"http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/story-so-far/chapter-2/1|desc=Chapter II: The New World - The Founding of Quel'Thalas"@en . "The Founding of Quel'Thalas"@en . . . "Za\u0142o\u017Cenie Quel'Thalas to sekcja Historii Warcrafta, Rozdzia\u0142 II. Jej akcja dzieje si\u0119 6,800 lat przed wydarzeniami znanymi z Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Ksi\u0105\u017Ck\u0119 mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 w: \n* Auberdine na Mrocznym Brzegu \n* Tawernie Szkar\u0142atny Kruk w Darkshire w Kniei Zmerzchu \n* Pokoju Widokowym w Scholomance na Zachodnich Ziemiach Plagi Chronologia: \n* \u2190 Poprzednia ksi\u0105\u017Cka: Stra\u017Cnicy i D\u0142ugie Czuwanie \n* \u2192 Nast\u0119pna ksi\u0105\u017Cka: Arathor i Wojny Trolli Za\u0142o\u017Cenie Quel'Thalas Wysokie elfy, prowadzone przez Dath'Remara, zostawi\u0142y Kalimdor daleko za sob\u0105 i zmierzy\u0142y si\u0119 z burzami Malstromu. Ich floty ogl\u0105da\u0142y zniszczony \u015Bwiat przez wiele d\u0142ugich lat, a podczas swej podr\u00F3\u017Cy, napotyka\u0142y wiele tajemnic i upad\u0142ych kr\u00F3lestw. Dath'Remar, kt\u00F3ry przyj\u0105\u0142 imi\u0119 Sunstrider (\"ten, kt\u00F3ry chodzi za dnia\") poszukiwa\u0142 miejsc o wyra\u017Anych liniach mocy, gdzie m\u00F3g\u0142by zbudowa\u0107 now\u0105 ojczyzn\u0119 dla swego ludu. Wreszcie jego flota wyl\u0105dowa\u0142a na pla\u017Cach kr\u00F3lestwa, kt\u00F3re ludzie p\u00F3\u017Aniej nazw\u0105 Lordaeron. Ruszaj\u0105c w g\u0142\u0105b l\u0105du, wysokie elfy za\u0142o\u017Cy\u0142y osad\u0119 na spokojnych Polanach Tirisfal. Po kilku latach liczne elfy zacz\u0119\u0142y popada\u0107 w szale\u0144stwo. Przypuszczano, \u017Ce jakie\u015B z\u0142o drzemie pod powierzchni\u0105 ziemi, jednak plotki nigdy nie zosta\u0142y potwierdzone. Wysokie elfy zebra\u0142y sw\u00F3j dobytek i ruszy\u0142y na p\u00F3\u0142noc, ku kolejnej krainie bogatej w magiczn\u0105 energi\u0119. Gdy wysokie elfy przemierza\u0142y surowe, g\u00F3rskie krainy Lordaeron, ich podr\u00F3\u017C stawa\u0142a si\u0119 coraz bardziej niebezpieczna. Odk\u0105d zosta\u0142y odci\u0119te od \u017Cyciodajnych energii Studni Wieczno\u015Bci, wiele elf\u00F3w zachorowa\u0142o w ch\u0142odnym klimacie lub zmar\u0142o z wycie\u0144czenia. Najbardziej przygn\u0119biaj\u0105cy by\u0142 jednak fakt, \u017Ce nie by\u0142y one ju\u017C nie\u015Bmiertelne ani odporne na \u017Cywio\u0142y. W pewien spos\u00F3b r\u00F3wnie\u017C skarla\u0142y, a ich sk\u00F3ra utraci\u0142a charakterystyczny fioletowy odcie\u0144. Mimo trudno\u015Bci, napotka\u0142y wiele wspania\u0142ych stworze\u0144, kt\u00F3re nigdy nie by\u0142y widziane w Kalimdorze. Elfy odkry\u0142y plemiona prymitywnych ludzi, kt\u00F3rzy polowali w staro\u017Cytnych lasach. Jednak najpowa\u017Cniejszym zagro\u017Ceniem by\u0142y dzikie i sprytne le\u015Bne trolle z Zul'Aman. Te zielonosk\u00F3re trolle mog\u0142y regenerowa\u0107 utracone ko\u0144czyny i leczy\u0107 powa\u017Cne obra\u017Cenia, jednak okaza\u0142y si\u0119 by\u0107 barbarzy\u0144sk\u0105, z\u0142\u0105 ras\u0105. Imperium Amani rozci\u0105ga\u0142o si\u0119 niemal na ca\u0142e p\u00F3\u0142nocne Lordaeron, a trolle uparcie walczy\u0142y, by trzyma\u0107 niechcianych go\u015Bci daleko od swych granic. Elfy wykszta\u0142ci\u0142y g\u0142\u0119bok\u0105 pogard\u0119 do okrutnych trolli i zabija\u0142y je, gdy tylko je widzia\u0142y. Po wielu d\u0142ugich latach wysokie elfy wreszcie odkry\u0142y krain\u0119, kt\u00F3ra przypomina\u0142a Kalimdor. G\u0142\u0119boko w\u015Br\u00F3d p\u00F3\u0142nocnych las\u00F3w kontynentu za\u0142o\u017Cy\u0142y kr\u00F3lestwo Quel'Thalas i przyrzek\u0142y stworzy\u0107 pot\u0119\u017Cne imperium, kt\u00F3re b\u0119dzie mog\u0142o rywalizowa\u0107 z ich kuzynami Kaldorei. Niestety, szybko dowiedzia\u0142y si\u0119, \u017Ce Quel'Thalas zosta\u0142o za\u0142o\u017Cone na miejscu staro\u017Cytnego miasta trolli, kt\u00F3re te uwa\u017Ca\u0142y za \u015Bwi\u0119te miejsce. Niemal natychmiast trolle zacz\u0119\u0142y masowo atakowa\u0107 osady elf\u00F3w. Uparte elfy, nie chc\u0105c odda\u0107 nowej krainy, u\u017Cy\u0142y magii, kt\u00F3r\u0105 czerpa\u0142y ze Studni Wieczno\u015Bci i trzyma\u0142y dzi\u0119ki temu dzikich trolli na dystans. Pod przyw\u00F3dztwem Dath'Remara by\u0142y zdolne pokona\u0107 oddzia\u0142y wojenne Amanich, kt\u00F3re ich dziesi\u0105tkowa\u0142y. Niekt\u00F3re elfy, pami\u0119tne staro\u017Cytnych ostrze\u017Ce\u0144 Kaldorei, s\u0105dzi\u0142y, \u017Ce ich u\u017Cycie magii mo\u017Ce \u015Bci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 uwag\u0119 wygnanego P\u0142on\u0105cego Legionu. Wtedy postanowi\u0142y zamaskowa\u0107 sw\u0105 krain\u0119 za ochronn\u0105 barier\u0105, kt\u00F3ra pozwoli im pracowa\u0107 nad swoimi zakl\u0119ciami. Elfy wznios\u0142y ci\u0105g monolitycznych kamieni runicznych w wielu punktach Quel'Thalas, pomi\u0119dzy kt\u00F3rymi mia\u0142a powsta\u0107 magiczna bariera. Kamienie Runiczne nie tylko chroni\u0142y magi\u0119 elf\u00F3w przed ponadwymiarowymi zagro\u017Ceniami, lecz pomog\u0142y r\u00F3wnie\u017C odstraszy\u0107 bandy wojenne trolli. Z czasem Quel'Thalas sta\u0142o si\u0119 l\u015Bni\u0105cym pomnikiem wysi\u0142k\u00F3w wysokich elf\u00F3w i ich magicznego uzdolnienia. Przepi\u0119kne pa\u0142ace zosta\u0142y wzniesione w tym samym stylu architektonicznym, co staro\u017Cytne halle Kalimdoru, jednak zosta\u0142y wkomponowane w otaczaj\u0105cy krajobraz. Quel'Thalas sta\u0142o si\u0119 b\u0142yszcz\u0105cym klejnotem, kt\u00F3ry elfy pragn\u0119\u0142y stworzy\u0107. Konwent Silvermoon sta\u0142 si\u0119 si\u0142\u0105 rz\u0105dz\u0105c\u0105 w Quel'Thalas, jednak dynastia Sunstrider\u00F3w utrzyma\u0142a znacz\u0105ce polityczne wp\u0142ywy. Sk\u0142adaj\u0105ce si\u0119 z siedmiu najpot\u0119\u017Cniejszych w\u0142adc\u00F3w wysokich elf\u00F3w Konklawe pracowa\u0142o nad zapewnieniem bezpiecze\u0144stwa elfich ziem i ludu. Otoczone przez ochronn\u0105 barier\u0119 wysokie elfy zapomnia\u0142y o ostrze\u017Ceniach Kaldorei i zacz\u0119\u0142y u\u017Cywa\u0107 magii w niemal wszystkich aspektach \u017Cycia. Przez niemal cztery tysi\u0105ce lat wysokie elfy \u017Cy\u0142y w pokoju w swym bezpiecznym kr\u00F3lestwie. Jednak m\u015Bciwe trolle nie da\u0142y si\u0119 \u0142atwo pokona\u0107. Knu\u0142y w sercu las\u00F3w i czeka\u0142y, a\u017C liczba ich oddzia\u0142\u00F3w wojennych wzro\u015Bnie. Wreszcie pot\u0119\u017Cna armia trolli wysz\u0142a z cieni lasu i po raz kolejny obleg\u0142a l\u015Bni\u0105ce wie\u017Ce Quel'Thalas."@pl . "The Founding of Quel'Thalas"@pl . "bnetwoweu"@en . . "File:INV Misc Book 09.png In-Game Book File:Icon-warning.svg Do not add to, edit, or remove any of the story, unless the official source changes. \"The Founding of Quel'Thalas\" is a section of the History of Warcraft, Chapter II. It is set 6,800 years before Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Found at: \n* Auberdine in Darkshore at [[:File:|[, ]]]. \n* Scarlet Raven Tavern in Duskwood. \n* Viewing Room of Scholomance in the Western Plaguelands. Timeline: \n* \u2190 Previous book: The Sentinels and the Long Vigil \n* \u2192 Next book: Arathor and the Troll Wars The Founding of Quel'Thalas The high elves, led by Dath'Remar, left Kalimdor behind them and challenged the storms of the Maelstrom. Their fleets wandered the wreckage of the world for many long years, and they discovered mysteries and lost kingdoms along their sojourn. Dath'Remar, who had taken the name Sunstrider (or \"he who walks the day\"), sought out places of considerable ley power upon which to build a new homeland for his people. His fleet finally landed on the beaches of the kingdom men would later call Lordaeron. Forging inland, the high elves founded a settlement within the tranquil Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, many of them began to go mad. It was theorized that something evil slept beneath that particular part of the world, but the rumors were never proven to be true. The high elves packed up their encampment and moved northward towards another land rich with ley energies. As the high elves crossed the rugged, mountainous lands of Lordaeron, their journey became more perilous. Since they were effectively cut off from the life-giving energies of the Well of Eternity, many of them fell ill from the frigid climate or died from starvation. The most disconcerting change, however, was the fact that they were no longer immortal or immune to the elements. They also shrank somewhat in height, and their skin lost its characteristic violet hue. Despite their hardships, they encountered many wondrous creatures that had never been seen in Kalimdor. They also found tribes of primitive humans who hunted throughout the ancient forestlands. However, the direst threat they encountered were the voracious and cunning forest trolls of Zul'Aman. These moss-skinned trolls could regenerate lost limbs and heal grievous physical injuries, but they proved to be a barbaric, evil race. The Amani empire stretched across most of northern Lordaeron, and the trolls fought hard to keep unwanted strangers from their borders. The elves developed a deep loathing for the vicious trolls and killed them on sight whenever they were encountered. After many long years, the high elves finally found a land which was reminiscent of Kalimdor. Deep within the northern forests of the continent, they founded the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and vowed to create a mighty empire which would dwarf that of their Kaldorei cousins. Unfortunately they soon learned that Quel'Thalas was founded upon an ancient troll city that the trolls still held to be sacred. Almost immediately, the trolls began to attack the elven settlements en masse. The stubborn elves, unwilling to give up their new land, utilized the magics which they had gleaned from the Well of Eternity and kept the savage trolls at bay. Under Dath'Remar's leadership, they were able to defeat the Amani warbands that outnumbered them ten to one. Some elves, wary of the Kaldorei's ancient warnings, felt that their use of magic might possibly draw the attention of the banished Burning Legion. Therefore, they decided to mask their lands within a protective barrier which would still allow them to work their enchantments. They constructed a series of monolithic Runestones at various points around Quel'Thalas which marked the boundaries of the magic barrier. The Runestones not only masked the elves' magic from extra-dimensional threats, but helped to frighten away the superstitious troll warbands as well. As time wore on, Quel'Thalas became a shining monument to the high elves' efforts and magical prowess. Its beauteous palaces were crafted in the same architectural style as the ancient halls of Kalimdor, yet they were interwoven with the natural topography of the land. Quel'Thalas had become the shining jewel that the elves had longed to create. The Convocation of Silvermoon was founded as the ruling power over Quel'Thalas, though the Sunstrider Dynasty maintained a modicum of political power. Comprised of seven of the greatest high elf lords, the Convocation worked to secure the safety of the elven lands and people. Surrounded by their protective barrier, the high elves remained unmoved by the old warnings of the Kaldorei and continued to use magic flagrantly in almost all aspects of their lives. For nearly four thousand years the high elves lived peacefully within the secluded safety of their kingdom. Nevertheless, the vindictive trolls were not so easily defeated. They plotted and schemed in the depths of the forests and waited for the numbers of their warbands to grow. Finally, a mighty troll army charged out from the shadowy forests and once again laid siege to the shining spires of Quel'Thalas."@en . . . . . "File:INV Misc Book 09.png In-Game Book File:Icon-warning.svg Do not add to, edit, or remove any of the story, unless the official source changes. \"The Founding of Quel'Thalas\" is a section of the History of Warcraft, Chapter II. It is set 6,800 years before Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Found at: \n* Auberdine in Darkshore at [[:File:|[, ]]]. \n* Scarlet Raven Tavern in Duskwood. \n* Viewing Room of Scholomance in the Western Plaguelands. Timeline:"@en . . . "bnetwowus"@en . "http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/story-so-far/chapter-2/1|desc=Chapter II: The New World - The Founding of Quel'Thalas"@en . "Za\u0142o\u017Cenie Quel'Thalas to sekcja Historii Warcrafta, Rozdzia\u0142 II. Jej akcja dzieje si\u0119 6,800 lat przed wydarzeniami znanymi z Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Ksi\u0105\u017Ck\u0119 mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 w: \n* Auberdine na Mrocznym Brzegu \n* Tawernie Szkar\u0142atny Kruk w Darkshire w Kniei Zmerzchu \n* Pokoju Widokowym w Scholomance na Zachodnich Ziemiach Plagi Chronologia:"@pl . . . . .