. "All will become clear soon enough. For now, you must let go of the past. The future is the only thing you can change."@en . . . "Thunderstar's Echo"@en . "\"I have traveled so far and loved so much, and yet I am still following the Sun Trail, heading for my new hunting grounds.\""@en . . "Gray Wing"@en . "29618570"^^ . . "Gray Wing standing up for the rogues to Wind Runner"@en . . "Thank you. For saving me."@en . "\u7070\u7FFC\u9F8D"@en . . . . . "Path of Stars, Moth Flight's Vision, Thunderstar's Echo"@en . "Mates:"@en . "Gray Wing"@en . . . "\u0393\u03BA\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03BF \u03A6\u03C4\u03B5\u03C1\u03CC"@en . . "Gray Wing thinking about his campmates"@en . . . "WindClan, Rogue, Ancient Tribe, Tall Shadow's Camp, Wind Runner's Camp"@en . . . "5340"^^ . . "Graystar / Gray WingGray Wing"@en . "Turtle Tail's spirit to Gray Wing"@en . . . "Clear Sky and Gray Wing"@en . "Ancient:Rogue:Early Settler:"@en . "Just give in!"@en . "Clear Sky"@en . "Gray Wing is a sleek, dark gray tom with golden eyes, broad shoulders, and a torn ear-tip."@en . "Don't forget I helped raise Pebble Heart, Owl Eyes, and Sparrow Fur. And Thunder."@en . . "91"^^ . . . . . "Gray Wing about becoming leader"@en . "Of course. You have kits in almost every group."@en . "Gray Wing"@en . "You have been like a father to so many. To Thunder, as well as to my kits. To any cat that needed comfort and guidance. No other cat is as well-loved as you, Gray Wing. You will be remembered."@en . "343"^^ . "Effect"@en . . . . "Gray Wing"@en . "Daughter:"@en . "He's probably watching them right now."@en . "You've betrayed the cats who were once your kin. The cats who traveled here with you from the mountains. Is that what you wanted? Is this why we left the mountains? To kill each other? I'm glad Storm is dead! She would never have wanted to see this!"@en . . . "1300"^^ . "The Sun Trail"@en . "Then why did you bring me here? What's happened to the Tribe?"@en . . "Gray Wing when his and Slate's kits are born"@en . "Clear Sky"@en . "WIND"@en . "Never."@en . "These cat asked us for help! So what if they hate rabbit burrows, or get lost in the heather. It might take a while before they feel like hunting in patrols or making nests beside cats they hardly know. They asked us for help, and if we think we are so much better than we are, we should set an example and help them!"@en . "Pack 21"@en . "Jagged Peak"@en . . . "The Sun Trail, Thunder Rising, The First Battle, The Blazing Star, A Forest Divided, Path of Stars, The Ultimate Guide"@en . . . "If I hadn't, some other cat would have. Why do you always have to challenge me? You should have just let me make my boundaries as I wanted! Instead, you bring me war."@en . . "Stoneteller"@en . . . "Gray Wing finds out Slate's expecting"@en . "I always felt guilty that Quiet Rain sent you to find me when I ran away. You wanted to stay with the Tribe. You only followed the others to find me."@en . "Gray Wing to Slate and their kits in his final moments"@en . . "None"@en . . "Foster Sons:"@en . "Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won."@en . "3"^^ . "Okay, I'm brave, or I try to be. But I don't have the skill or the special authority that a leader needs. Surely you remember Stoneteller? She wasn't just brave; she knew how to take care of each cat like they were her own kit. I don't have that in me."@en . "Jagged Peak"@en . . . "Never forget how much I love you. Silver Stripe, be brave and take care of your mother. White Tail, learn all that you can so that one day you will make your Clan proud. Black Ear, forgive any harm you've been done and show kindness to your Clanmates. For we are all fighting a hard battle, and sometimes kindness is all you need."@en . "Foster Daughter:"@en . . . . . "Clear Sky"@en . "Aile Grise"@en . "This truly is the end of our brotherhood. I can't recognize you anymore as the beloved littermate I grew up with and traveled here with."@en . . "Quiet Rain to Gray Wing"@en . "Stoneteller"@en . "Give in!"@en . "Your kits?"@en . . "Gray Wing was the callsign of an Alliance pilot who flew in Gray Squadron during the Battle of Endor. Gray Wing was among the earliest casualties of the battle."@en . . "Multiple attacker"@en . "Brothers:"@en . "Clear Sky almost killing Gray Wing"@en . "Sons:"@en . . . "Scarta 1 carta dalla tua mano durante la tua Main Phase 1. Questo Mostro pu\u00F2 attaccare due volte durante la Battle Phase in questo turno."@en . "Gray Wing"@en . "I didn't want to leave. But now I know there's something I must do. I promise that I'll find Jagged Peak and take him to join the others in their new home."@en . . . . . "A Forest Divided"@en . "Gray Wing"@en . "440"^^ . . "Jagged Peak"@en . . . "Wind Runner, with this life I give you the determination to bring unity to all the Clans."@en . "133"^^ . . "A purr swelled in Gray Wing's throat. Love filled his heart. He was surprised how familiar it felt. He'd expected to feel different about his own kits. With a jolt, he realized how much he'd loved Turtle Tail\u2019s kits, and his heart seemed to flood with joy."@en . "Clear Sky"@en . "Slate"@en . "Gray Wing reflecting on his life"@en . . . . "Ala Gris"@en . "Discard 1 card from your hand during your Main Phase 1. This monster can attack twice during the Battle Phase of this turn."@en . "Ignition"@en . "Gray Wing"@en . . . "He always wanted kits of his own. I just wish he'd had a chance to watch them grow up."@en . "Gray Wing and Jagged Peak"@en . . "Discards for cost"@en . . "chapter 24"@en . . "chapter 8"@en . . . . . "Gurei Uingu"@en . "Ative por descartar 1 carta durante a sua Main Phase 1. Esta carta pode atacar duas vezes durante a Battle Phase deste turno."@en . "You were always the gentlest of my kits. I worried sometimes that you lacked Clear Sky's spirit or Jagged Peak's stubbornness. But you have the kindest heart. You always hope for the best."@en . "Lightning Tail to Thunderstar"@en . . . "chapter 19"@en . "You want to tell every cat what to do. You always have and you always will. You're so greedy for power, you'll kill your own littermate to get it."@en . "214"^^ . . "Grauschwinge"@en . "Unknown"@en . "Gray Wing is a sleek, dark gray tom with golden eyes, broad shoulders, and a torn ear-tip."@en . "\u5728\u4E3B\u8981\u968E\u6BB5\u4E00\u4E1F\u68C41\u5F35\u624B\u5361\u3002\u9019\u5F35\u5361\u5728\u90A3\u500B\u56DE\u5408\u7684\u6230\u9B25\u968E\u6BB5\u4E2D\u53EF\u4EE52\u6B21\u653B\u64CA\u3002"@en . . "Gray Wing to Clear Sky"@en . . "Gray WingGray WingGray Wing"@en . . "Thunder Rising"@en . "216"^^ . . "World Championship 2006"@en . . "Moth Flight's Vision"@en . . "Really?"@en . "Sister:"@en . . . "They'll keep you busy."@en . . "204"^^ . . . "\u30B0\u30EC\u30A4\u30FB\u30A6\u30A4\u30F3\u30B0"@en . "Asa Cinzenta"@en . . "Kit:"@en . "Dappled Pelt, Slate, and Moth Flight about Gray Wing at a Gathering"@en . "My love. Thank you."@en . "I had to. I couldn't anything happen to the father of my kits."@en . "chapter 1"@en . "Don't make me do this, brother. All I want is for every cat to be safe. To have borders to protect us and make sure we have prey."@en . . "Gray Wing would have been proud of them."@en . "63"^^ . "Gray Wing to Clear Sky before Clear Sky leaves the mountains"@en . "StarClan"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "Slate"@en . "Path of Stars, page 308"@en . "Path of Stars"@en . . "Wirf in deiner Main Phase 1 eine Karte aus deiner Hand ab. Dieses Monster kann zweimal in der Battle Phase dieses Spielzuges angreifen."@en . "Groups. Suddenly the word didn't seem to describe the closeness he felt for his campmates. Wind Runner, Gorse Fur, Slate, Swift Minnow, Reed Tail, and Spotted Fur - he suddenly realized he felt as close to them as he felt to his own kin. His thoughts quickened, searching for a word that meant more than groups. A word that reflected kinship he felt for those who he hunted and fought beside."@en . "Ala Grigia"@en . "\uADF8\uB808\uC774 \uC719"@en . "Gray Wing was the callsign of an Alliance pilot who flew in Gray Squadron during the Battle of Endor. Gray Wing was among the earliest casualties of the battle."@en . "Clear Sky"@en . "Leader:StarClan Resident:"@en . "I'm sorry you have to do this without me. But my place is here, with Quiet Rain and Jagged Peak."@en . "Moth Flight"@en . "Gray Wing"@en . "Don't mention her name!"@en . . "310"^^ . "43"^^ . "Of course!"@en . "It's hard to believe that I never wanted to leave the mountains. Now I can't imagine any other home than here."@en . "Mother:"@en . "Dragon"@en . "307"^^ . . . "700"^^ . "I'm glad you ran away. If you hadn't, I'd never have come here and realized how much I loved Turtle Tail ... or met Slate."@en . . . "I'm going to have your kits. Is it so surprising?"@en . . "Gray Wing"@en . . . "Skystar might be your father, but Gray Wing raised you. And he was the best father a cat could have. You've already learned everything you need to know from him. You'll see."@en . "Gray Wing giving Wind Runner a life"@en . "291"^^ . . . "Stoneteller talking to Gray Wing"@en . "You killed her! You killed Rainswept Flower!"@en . "Dappled Pelt"@en . "2"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "\u30E1\u30A4\u30F3\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30BA\uFF11\u3067\u624B\u672D\u304B\u3089\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\uFF11\u679A\u6368\u3066\u308B\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306F\u305D\u306E\u30BF\u30FC\u30F3\u306E\u30D0\u30C8\u30EB\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30BA\u4E2D\u306B\uFF12\u56DE\u653B\u6483\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002"@en . "Jagged Peak"@en . "Succumbed to his asthma"@en . "Gray Wing. You cannot decide the fate of every cat. You do not hold power like that."@en . . "Sivokrilac"@en . . . . .