. . "Sarin: Place Holder"@en . "Sarin"@en . "Sarin"@de . "Sarin: Place Holder"@en . "Sarin (Allied reporting name GB) is a powerful, fast acting toxic chemical exclusively used as a nerve gas. It played a role in the opening stages of the Second World War. It is estimated that the lethality of sarin is several hundred times that of cyanide."@en . "Sarin"@en . "Sarin fut une femme Sulibane, ancien membre de la Cabale Sulibane."@fr . "Sarin was a type of deadly nerve gas. The doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo used sarin nerve gas bombs during a terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway. Jack Bauer brought this attack up when mentioning the possibility that the Zealots may have had access to chemical weapons. (Head Shot)"@en . . "Sarin (also called GB) is a colorless, odorless liquid that is extremely potent as a nerve agent. As a result, it is utilized as a chemical weapon by countries and organizations. In fact, sarin is so potent as a nerve agent that it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction. Sarin.png|Sarin structure Sarin was discovered in 1938 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld in Germany by scientists at IG Farben while they were attempting to create stronger pesticides. It was classified as the most toxic of the four G-Series nerve agents made by Germany. The sarin compound was named in honor of the people who discovered it: Schrader, Ambros, Gerhard Ritter, and Van der Linde. It is 26 times more deadly than cyanide."@en . "Sarin (Allied reporting name GB) is a powerful, fast acting toxic chemical exclusively used as a nerve gas. It played a role in the opening stages of the Second World War. It is estimated that the lethality of sarin is several hundred times that of cyanide."@en . . . "2151"^^ . . . . . . . . "Sarin ist eine weibliche Suliban und Mitglied der Cabal. Sie verl\u00E4sst die Cabal jedoch und unterst\u00FCtzt das Klingonische Reich, indem sie ihnen von den Pl\u00E4nen der Cabal berichtet. Sarin hat, wie ihre fr\u00FCheren Kameraden, gentechnische Ver\u00E4nderungen aus der Zukunft erhalten. So kann sie ihr \u00E4u\u00DFeres Erscheinungsbild ver\u00E4ndern und bei engen Kontakt auch das Vertrauen anderer Leute einsch\u00E4tzen. Sie warnt die Klingonen, dass die Suliban einen B\u00FCrgerkrieg im Reich veranlassen wollen. Um dies zu verhindern codiert sie diese Warnung in die DNS des Klingonen Klaang, der diese Nachricht dann dem klingonischen Hohen Rat \u00FCberbringen soll. 2151 informiert sie Captain Jonathan Archer auf Rigel X \u00FCber den Temporalen Kalten Krieg. Kurz darauf wird sie f\u00FCr ihren Verrat an der Cabal von den Suliban der Cabal erschossen. Sie stirbt in den Armen von Archer. Bevor sie stirbt, warnt sie Archer, dass er Klaang finden muss, um die Cabal aufzuhalten. (ENT: ) Datei:Sarin als Mensch.jpg|Sarin als Mensch\u2026 Datei:Sarin.jpg|\u2026und in ihrer wahren Gestalt (2151) Als Crewman Daniels Archer enth\u00FCllt, dass er in Wirklichkeit ein Zeitagent ist, unterh\u00E4lt sich Archer kurz darauf mit T'Pol und Charles Tucker III \u00FCber Daniels, den Temporalen Kalten Krieg und \u00FCber Sarin. (ENT: ) 2152 erkundigt sich Colonel Grat bei einem Verh\u00F6r von Archer \u00FCber Sarin. (ENT: ) Sarin wurde von Melinda Clarke gespielt und von Anke Korte synchronisiert."@de . "Sarin ist eine weibliche Suliban und Mitglied der Cabal. Sie verl\u00E4sst die Cabal jedoch und unterst\u00FCtzt das Klingonische Reich, indem sie ihnen von den Pl\u00E4nen der Cabal berichtet. Sarin hat, wie ihre fr\u00FCheren Kameraden, gentechnische Ver\u00E4nderungen aus der Zukunft erhalten. So kann sie ihr \u00E4u\u00DFeres Erscheinungsbild ver\u00E4ndern und bei engen Kontakt auch das Vertrauen anderer Leute einsch\u00E4tzen. Sie warnt die Klingonen, dass die Suliban einen B\u00FCrgerkrieg im Reich veranlassen wollen. Um dies zu verhindern codiert sie diese Warnung in die DNS des Klingonen Klaang, der diese Nachricht dann dem klingonischen Hohen Rat \u00FCberbringen soll. 2151 informiert sie Captain Jonathan Archer auf Rigel X \u00FCber den Temporalen Kalten Krieg. Kurz darauf wird sie f\u00FCr ihren Verrat an der Cabal von den Suliban der Cabal "@de . . . . . . . . . "Sarin was a type of deadly nerve gas. The doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo used sarin nerve gas bombs during a terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway. Jack Bauer brought this attack up when mentioning the possibility that the Zealots may have had access to chemical weapons. (Head Shot)"@en . . . . . "Sarin b\u00FDvala \u010Dlenkou Kabaly. S n\u011Bkolika dal\u0161\u00EDmi, geneticky upraven\u00FDmi Sulibany se odtrhla od Kabaly kv\u016Fli sv\u00E9mu p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Den\u00ED. V\u011B\u0159ila, \u017Ee Sulibani tak tou\u017Eili po vylep\u0161en\u00ED, \u017Ee ztratili v ur\u010Dit\u00FDch v\u011Bcech z\u00E1brany. V roce 2151, kdy\u017E dorazila Enterprise na planetu Rigel X, kde hledali Klingona Klaanga, Sarin zajala v\u00FDsadkov\u00FD t\u00FDm. V podob\u011B lidsk\u00E9 \u017Eeny kontaktovala Archera. Pomoc\u00ED jak\u00E9si vlastnosti zjistila, \u017Ee m\u016F\u017Ee Archerovi d\u016Fv\u011B\u0159ovat. Uv\u011Bdomila kapit\u00E1na o tom, \u017Ee Kabala dost\u00E1v\u00E1 sv\u00E9 rozkazy z dalek\u00E9 budoucnosti. Cel\u00E9 je to sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED \u010Casov\u00E9 studen\u00E9 v\u00E1lky, a Kabala slou\u017E\u00ED jako jak\u00E9si vojsko. Sarin Archerovi ozn\u00E1m\u00ED, \u017Ee mus\u00ED Klaanga naj\u00EDt, proto\u017Ee on m\u00E1 d\u016Fkazy o tom, \u017Ee Sulibani proti sob\u011B po\u0161tvali jednotliv\u00E9 klingonsk\u00E9 frakce, co\u017E by mohlo v\u00E9st k ob\u010Dansk\u00E9 v\u00E1lce v Klingonsk\u00E9 \u0159\u00ED\u0161i. Sarin osvobod\u00ED v\u00FDsadek Enterprise NX-01, ale cestou zp\u011Bt ke \u010Dlunu je zast\u0159elena \u010Dleny Kabaly. (ENT: Broken Bow)"@cs . . . . . "Sarin fut une femme Sulibane, ancien membre de la Cabale Sulibane."@fr . . "Deceased"@en . . "Sarin disguised as a Human female"@en . "Sarin was a Suliban female and former member of the Suliban Cabal. During her time in the Cabal, she received a number of genetic enhancements, including the ability to shapeshift and to measure the trustworthiness of an individual provided she was in close physical proximity to them. Sarin eventually became disenfranchised with the Cabal's activities, and formed a resistance movement with several other Cabal members. In this capacity, she met with the Klingon courier Klaang on Rigel X, and provided him with proof that the Cabal was staging attacks within the Klingon Empire in an attempt to start a civil war in 2151. Later, Sarin and her compatriots encountered Starfleet Captain Jonathan Archer who, along with other members of his crew, had traveled to Rigel during an investigation into the whereabouts of Klaang, who had been kidnapped by the Cabal. Sarin had Archer's crew detained while she attempted to determine Archer's true intentions. Upon coming to believe that Archer was telling the truth about wanting to return Klaang to Qo'noS, Sarin released Archer's crew and offered her assistance in the completion of their mission. Sarin was killed by Silik, however, when the group came into conflict with the Cabal. (ENT: \"Broken Bow\") Later that year, Archer, upon learning more about the Temporal Cold War from the Temporal Agent Daniels, related to Commander Charles Tucker III and Sub-Commander T'Pol that Sarin had used the exact same term to describe the conflict, and that what she had told him seemed to align to the information relayed by Daniels, although T'Pol remained skeptical. (ENT: \"Cold Front\") While Captain Archer was enduring imprisonment in Tandaran Detention Complex 26, Colonel Grat questioned him about Sarin, reminding Archer that she had been \"the head of a Suliban resistance cell,\" that he had contacted her, and that she had died during the firefight on Rigel X. (ENT: \"Detained\") Sarin was played by Melinda Clarke. Amy Kate Connolly assumed the role off-camera, as Clarke's stand-in. As evidenced by the second draft of the script for \"Broken Bow\", Sarin was initially planned to be called \"Perra\". Also, her Suliban appearance was originally to have been an elderly Suliban woman, though her Human disguise was described as \"strikingly beautiful.\" The change of name from \"Perra\" to Sarin\" was listed as one of six revisions of character names in a one-page \"script note\" at the start of the final draft script of \"Broken Bow\" (the page was dated 1 May 2001 ). In the revised final draft script of \"Broken Bow\" (dated 11 May 2001), Sarin wasn't referred to as being elderly, though the reference to her Human appearance as \"strikingly beautiful\" remained. [1]"@en . . "Sarin b\u00FDvala \u010Dlenkou Kabaly. S n\u011Bkolika dal\u0161\u00EDmi, geneticky upraven\u00FDmi Sulibany se odtrhla od Kabaly kv\u016Fli sv\u00E9mu p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Den\u00ED. V\u011B\u0159ila, \u017Ee Sulibani tak tou\u017Eili po vylep\u0161en\u00ED, \u017Ee ztratili v ur\u010Dit\u00FDch v\u011Bcech z\u00E1brany."@cs . . "Sarin"@cs . "Sarin (also called GB) is a colorless, odorless liquid that is extremely potent as a nerve agent. As a result, it is utilized as a chemical weapon by countries and organizations. In fact, sarin is so potent as a nerve agent that it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction. Sarin.png|Sarin structure Sarin was discovered in 1938 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld in Germany by scientists at IG Farben while they were attempting to create stronger pesticides. It was classified as the most toxic of the four G-Series nerve agents made by Germany. The sarin compound was named in honor of the people who discovered it: Schrader, Ambros, Gerhard Ritter, and Van der Linde. It is 26 times more deadly than cyanide."@en . . "2151"^^ . . . "Sarin"@fr . . "Female"@en . . . "Sarin was a Suliban female and former member of the Suliban Cabal. During her time in the Cabal, she received a number of genetic enhancements, including the ability to shapeshift and to measure the trustworthiness of an individual provided she was in close physical proximity to them. While Captain Archer was enduring imprisonment in Tandaran Detention Complex 26, Colonel Grat questioned him about Sarin, reminding Archer that she had been \"the head of a Suliban resistance cell,\" that he had contacted her, and that she had died during the firefight on Rigel X. (ENT: \"Detained\")"@en . "Sarin - Human.jpg"@en . . . . .