"Jenny's campaign is flush with success. [\u2026] the staff will be entirely drawn from ex-fallen women and men, disgraced servants[\u2026].\n\n[\u2026] a ledger[\u2026]: prominent opponents, their suspected vices, and suitable candidates for performing the corrupting. [\u2026]"@en . "Closing the Case: Investigating a Campaign"@en . . . . "An apparent schism"@en . "Who bankrolls the lady in red? Are the Sisters of Abbey Rock her only backers? London's secret-keeper surely has secrets of her own."@en . "Planning ahead"@en . . "Jenny's campaign has received considerable financial backing from Mr Wines. He has funded various parties for the plying of voters with alcohol. He even provided various members of the campaign staff, including Jenny's campaign manager. [...]"@en . "From: [[]] \t Who bankrolls the lady in red? Are the Sisters of Abbey Rock her only backers? London's secret-keeper surely has secrets of her own. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "From: [[]] \t Who bankrolls the lady in red? Are the Sisters of Abbey Rock her only backers? London's secret-keeper surely has secrets of her own. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . . "Sinning Jenny's Campaign 1"@en .