"*First Order\n**First Order military\n***First Order Navy"@en . . . "Designed shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Imperial Lancer Frigate was designed to counter Rebel starfighters, which were growing to become a significant threat to Imperial fleets. In the largest Imperial fleets, the Lancer wields laser cannons exclusively. Modified versions with additional turbolaser armament are used in smaller task forces, where anti-capital ship power is more sought after. \n* Imperial warship: Imperial starships are more heavily armoured than their Rebel counterparts."@en . "1.0"^^ . "40"^^ . . "x2"@en . "2"^^ . "Gunner, lower Dual Turbolaser. Firing arc is limited to front and below."@en . . "Anti-Starfighter"@en . "40"^^ . "Gunner, port quad laser cannon. Firing arc is limited to front and left."@en . "The Lancer Frigate was first proposed, designed and put into service within the fleet of the Galactic Empire after suffering a number of defeats in skirmishes against enemy starfighters. It\u2019s twenty AG-2G quad-laser cannons are finely calibrated specifically for high-speed targets, and they are placed on small towers which allow them a far greater firing arc than normal. The ship excels at its role as an anti-starfighter platform; however it suffers greatly when unsupported against ships carrying turbolasers. Imperial Navy policy originally dictated that the Lancer would remain on the outer perimeter of a fleet. This was changed when enemies began to use capital ships to target and disable the Lancers, giving fighters a chance to safely engage the ships less capable of fending them off. An"@en . "20"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . "350"^^ . . . "x15"@en . "*Galactic Empire\n*Muir Corporation\n*Shadow Imperium"@en . "304"^^ . "4"^^ . "810"^^ . "60.0"^^ . "4760000"^^ . "The Lancer-class frigate was a capital ship used for anti-starfighter operations in the Imperial Navy. Imperial starships had long focused on ship-to-ship combat capabilities, relegating smaller capital ships to planetary defense rather than picket duty. As Rebel Alliance pilots learned to exploit the major weaknesses of Star Destroyers, commonly called \"Trench Run Syndrome\", Imperial officers grew increasingly concerned over the growing relative effectiveness of these heavily armed and shielded starfighters. After the first Death Star\u2019s destruction at the Battle of Yavin by handful of Alliance starfighters, the need for greater starfighter defense was clear. Admiral Drez envisioned the Lancer-class ships, and proposed using them to screen enemy starfighters to allow dominant Star Destroyers to pummel enemies in ship-to-ship combat. With approval from the Imperial Starfleet, Kuat Drive Yards designed and developed the ship. The final iteration ran a slim 250 meters with twenty quad-laser cannon batteries designed specifically for starfighter hunting, but required a relatively large crew of 850. The Imperial Starfleet, however, found the Lancer-class too expensive for full fleet deployment. A few frigates made it into various fleets, but most admirals preferred to use, and subsequently lose, their TIE starfighters as anti-starfighter options. As a result, most Lancer-class frigates, like smaller ships before them, were assigned to planetary defense and rear guard operations."@en . . "The Lancer-class Frigate was designed and put into service after the success of Rebel starfighters in destroying the first Death Star. Built with one clear purpose, these frigates can more than hold their own against enemy starfighters. Imperial Admiral Drez was the first to envision the Lancer-class ships and proposed the creation of a ship to screen enemy starfighters, freeing up larger ships, such as Star Destroyers, to pummel enemies in ship-to-ship combat. With approval from the Imperial Naval Command, Kuat Drive Yards designed and developed the ship."@en . "576.0"^^ . "Unknown"@en . . "Lancer-class frigates were warships employed by the First Order around 30 years after the Battle of Endor. Commander Poe Dameron discovered at least one of the frigates at a staging point as the Cold war heated up."@en . "Lancer-class"@en . . "Lancer-class Frigate"@en . "The Lancer-class Frigate was designed and put into service after the success of Rebel starfighters in destroying the first Death Star. Built with one clear purpose, these frigates can more than hold their own against enemy starfighters. Imperial Admiral Drez was the first to envision the Lancer-class ships and proposed the creation of a ship to screen enemy starfighters, freeing up larger ships, such as Star Destroyers, to pummel enemies in ship-to-ship combat. With approval from the Imperial Naval Command, Kuat Drive Yards designed and developed the ship. Unfortunately, the Lancer costs as much as a heavy cruiser, yet it is only suitable for repelling starfighter attacks, limiting its cost-effectiveness. The number of Lancer Frigates in service in the Empire is limited and it has proved impossible to assign these ships to protect every convoy. The Empire has found that these ships are best put to use when attacking enemy starfighter bases, although the opportunities for these types of missions are rare. The 20 Corellian AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons are specifically calibrated for use against high-speed and maneuverable starfighters. The weapons have superior tracking and targeting capabilities and are mounted on elevated towers to provide an increased field of fire. Each bank of quad lasers is fed by a single power generator."@en . . . "Gunner, starboard quad laser cannon. Firing arc is limited to front and right."@en . "Class 15"@en . "1"^^ . "*850 Crew\n**810 Crew\n**40 Gunners"@en . "300"^^ . . . . . "20"^^ . . "The Lancer Frigate was first proposed, designed and put into service within the fleet of the Galactic Empire after suffering a number of defeats in skirmishes against enemy starfighters. It\u2019s twenty AG-2G quad-laser cannons are finely calibrated specifically for high-speed targets, and they are placed on small towers which allow them a far greater firing arc than normal. The ship excels at its role as an anti-starfighter platform; however it suffers greatly when unsupported against ships carrying turbolasers. Imperial Navy policy originally dictated that the Lancer would remain on the outer perimeter of a fleet. This was changed when enemies began to use capital ships to target and disable the Lancers, giving fighters a chance to safely engage the ships less capable of fending them off. Another unfortunate shortcoming is its sublight speed. Despite being designed to combat fast, small ships, it is too slow to adequately pursue those ships if they are able to gain any sizable lead."@en . . "1"^^ . "20"^^ . "This ship was only 250 meters long, and it was quite slow, with only a top speed of 20 MGLT. Suprisingly, they lacked capital grade shielding, and were weak against capital ships their size or larger. The only weapons a Lancer frigate had were twenty AG-2G quad laser cannons, which were extremely effective against the starfighters these ships were meant to hunt down. However, these quad laser cannons were still capable of damaging light capital ships like corvettes. When relegated to anti-piracy duties similar to this, they usually worked in pairs."@en . "1122"^^ . . . "Driver / Gunner, topside Dual Turbolaser. Firing arc is limited to front and above."@en . . "Lancer-class Frigate"@en . "Class 1"@en . . . "250"^^ . . . "Capital Warship"@en . "The Lancer-class frigate was a capital ship used for anti-starfighter operations in the Imperial Navy. Imperial starships had long focused on ship-to-ship combat capabilities, relegating smaller capital ships to planetary defense rather than picket duty. As Rebel Alliance pilots learned to exploit the major weaknesses of Star Destroyers, commonly called \"Trench Run Syndrome\", Imperial officers grew increasingly concerned over the growing relative effectiveness of these heavily armed and shielded starfighters. After the first Death Star\u2019s destruction at the Battle of Yavin by handful of Alliance starfighters, the need for greater starfighter defense was clear."@en . "250.0"^^ . . "Lancer-class frigate"@en . . "No"@en . . . "Coded; 4,150,000 credits"@en . . . "216"^^ . . "Galactic Empire"@en . "57.0"^^ . "Anti-starfighter frigate"@en . . "After 0 BBY"@en . "Designed shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Imperial Lancer Frigate was designed to counter Rebel starfighters, which were growing to become a significant threat to Imperial fleets. In the largest Imperial fleets, the Lancer wields laser cannons exclusively. Modified versions with additional turbolaser armament are used in smaller task forces, where anti-capital ship power is more sought after. \n* Imperial warship: Imperial starships are more heavily armoured than their Rebel counterparts."@en . . "Frigate"@en . "Lancer class"@en . . "Lancer-class frigates were warships employed by the First Order around 30 years after the Battle of Endor. Commander Poe Dameron discovered at least one of the frigates at a staging point as the Cold war heated up."@en . "30"^^ . "30"^^ . . "The Lancer-class frigate was a capital ship used for anti-starfighter operations in the Imperial Navy. Imperial starships had long focused on ship-to-ship combat capabilities, relegating smaller capital ships to planetary defense rather than picket duty. As Rebel Alliance pilots learned to exploit the major weaknesses of Star Destroyers, commonly called \"Trench Run Syndrome\", Imperial officers grew increasingly concerned over the growing relative effectiveness of these heavily armed and shielded starfighters. After the first Death Star\u2019s destruction at the Battle of Yavin by handful of Alliance starfighters, the need for greater starfighter defense was clear. Admiral Drez envisioned the Lancer-class ships, and proposed using them to screen enemy starfighters to allow dominant Star Destroyers to pummel enemies in ship-to-ship combat. With approval from the Imperial Starfleet, Kuat Drive Yards designed and developed the ship. The final iteration ran a slim 250 meters with twenty quad-laser cannon batteries designed specifically for starfighter hunting, but required a relatively large crew of 850. The Imperial Starfleet, however, found the Lancer-class too expensive for full fleet deployment. A few frigates made it into various fleets, but most admirals preferred to use, and subsequently lose, their TIE starfighters as anti-starfighter options. As a result, most Lancer-class frigates, like smaller ships before them, were assigned to planetary defense and rear guard operations. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki."@en . "Frigate"@en . "Capital Ship"@en . . . "200"^^ . "375"^^ . "2"^^ . . "This ship was only 250 meters long, and it was quite slow, with only a top speed of 20 MGLT. Suprisingly, they lacked capital grade shielding, and were weak against capital ships their size or larger. The only weapons a Lancer frigate had were twenty AG-2G quad laser cannons, which were extremely effective against the starfighters these ships were meant to hunt down. However, these quad laser cannons were still capable of damaging light capital ships like corvettes. When relegated to anti-piracy duties similar to this, they usually worked in pairs. The only other weakness besides against capital ships was that it could not withstand multiple volleys of even starfighter-scale ordinance. As a result, while the Lancer was phased out of active duty in the Empire and later Thrawn's regime, Astragon bought one ship and corrected its ordinance problem by installing a pair oh high-capacity ordinance tubes of its own that could use its own missiles to intercept imcoming ordinance. Thermal shielding was also added to help deflect stray missiles, torpedoes, or bombs."@en . . . . "Lancer-class frigate"@en . "ILF"@en . "1200"^^ . .