"The development of Natural History, the science about wildlife and nature outside of civilization, is a landmark in contemporary culture. When men finally stop just using nature, and focus on studying it, they are able to uncover a whole new field of activities, which end up boosting tourism and entertainment. A new building of the Entertainment Complex, the Zoo, is developed to exhibit rare animals and plants so that buzy citizens that never go out in nature could actually see them. Finally, you gain 2 Envoys."@en . "Conservation"@en . "Archaeologist"@en . "Natural History (Civ6)"@en . "Had I been present at the Creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe."@en . . "In all works on Natural History, we constantly find details of the marvelous adaptation of animals to their food, their habits, and the localities in which they are found."@en . . "Nelson Algren"@en . "Natural History"@en . "The development of Natural History, the science about wildlife and nature outside of civilization, is a landmark in contemporary culture. When men finally stop just using nature, and focus on studying it, they are able to uncover a whole new field of activities, which end up boosting tourism and entertainment. A new building of the Entertainment Complex, the Zoo, is developed to exhibit rare animals and plants so that buzy citizens that never go out in nature could actually see them. But more importantly, parallel to the interest in nature, the interest in the remains of past human activities also develops. Antiquity Sites are now revealed, and a new unit, the Archaeologist, can be sent to them for exploration. Finally, you gain 2 Envoys."@en . "870"^^ . "Reveals s. Allows construction of Archaeologists. Awards 2 Envoys."@en . "Build an ."@en . "Colonialism"@en . "Alfred Wallace"@en . "Hermitage, Zoo"@en .