. "Grey Jedi Order"@en . . "The Grey Jedi Order was an alliance of Jedi Knights who supported Zargayus Xerime and the Monarchy-Democratic Party during the Great Galactic Civil War. Their first leader was Zuudome. However, he was killed by former Jedi Melli Elmu, who replaced him. Their final leader was King Zaa Ru. Its member included users of both the dark side and the light side, however most walked the path of darkness."@en . "The Grey Jedi Order was an alliance of Jedi Knights who supported Zargayus Xerime and the Monarchy-Democratic Party during the Great Galactic Civil War. Their first leader was Zuudome. However, he was killed by former Jedi Melli Elmu, who replaced him. Their final leader was King Zaa Ru. Its member included users of both the dark side and the light side, however most walked the path of darkness."@en .