"The Chalnoth were a species with cranial ridges like the Klingons, lion-like manes, and large hook-like teeth like the Nausicaans. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible) As a species they were warlike and did not believe in government, so they lived in a state of total anarchy where only the strong survived. They could only digest flesh that was either raw or still living, and could only survive three or four days without food. This meant that they did not adapt as well to captivity as other species like Humans, Bolians or Mizarians. (TNG episode: \"Allegiance\") While attending Starfleet Academy, cadets Jean-Luc Picard and Cortin Zweller encountered Chalnoth mercenaries on the planet Yrskatdon while seeking medical attention for their classmate Marta Batanides. (SA comic: \"Judgment\") While serving as captain of the USS Stargazer in 2354, Picard was dispatched to the Chalnoth homeworld of Chalna (known on Federation star-maps as Kaus Borealis V) in order to negotiate a dispute about a Federation research colony on the planet Ynathaia, which the Chalnoth claimed as their own. Picard defeated a Chalnoth champion in a trial by combat, through which Picard secured the safety of the colony until their research was done. (TNG comic: \"Children of Chaos\") In 2366, a Chalnoth named Esoqq was kidnapped (along with Picard and several others) by a previously unknown (and unnamed) alien race that was studying the concept of leadership. (TNG episode: \"Allegiance\") In 2370, while investigating the disappearance of the Federation vessel USS Aquitaine near the planet Beta Scoraata II, the USS Enterprise-D found both the Aquitaine and the Chalnoth vessel Blade seemingly abandoned. An away team from the Enterprise rescued the crews of the Aquitaine and the Blade from an indigenous creature that had encased both parties in cocoons, while Picard dealt with Chalnoth warships in orbit. After producing the rescued Chalnoth to the Chalnoth captain, Pathox, the Enterprise and the Aquitaine were allowed to leave the system unmolested. (TNG comics: \"Children of Chaos\", \"Mother of Madness\", \"Brothers in Darkness\") In early 2377, a Chalnoth bounty hunter named Grauq unsuccessfully hunted the Cardassian woman Iliana Ghemor of the mirror universe on the planet Harkoum, but was killed during the pursuit. (DS9 novel: Warpath)"@en . . . . "Au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 chalnoth \u00E9tait en \u00E9tat de totale anarchie, car les Chalnoths ne s'encombraient pas de gouvernement ni de lois."@fr . . . . . "Chalnoth"@fr . . . "Lupine humanoids from Chalna. The Chalnoth are anarchists without any government or authority. If any one area of Chalna can be said to be governed by anyone, it is certainly the person with the biggest weapon. Chalnoth technology is limited to the phasers and light spacecraft sold to them by traders. The Chalnoth are vaguely catlike humanoids with large fangs and long fur."@en . "Au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 chalnoth \u00E9tait en \u00E9tat de totale anarchie, car les Chalnoths ne s'encombraient pas de gouvernement ni de lois."@fr . . . "Chalnoth"@de . . . . . "thumb|Esoqq, ein m\u00E4nnlicher Chalnoth Die Chalnoth sind eine humanoide Spezies. Ihr Heimatplanet ist Chalna, \u00FCber den wenig bekannt ist. 2354 besucht Captain Picard mit der USS Stargazer diesen Planeten. 2366 begegnet Picard einem Chalnoth bei einer Verhaltensstudie unbekannter Wissenschaftler. Des Weiteren sind die Chalnoth eine aggressive Spezies, die sich haupts\u00E4chlich von Fleisch ern\u00E4hrt und k\u00FCnstliche Nahrungsmittel nicht verwerten kann. Ihre Gesellschaft basiert nicht auf einer Regierung oder anderen gesetzgebenden Instanzen, sie ist rein anarchistisch (TNG: )."@de . "The Chalnoth were an aggressive species native to the planet Chalna. The Chalnoth did not believe in government so their society existed in a state of total anarchy, where only the strong survived. Due to their physiology, the Chalnoth could only survive three or four days without food. Moreover, they had nutritional requirements different from Humans, they could not eat the 'edible' discs provided by alien abductors but could subsist on a Humanoid. (TNG: \"Allegiance\" )"@en . . . . . . "thumb|Esoqq, ein m\u00E4nnlicher Chalnoth Die Chalnoth sind eine humanoide Spezies. Ihr Heimatplanet ist Chalna, \u00FCber den wenig bekannt ist. 2354 besucht Captain Picard mit der USS Stargazer diesen Planeten. 2366 begegnet Picard einem Chalnoth bei einer Verhaltensstudie unbekannter Wissenschaftler. Des Weiteren sind die Chalnoth eine aggressive Spezies, die sich haupts\u00E4chlich von Fleisch ern\u00E4hrt und k\u00FCnstliche Nahrungsmittel nicht verwerten kann. Ihre Gesellschaft basiert nicht auf einer Regierung oder anderen gesetzgebenden Instanzen, sie ist rein anarchistisch (TNG: )."@de . "The Chalnoth were a species with cranial ridges like the Klingons, lion-like manes, and large hook-like teeth like the Nausicaans. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible) As a species they were warlike and did not believe in government, so they lived in a state of total anarchy where only the strong survived. They could only digest flesh that was either raw or still living, and could only survive three or four days without food. This meant that they did not adapt as well to captivity as other species like Humans, Bolians or Mizarians. (TNG episode: \"Allegiance\")"@en . "The Chalnoth were an aggressive species native to the planet Chalna. The Chalnoth did not believe in government so their society existed in a state of total anarchy, where only the strong survived. Due to their physiology, the Chalnoth could only survive three or four days without food. Moreover, they had nutritional requirements different from Humans, they could not eat the 'edible' discs provided by alien abductors but could subsist on a Humanoid. (TNG: \"Allegiance\" )"@en . . . "Esoqq, a male Chalnoth"@en . . . "Chalnoth"@en . . . . "Lupine humanoids from Chalna. The Chalnoth are anarchists without any government or authority. If any one area of Chalna can be said to be governed by anyone, it is certainly the person with the biggest weapon. Chalnoth technology is limited to the phasers and light spacecraft sold to them by traders. The Chalnoth are vaguely catlike humanoids with large fangs and long fur."@en . .