. . . . "Von Korden was only saved from disgrace by a reassignment to Sylvania by Emperor Karl Franz himself. Since then, he has worked tirelessly against the evil denizens of that land for years. Von Korden now has loyal bodies of men throughout the Vale \u2013 after shooting the Templehof Vargheist through the eye with a silver bullet and hauling its corpse to the town bonfire, the Witch Hunter has gained plenty of supporters. He has truly thrived in Sylvania, for the delineation between good and evil is far more distinct there than in the courts of the Empire. He has three confirmed Vampire kills to his name and has taken their heads as trophies to prove his skill, claiming that he will add Mannfred's own skull to the tally before the year is out. It is this bloody determination that has won von Kord"@en . "Alberich von Korden"@en . "Von Korden was only saved from disgrace by a reassignment to Sylvania by Emperor Karl Franz himself. Since then, he has worked tirelessly against the evil denizens of that land for years. Von Korden now has loyal bodies of men throughout the Vale \u2013 after shooting the Templehof Vargheist through the eye with a silver bullet and hauling its corpse to the town bonfire, the Witch Hunter has gained plenty of supporters. He has truly thrived in Sylvania, for the delineation between good and evil is far more distinct there than in the courts of the Empire. He has three confirmed Vampire kills to his name and has taken their heads as trophies to prove his skill, claiming that he will add Mannfred's own skull to the tally before the year is out. It is this bloody determination that has won von Korden allies from common roadwardens to the White Order of Templehof \u2013 a trio of eccentric wizards based to the east of the Vale who see the Witch Hunter as a powerful force for good, and have rewarded him with a magical ring that can drive back the creatures of darkness.[1a]"@en . . .