"One Piece"@en . . . . "Le Zoro (\u30BE\u30ED Zoro) est une petite cr\u00E9ature exclusive \u00E0 A Link to the Past, que l'on peut rencontrer dans le bourbier Souffrance ou au rocher de la Tortue. Il appara\u00EEt parfois lorsqu'un passage dans un mur est ouvert gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 une bombe. Sa petite taille fait de lui un ennemi que l'on ne voit pas venir, mais \u00E9galement un ennemi tr\u00E8s faible, qui peut \u00EAtre vaincu d'un simple coup d'\u00E9p\u00E9e. Ils sortent des failles en continu, et partent en ligne droite, sans tenter de blesser Link. On les trouve souvent dans des salles sombres. Leur apparence et leur mani\u00E8re de surgir rappellent fortement celles des Babusu."@fr . "Zoro"@en . . "Los Zoros son enemigos en The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Parecen part\u00EDculas de polvo con ojos. Suelen aparecer cuando Link destruye una pared con Bombas. Salen en grupos y atacan corriendo hacia Link y subi\u00E9ndose sobre \u00E9l. Se les derrota con un simple golpe de la Espada o del Martillo, siendo estas las \u00FAnicas armas en el arsenal de Link \u00FAtiles contra estos enemigos. Solo se les encuentra en algunas paredes destructibles y tratan de atacar a Link cuando pasa por la entrada que se acaba de crear tras dicha pared. Estos enemigos son de los m\u00E1s d\u00E9biles y no representan un alto riesgo."@es . "Unos Zoros"@es . . . . "Zoro"@es . . "A Link to the Past"@en . . "File:Zero Exuvia.gifFile:Zero.gif Zoros - also known as Zeros - are larvae or caterpillar-like organisms found on the planet Zebes, although some evidence suggests that they are not indigenous to the planet. Zoros seem to grow exponentially fast, shedding their exuvia quickly and often. However, it is also possible but not particularly probable that they use their old moultings as a temporary home. Despite appearing harmless, they are in fact dangerous to the touch, as one would naturally expect on a deadly world like Zebes. Despite the destruction of Zebes during Samus Aran's second mission there, a cluster of them were found aboard the Biologic Space Laboratory Research Station, although how they got there is up to some debate. These Zoros were quickly imitated by the X Parasites and subsequently modified by them, causing them to become naturally larger and be covered in spines that were deadlier than (presumably) their bite. Zero-X are found in unnatural colors, coming in red in blue as opposed to their natural green tint. By the time Samus had destroyed the Pogo X in the Tropical Sector (TRO), all Zoros had hardened into a seemingly-indestructible chrysalis. Even later, these chrysalids had become transparent, revealing a living organism just beneath the surface. As it turned out, these hatched into mimicked Ki-Hunters. They were also found aboard the Bottle Ship where they resided alongside Ki-Hunters. They can only be harmed by Bombs, Power Bombs, the Plasma Beam, and the Screw Attack. If they are hit by any other weapon, they will enter a webbed cocoon, and metamorphose into Ki-Hunters."@en . . "Verde o rojo."@es . . . . . . "Running into Link"@en . . "Zoro is a Pirate and Bounty Hunter who lives in various places, he trains with the 3-sword technique and is referred to as The Pirate Samurai because of his sword skill. Before becoming a pirate he would actually hunt pirates for their bounty and referring to they bounty as berries instead of dollars/pounds/euros and would join the crew of Captain Jim Logan."@en . . "Toutes"@fr . "Zoro is a Pirate and Bounty Hunter who lives in various places, he trains with the 3-sword technique and is referred to as The Pirate Samurai because of his sword skill. Before becoming a pirate he would actually hunt pirates for their bounty and referring to they bounty as berries instead of dollars/pounds/euros and would join the crew of Captain Jim Logan."@en . . "Da\u00F1ino al contacto"@es . . . . "Un Zoro, Zero o Soro es una criatura con forma de oruga que se encuentran en Zebes, siendo etapas larvarias de los Ki-Hunters. Aparece en Super Metroid, Metroid: Other M y Metroid Fusion, siendo en este juego llamado Zoro-X, teniendo, adem\u00E1s, una variante llamada Zoro-X Azul."@es . "Unknown Location"@en . "Zoros are enemies from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. They resemble tiny black dust clumps with eyes. After certain cracked walls have been broken open by Bombs, every so often a groups of Zoros will exit the opening and move across the room from north to south, in an effort to attack Link by running into him. These enemies can be defeated with a single strike from Link's sword or Magic Hammer, but are completely unaffected by every other item in his arsenal. As Zoros are only released by a few destructible walls, they tend to catch Link off guard as he attempts to walk through an opening."@en . . . "Rayo"@es . "Zoro"@fr . . . . "A Zoro"@en . . . . "File:Zero Exuvia.gifFile:Zero.gif Zoros - also known as Zeros - are larvae or caterpillar-like organisms found on the planet Zebes, although some evidence suggests that they are not indigenous to the planet. Zoros seem to grow exponentially fast, shedding their exuvia quickly and often. However, it is also possible but not particularly probable that they use their old moultings as a temporary home. Despite appearing harmless, they are in fact dangerous to the touch, as one would naturally expect on a deadly world like Zebes."@en . . . . . . . "Larva de Ki-Hunter"@es . . "Zoro / Zero"@en . "Agresivo"@es . "Los Zoros son enemigos en The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Parecen part\u00EDculas de polvo con ojos. Suelen aparecer cuando Link destruye una pared con Bombas. Salen en grupos y atacan corriendo hacia Link y subi\u00E9ndose sobre \u00E9l. Se les derrota con un simple golpe de la Espada o del Martillo, siendo estas las \u00FAnicas armas en el arsenal de Link \u00FAtiles contra estos enemigos. Solo se les encuentra en algunas paredes destructibles y tratan de atacar a Link cuando pasa por la entrada que se acaba de crear tras dicha pared. Estos enemigos son de los m\u00E1s d\u00E9biles y no representan un alto riesgo."@es . . . . . "Zoro (his callsign) was a pilot on board the TCS Tiger's Claw. He had a highscore in the TrainSim."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . "21"^^ . . "Le Zoro (\u30BE\u30ED Zoro) est une petite cr\u00E9ature exclusive \u00E0 A Link to the Past, que l'on peut rencontrer dans le bourbier Souffrance ou au rocher de la Tortue. Il appara\u00EEt parfois lorsqu'un passage dans un mur est ouvert gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 une bombe. Sa petite taille fait de lui un ennemi que l'on ne voit pas venir, mais \u00E9galement un ennemi tr\u00E8s faible, qui peut \u00EAtre vaincu d'un simple coup d'\u00E9p\u00E9e. Ils sortent des failles en continu, et partent en ligne droite, sans tenter de blesser Link. On les trouve souvent dans des salles sombres. Leur apparence et leur mani\u00E8re de surgir rappellent fortement celles des Babusu."@fr . "Male"@en . "Zoro (his callsign) was a pilot on board the TCS Tiger's Claw. He had a highscore in the TrainSim."@en . "Zoros are enemies from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. They resemble tiny black dust clumps with eyes. After certain cracked walls have been broken open by Bombs, every so often a groups of Zoros will exit the opening and move across the room from north to south, in an effort to attack Link by running into him. These enemies can be defeated with a single strike from Link's sword or Magic Hammer, but are completely unaffected by every other item in his arsenal. As Zoros are only released by a few destructible walls, they tend to catch Link off guard as he attempts to walk through an opening."@en . "Zoro"@fr . . . "Aucune"@fr . . . "SM_zoro.png"@es . . . "Human"@en . . "Un Zoro, Zero o Soro es una criatura con forma de oruga que se encuentran en Zebes, siendo etapas larvarias de los Ki-Hunters. Aparece en Super Metroid, Metroid: Other M y Metroid Fusion, siendo en este juego llamado Zoro-X, teniendo, adem\u00E1s, una variante llamada Zoro-X Azul."@es . . "Zoro"@en . . . "Super Metroid, Metroid: Other M, Super Smash Bros. WiiU"@es . . . "1.0"^^ . . "60"^^ . "Zoro"@es . . . .