. . "The Jack Ryan franchise is series of films based on Tom Clancy's bestselling so-called 'Ryanverse' novels, set both in the late years of the Cold War and up through modern times. They follow CIA agent/analyst Jack Ryan (Kevin Bacon) as he defuses tense international situations, averts wars, prevents assassinations, and persuades enemy agents to defect, while continuing to rise through the ranks of the CIA, and eventually, to the office of President at the end of Debt of Honor."@en . . "The Jack Ryan franchise is series of films based on Tom Clancy's bestselling so-called 'Ryanverse' novels, set both in the late years of the Cold War and up through modern times. They follow CIA agent/analyst Jack Ryan (Kevin Bacon) as he defuses tense international situations, averts wars, prevents assassinations, and persuades enemy agents to defect, while continuing to rise through the ranks of the CIA, and eventually, to the office of President at the end of Debt of Honor."@en . . . . . . . . "Jack Ryan franchise (Alternity)"@en .