. "In the year 1989 the Berlin Wall fell, marking the end of the USSR's influence in the world. What would have happened otherwise? This map game is about what would have happened if the unreformed-USSR preemptively hit the very heart of the USA. In 1987 President Ronald Reagan delivered his famous \"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!\" speach. His voice however was drowned out by the screaming of Soviet MiGs overhead. Before He could continue, Soviet tanks flooded out of variouse check points and began the invasion of the West. The President is captured by the Soviets and presumed dead."@en . . . "In the year 1989 the Berlin Wall fell, marking the end of the USSR's influence in the world. What would have happened otherwise? This map game is about what would have happened if the unreformed-USSR preemptively hit the very heart of the USA. In 1987 President Ronald Reagan delivered his famous \"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!\" speach. His voice however was drowned out by the screaming of Soviet MiGs overhead. Before He could continue, Soviet tanks flooded out of variouse check points and began the invasion of the West. The President is captured by the Soviets and presumed dead. The USSR then invades with China's help through Alaska down into Pacific America. All electronics in the US are cut off by a nuclear explosion in space generating an EMP wave. Then the USSR targeted all major nuclear facilities and leveled D.C and all other Major cities. Clashes occered in Korea and Germany. The games takes place in ATL 1984 just three years before the invasion and will continue until the present or near future."@en . . "What a map game looks like"@en .