. . "Sam's circulatory fluid is a form of white latex used to lubricate her interior systems. She is to display synthesized emotions, superficially register self-awareness and, most importantly of all, have the ability to reason. If Sam were to eat, the food and drink, is broken down in an artificial stomach cavity, and the resulting liquid is expelled via a retracable catheter. As another way to hide her synthetic origins, was that her blood was made to look red."@en . "Sam-01"@en . "Sam's circulatory fluid is a form of white latex used to lubricate her interior systems. She is to display synthesized emotions, superficially register self-awareness and, most importantly of all, have the ability to reason. If Sam were to eat, the food and drink, is broken down in an artificial stomach cavity, and the resulting liquid is expelled via a retracable catheter. As another way to hide her synthetic origins, was that her blood was made to look red."@en . . . .