. . "Mileager"@en . "Male"@en . "Paladin"@en . "Guildless"@en . "Mileager, with his careworn face and streaks of white through his honey-blond hair, looks to be just entering middle age. Broad of chest and solidly built, he is well-suited to wearing the armor and hefting the weapons of his choice. His big hands are rough and calloused, clearly used to hard work, and his skin is the sort of weathered one sees in an outdoorsman. His equipment is typically unadorned, save for his ceremonial trappings, but meticulously maintained, sword always sharp and polished bright, armor without a spot of rust on it's plain surface."@en . "Mileager"@en . "Human"@en . . . "Mileager, with his careworn face and streaks of white through his honey-blond hair, looks to be just entering middle age. Broad of chest and solidly built, he is well-suited to wearing the armor and hefting the weapons of his choice. His big hands are rough and calloused, clearly used to hard work, and his skin is the sort of weathered one sees in an outdoorsman. His equipment is typically unadorned, save for his ceremonial trappings, but meticulously maintained, sword always sharp and polished bright, armor without a spot of rust on it's plain surface. Though he is usually seen with a pleasant smile on his face and a kind word for anyone, there is an underlying weariness to the man, an unspoken - but still apparent - sadness, almost a haunted look in his bright eyes. Sometimes he will just stare off into the distance with a forlorn look on his face until his reverie is disturbed. When not in a brooding state he is pleasant, courteous, and helpful, and he seems eager to get a sense of the people and environment he's occupying at any given time."@en . "Alliance"@en .