. . . . . . "The Federation Alliance is a treaty between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire, it was forged during the Federation-Dominion War."@en . "Federation Alliance"@en . . "The Federation Alliance is a treaty between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire, it was forged during the Federation-Dominion War."@en . . "Federation Alliance"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Federation Alliance, also known simply as The Alliance, was the accord between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire formed during the Dominion War. It was one of two belligerents in the war, the other being the Dominion-Breen Alliance."@en . . . . . "2374"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Federation Alliance was the accord between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire to combat the Dominion Alliance during the Dominion War. The Gorn Hegemony also joined the Federation Alliance in late 2374, but only to provide materiel and repairs to any allied ship which required it."@en . . "Alpha, and Beta Quadrant"@en . . . . . "The Federation Alliance was an alliance of Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers led principally by the United Federation of Planets during the 24th century. During the Dominion War the alliance was an accord between the Federation, Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire to combat the Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant. The alliance was ultimately victorious, expelling the Dominion from the quadrant and occupying its former territories in the Cardassian Union. (DS9: \"What You Leave Behind\")"@en . . . . . . "The Federation Alliance was the accord between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire to combat the Dominion Alliance during the Dominion War. The Gorn Hegemony also joined the Federation Alliance in late 2374, but only to provide materiel and repairs to any allied ship which required it. The first military engagement between Federation Alliance and Dominion forces occured at the Chin'toka Advance in 2374. This first engagement was a great success for the Alliance and became a major turning point in the war. During the Advance on Cardassia, the Cardassian Union switched sides and aided the Federation Alliance in overcoming the Cardassian's former allies. Following the war the Federation and allies were ready to battle the Dominion again following an attack on Deep Space 9 in April of 2376. A fleet was assembled in the Gentarist system ready to enter the Gamma Quadrant and meet Dominion forces head on. Fortunately it was revealed the Jem'Hadar attack was by a rogue faction so the incursion was cancelled."@en . . . . . "The Federation Alliance, also known simply as The Alliance, was the accord between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire formed during the Dominion War. It was one of two belligerents in the war, the other being the Dominion-Breen Alliance. The first offensive undertaken by all the members of the Alliance was the First Battle of Chin'toka. The Cardassian Liberation Front bolstered the Alliance to win the Battle of Cardassia and, ultimately, the war. The Federation Alliance gained a decisive victory at the end of the war and forced the Dominion to sign a treaty vowing never to enter the Alpha Quadrant with intents for conflict or subterfuge again."@en . . "The Federation Alliance was an alliance of Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers led principally by the United Federation of Planets during the 24th century. During the Dominion War the alliance was an accord between the Federation, Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire to combat the Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant. The alliance was ultimately victorious, expelling the Dominion from the quadrant and occupying its former territories in the Cardassian Union. (DS9: \"What You Leave Behind\") The Lyran Democrative Republic were de facto members of the Federation Alliance when they fought the Dominion at the Klingons' side. (RIS Bouteina)"@en .