"Fallen is the ninth installment in a series of ten crossover stories by Pinata. It deals with the complete and irrevocable fall to the dark side of Waxarn Kel, the desperate race to find a \"cure\" for phyresis, the military trial of former New Republic Defense Fleet officer (now a suspected terrorist) Karka Kre'fey, and the training of Harrar as a Jedi."@en . . "Fallen is the ninth installment in a series of ten crossover stories by Pinata. It deals with the complete and irrevocable fall to the dark side of Waxarn Kel, the desperate race to find a \"cure\" for phyresis, the military trial of former New Republic Defense Fleet officer (now a suspected terrorist) Karka Kre'fey, and the training of Harrar as a Jedi."@en . "Star Wars: Magic: The Gathering: Fallen"@en . .