/IN interceptor \"TIE interceptor\"\n*TIE/LN starfighter \"TIE fighter\"\n*TIE/sa bomber \"TIE bomber\" \n*T-65 X-wing starfighter \"X-wing\"\n*Victory''-class Star Destroyer\n*X-23 StarWorker \"StarWorker space barge\""@en . "*Black hole\n*Bramble \n*Breath mask\n*Corusca gem\n*Credit \n*Death Star plans \n*Double viol\n*Emergency Procedures manual\n*Gamma ray \n*Glitterstim \n*Head tails\n*Heat storm \n*Hyperspace\n*Jedi robe\n*Meteorite\n*New Order \n*Organic gill\n*Plasma\n*Plasteel\n*Radiation\n*Sabacc \n*Shyriiwook\n*Supernova\n*Synrock \n*The Force\n**Dark side of the Force\n**Disturbance in the Force\n**Jedi trance\n**Light side of the Force\n**Morichro \"suspended animation\"\n**Telekinesis\n***Force Choke\n***Force Whirlwind\n*Tibanna \n*Torture \n*Tow cable \n*Vacuum\n*Viewport\n*X-ray"@en . . "Nositel\u00E9 S\u00EDly"@en . "*Caridan\n*Devaronian\n*Human\n*Hutt \n*Khommite\n*Massassi \n*Mon Calamari\n*Omwati\n*Quarren\n*Rybet\n*Sullustan \n*Trandoshan\n*Twi'lek\n*Ugnaught\n*Vor\n*Whiphid"@en . "W\u0142adcy Mocy"@en .