. "SSA/Socialist States"@en . . "At the 1928 Belfast treaty The Socialist States were recognized as the successor to the United States; and agreed to give Alaska to Russia and Hawaii back its Independence. It held its first Election for President on 1930 in which Communist Party (adfinitas genesis) leader Earl Browder (adfinitas genesis) defeated Social Democrat nominee Franklin Roosevelt. After three years the next election came, in which Incumbent Brower again defeated Social Democrat candidate Franklin Roosevelt. On 1934, President Browder condemned the Election of Adolph Hitler to the Republic of Germany (adfinitas genesis); stating that with him in power, not only the Socialist state in Munich was Threatened, but the World Revolution was in danger. In the 1936 elections Incumbent Brower was defeated by Social Democrat Nominee John Davis."@en . "9646650.0"^^ . "Socialist States of America (adfinitas genesis)"@en . "Premier of the State"@en . "Socialist States of America"@en . "American Dollar"@en . "At the 1928 Belfast treaty The Socialist States were recognized as the successor to the United States; and agreed to give Alaska to Russia and Hawaii back its Independence. It held its first Election for President on 1930 in which Communist Party (adfinitas genesis) leader Earl Browder (adfinitas genesis) defeated Social Democrat nominee Franklin Roosevelt. After three years the next election came, in which Incumbent Brower again defeated Social Democrat candidate Franklin Roosevelt."@en . . "William Z. Foster"@en . "Socialist States of America"@en . "English"@en . ".png"@en . "Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Various Indian Languages"@en . "adfinitas genesis"@en . . . "200000000"^^ . . "Dover"@en . "1926"^^ . . "Norman Thomas"@en . . "President of the Revolution"@en .