. "La 270 \u00E8 una riforma dell'ordinamento didattico approvata dal precendente governo Berlusconi, in sostituzione della precedente 530 (riforma Berlinguer) che istituiva il 3+2. I decreti attuativi della riforma sono stati approvati qualche tempo fa dal governo Prodi (con qualche piccola modifica), quindi le universit\u00E0 italiane devono tassativamente approvare una riforma dell'ordinamento per il prossimo anno accademico."@it . "green"@en . "La 270 \u00E8 una riforma dell'ordinamento didattico approvata dal precendente governo Berlusconi, in sostituzione della precedente 530 (riforma Berlinguer) che istituiva il 3+2. I decreti attuativi della riforma sono stati approvati qualche tempo fa dal governo Prodi (con qualche piccola modifica), quindi le universit\u00E0 italiane devono tassativamente approvare una riforma dell'ordinamento per il prossimo anno accademico."@it . "List Number 270"@en . "1967-07-07"^^ . "Deniz ist weiterhin den H\u00E4nseleien seiner Eishockeykumpels ausgesetzt. Der Verdacht, schwul zu sein, nagt an seinem Selbstbewusstsein. Derweil versucht Nina, Deniz mit allen Tricks zu verf\u00FChren. W\u00E4hrenddessen hat Deniz aber ganz andere Probleme: Als er Roman in Badehose sieht, erregt ihn das so sehr, dass er dies auch nicht vor Roman verbergen kann. F\u00FCr Diana ist Oliver Entschluss, nach Afrika zu gehen ein gro\u00DFer Schock. Schweren Herzens nehmen die beiden Abschied voneinander und Diana sucht Trost bei Annette. Axel ger\u00E4t zum S\u00FCndenbock, nicht nur f\u00FCr die in Selbstmitleid badende Jenny. Doch Axel l\u00E4sst sich davon nicht entmutigen und setzt alle Hebel in Bewegung, damit Jenny wieder Erfolge als Eiskunstl\u00E4uferin feiern kann. Erst da merkt Jenny, was sie an Axel hat."@de . . "270"@de . "El dos cientos setenta (270) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 269 y precede al 271. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . "Number 270 was an item on The List."@en . "Carolyn searches through Jason's belongings until she finally finds a locked diary. She uses a knife to open it, but as she is reading, Jason enters the room and she drops it. He warns her she will regret being there. Jason orders Carolyn to pick up the book, but she tries to leave instead. He grabs her and forces her to pick up the book and hand it to him. He asks her what she expected to find in it and asks if she thinks he is stupid enough to write down anything incriminating. He asks if she is still planning to marry Buzz and she tells him it is none of his business. He says he expects her to not only get married today, but to leave Collinwood, which will be his house after the wedding. He warns her to get out of his house tonight! He tells her if she does not do it willingly, he will get Elizabeth to make the request personally. He asks her to leave his room, and bids her goodbye. At the Blue Whale, Carolyn has a few drinks and goes to the jukebox, but there is no one there to dance. She tells her troubles to the bartender and he suggests she go home as she has had enough to drink. Just then Joe Haskell comes in and tries to get her to leave, but Carolyn says she is waiting for her \"about-to-be-groom\". Carolyn tells Joe that Elizabeth wants to get rid of her, but she is too drunk to think coherently. Carolyn tries to get another drink, but the bartender is gone. Joe tells her there is nothing she can do, but Carolyn says \"Isn't there?\" Joe points out that marrying Buzz will probably satisfy Jason more than anything else. Carolyn says maybe she won't marry Buzz, and maybe there is something else she can do. She goes to leave, but Joe insists on driving her, so she tells him to take her to Collinwood. Later, we see Carolyn, having changed clothes, removing a pistol from a desk drawer. Victoria is helping Elizabeth get dressed for the wedding. Elizabeth asks for a handkerchief that her grandmother used at her wedding, then refuses it on the grounds that this is not a real wedding. She recalls having the handkerchief at her wedding to Paul Stoddard and how happy she was and the plans they had, and how it went so badly. She contemplates going mad and what a mercy that would be, to have no mind at all, but Victoria calms her down and reminds her it is not too late to call off the wedding. Elizabeth worries over Carolyn, whom she has not seen, worried that she will marry Buzz. She asks Victoria to leave her alone for a few minutes. Downstairs Roger and Burke talk in the Drawing room before being joined by Jason who offers everyone drinks, but no one else is interested. Carolyn comes down the stairs with a clutch purse in hand and joins the party just before the judge arrives. Jason asks Carolyn if she has plans for later on and she tells him that yes, she has plans. The judge greets everyone followed by Victoria, who talks briefly to Carolyn. The Judge begins telling everyone how beautiful Elizabeth was the day she married Paul Stoddard, how people gasped when she entered the room because she was so beautiful and Jason assures him she still is as beautiful. Elizabeth overhears all this as she heads to the drawing room. As Elizabeth greets the Judge, Carolyn checks to make sure the gun is still there, but closes her clutch before Elizabeth comes over to greet her. They get ready to start, everyone lines up on Elizabeth's half of the room except Carolyn, who has a clear shot at Jason. The judge begins and Elizabeth becomes confused when it is her turn to answer, then pulls her hand out of Jason's and yells \"I can't!\" When the judge asks her what she wants to say she faces the wedding party and confesses to killing Paul Stoddard with Jason's help. Everyone is shocked, most of all Carolyn, who drops the clutch with the gun in it."@en . "266"^^ . "270"^^ . "1967"^^ . "Deniz ist weiterhin den H\u00E4nseleien seiner Eishockeykumpels ausgesetzt. Der Verdacht, schwul zu sein, nagt an seinem Selbstbewusstsein. Derweil versucht Nina, Deniz mit allen Tricks zu verf\u00FChren. W\u00E4hrenddessen hat Deniz aber ganz andere Probleme: Als er Roman in Badehose sieht, erregt ihn das so sehr, dass er dies auch nicht vor Roman verbergen kann. F\u00FCr Diana ist Oliver Entschluss, nach Afrika zu gehen ein gro\u00DFer Schock. Schweren Herzens nehmen die beiden Abschied voneinander und Diana sucht Trost bei Annette. Axel ger\u00E4t zum S\u00FCndenbock, nicht nur f\u00FCr die in Selbstmitleid badende Jenny. Doch Axel l\u00E4sst sich davon nicht entmutigen und setzt alle Hebel in Bewegung, damit Jenny wieder Erfolge als Eiskunstl\u00E4uferin feiern kann. Erst da merkt Jenny, was sie an Axel hat."@de . . . . ""@en . "El dos cientos setenta (270) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 269 y precede al 271. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "1967-06-22"^^ . "270"@en . . . ""@en . . "270"^^ . . "Carolyn searches through Jason's belongings until she finally finds a locked diary. She uses a knife to open it, but as she is reading, Jason enters the room and she drops it. He warns her she will regret being there."@en . . . "270"^^ . "270"@it . . . . . . . "Complete"@en . "Number 270 was an item on The List."@en . . . . "Kept a guy locked in a truck"@en . "270"@es .