"Rona Grey"@en . "\"It was wise not to commit to Lady Oridane yet,\" Rona approves. \"But perhaps soon. The cracks are beginning to show in the Oridane-Chernoff alliance.\""@en . "A Stronger Alliance"@en . "City"@en . "Forging Bonds"@en . "Cunning"@en . "\"Lady Oridane may have more to bring to this betrothal that she realized,\" Rona tells you approvingly. \"The Oridane-Chernoff alliance is fracturing.\""@en . "A Marriage Alliance"@en . "18000.0"^^ . "459"^^ . "Fault Lines"@en . "Truthful"@en . . "153"^^ . . "Uniting Our Houses"@en . "\"Is Terrei's son in danger?\""@en . "Some-time allies of both you and House Goldfoot, House Oridane has now allied against you with Lady Chernoff."@en . "153"^^ . "\"But Terrei already renounced her claim to House Oridane, didn't she?\""@en . "Rona Grey"@en . "Rona waves a hand in dismissal. \"Her son is the rightful heir. There are no words that can renounce his claim while he still lives.\""@en . . "\"Then we must take care that Ruvayn lives. Find out what's happening, but don';t put him in danger.\""@en . "What's happening to their alliance?\""@en . "Rona looks smug. \"I believe that's part of it. Lord Oridane didn't like threatening his own nephew. But we must send a spy to learn for sure.\""@en . "Family"@en . "Lord Oridane didn't like losing to us,\" Rona says bluntly. \"And he doesn't want to fight Lady Chernoff's wars.\""@en . "House Oridane"@en . "Send a spy to Ravencrag immediately."@en . . "Perhaps we should try to drive a further wedge between them...\""@en . "Peerless"@en . "Random Resource"@en . "World Court Intrigue.jpg"@en . "III"@en . "Sworn Sword"@en . . . . .