. . . "Battle for Crom"@en . . . "Tooin takeover of Crom, move north into mountains around Aanian border blockade"@en . "The Battle for Crom was a series of engagements along key Aan strongholds dotted around the territory of Crom on Aantooine. The Tooins made landfall in their ships surrounding Lumji, the largest city of Crom. Main Aanian routes into the territorial capital Croman and the port city Ungthesc were cut off by Tooin shredlines which decimated reinforcements responding to fighting there. The bunker towns of Bajor and Muii were bombed to unidentifiable extremes. Sypho, Pso Hill, and Iserr Kaplan proved to be more formidable and resistant to aerial bombing. Heavy artillery fire from Pso Hill created a 10 kilometer radius zone of death, resulting in massive aircraft graveyards which made navigation to the hill difficult. Tooin commanders thought it best to attack the hill from within and sent a team to disguise itself as Aanian marines. Due to the amounts of armor worn in battle, the team did not initially have to worry about their lack of the Aanian frill becoming exposed. Once inside, the team made quick work of the artillery gunners and destroyed key components of the hill complex before turning the guns on the last two strongholds, Sypho and Iserr Kaplan, which had been holding out for several months. Salvos from the hill's guns traveled over 40 kilometers before hitting their unsuspecting targets. This led to the Tooin takeover of the Crom territory, however the victory was bittersweet. An unprepared Tooin party of 20 soldiers prematurely strayed too close to the Aan's own shredlines and batteries along the Gysis border, destroying the entire unit, and forced all other units to divert their attention to mountain strongholds."@en . . "Battle for Crom"@en . . . "The Battle for Crom was a series of engagements along key Aan strongholds dotted around the territory of Crom on Aantooine. The Tooins made landfall in their ships surrounding Lumji, the largest city of Crom. Main Aanian routes into the territorial capital Croman and the port city Ungthesc were cut off by Tooin shredlines which decimated reinforcements responding to fighting there. The bunker towns of Bajor and Muii were bombed to unidentifiable extremes."@en . . . . . .