"Hardcover"@en . . . "Sacrifice"@cs . . "7.0"^^ . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@ru . "*Airlock\n*Amulet of Kalara\n*Apocia\n*Asteroid belt\n**Asteroid\n*Bacta \n*Baka rock \n*The Balance\n*Barve \n*Basic\n*Bath\n*Breadstick\n*Bronzium\n*Caf\n*Candle\n*Carbonite \n*Common Themes in Prophecies Recorded in the Symbology of Knotted Tassels\n*Concordian\n*Coruscanti\n*Credcoin\n*Credit\n*Death stick \n*Dew flower \n*Diya wood \n*Duracrete\n*Duraplast\n*Durasteel\n*Emergency Measures Act \n**Article Five, Sub-section C27 \n*Fierfek\n*Flimsiplast \"Flimsi\"\n*Food rations \"Rations\"\n**Dry rations\n*The Force\n**Battle meditation\n***Sith battle coordination\n**Dark side of the Force\n**Disturbance in the Force\n**Force cloak \"Force camouflage\"\n**Force ghost \"Discorporeal\" \n**Force healing \"Meditative trance\" / \"Healing trance\"\n**Force Jump\n**Force sense\n**Force stealth\n**Force vision \"Force dream\"\n**Light side of the Force \"Light\"\n***Sever Force \"Outstripping\" \n**Meditation\n**Memory rub \"Mind-rubbing\" \n**Mind trick\n***Force illusion\n***Force persuasion\n**Psychometry\n**Telekinesis\n***Force Crush\n***Force Pull\n***Force Push\n***Force Wave\n**Telepathy \n**Theran Force-listening \"Force-enhanced hearing\"\n*Force-sensitive\n*Fruit Mountain \n*Fungus \n*Galactic Alliance Common Charter \"Common Charter\" \n*Galek tree \n*Gambling\n**Sabacc\n*Glorious Third Republic \n*Gold\n*Granite\n*Groundapple \n*Heart of Fire\n*Himar Clan \n*Honey \n*Hydrospanner \n*Hyperlane\n**Hydian Way \n**Perlemian Trade Route\n\n*Hyperspace\n*Hyperspace transponder\n*Ixetallic \n*Jango Fett's code\n*Keldabian \n*Kibo\n*Leather\n*Legislative and Regulations Statute Amendment \n*Lekku\n*Lightsaber combat\n**Sai cha\n*Lightspeed\n*List of phrases and slang\n**Trollop\n*Lorrd Artifact / Tassels \n*Lxetallic \n*Mandalorian iron \"Beskar\"\n*Mando'a\n**Aruetiise\n**Ba'buir\n**Ba'slan shev'la\n**Bas neral \n**Beskar\n**Bu'ad \n**Burc'yase\n**Buy'ce\n**Chakaare!\n**Cyar'ika\n**Duse \n**Gedet'ye\n**Haran\n**Hut'uun\n**Kalik\n**Manda\n**Ner vod\n**Net'ra gal [sic] \n**Osik\n**Oya\n**Pare sol\n**Resol'nare \n**Shabla\n**Shebs\n**Tab\u2019echaaj\u2019la \n**Vheh'yaime\n*Marble\n*Mercury \n*Moss\n*Naboo crystal\n*Nervestick \n*Orbital bombardment \n*Osarian (group)\n*Pea-flour dumpling \n*Perfume\n*Permacrete\n*Pickle\n*Plastoid\n*Pleekwood \n*Rak \n*Refresher / \"Fresher\"\n*Sackcloth \n*Shalui \n*Sourfry\n*Starfighter\n*Sweetener \n*Tapcaf\n*Tattoo\n*Tent \n*Torture \n*Transparisteel\n*Treason\n*Treasury Orders Act \n*Turbosaw \n*Uj cake \n*Veshok \n*Veterinarian\n*Viewport\n*Water\n*Wine"@en . "*Barabel\n*Bith\n*Bothan \n*Chekut \n*Chiss \n*Emente \n*Fondorian \n*Gossam\n*Gran\n*Hamadryas\n*Human\n**Corellian \n**Hapan \n*Hutt \n*Kaminoan \n*Kiffar\n*Killik \n**Gorog \n\n*Mandallian Giant \"Mandallian\"\n*Mon Calamari\n*Nimbanel\n*Quarren / \"Squid Head\"\n*Rodian\n*Ryn \n*Sikan \n*Sy Myrthian\n*Togorian\n*Toydarian \n*Trandoshan\n*Trianii\n*Twi'lek\n*Ubese \n*Verpine\n*Weequay\n*Wookiee \n*Yuuzhan Vong / \"Crab-boys\" / \"Vongese\""@en . "*Astromech droid \n*Battle droid \n*Freight droid\n*Gel-form droid \n*HNE news droid\n*Legal analyst droid\n*Maintenance droid \"Repair droid\" \n*Security droid\n*Spy droid \n*Utility droid \"Cleaning droid\""@en . "Sacrifice"@pt . "Sacrifice"@pt . . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@pt . . "Dziedzictwo Mocy V: Po\u015Bwi\u0119cenie"@en . . . "2007-05-29"^^ . "Opfer"@pt . "Darth Who? Contest Information Page"@en . . "*BastEx \n*Kamino uprising \n*Clone Wars \n**First Battle of Geonosis \n*Galactic Civil War \n**Battle of the secret armada \n**Battle of Yavin \n**Destruction of Alderaan \n*Second Galactic Civil War\n**Assassination attempt on Tenel Ka \n**Assassination of Thrackan Sal-Solo \n**Battle of Bothawui \n**Battle of Gilatter VIII \n**Blockade of Corellia \"Corellian blockade\" \n**Duel on Hesperidium \n**Duel on Terephon \n**Mission for the Amulet of Kalara \n**Mission to Vulpter \n**Skirmish on Kavan \n**Operation Roundabout \n**Solo-Niathal coup \n*Sepan Civil War \"Sepan War\"\n**Sepan campaign \n*Yuuzhan Vong War \n**Battle of Caluula \n**Battle of Mandalore \n**Mission to Myrkr"@en . . . . . "Legacy of the Force"@cs . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@en . "*Ben Skywalker; junior GAG officer \n*Boba Fett; Mandalore and semi-retired bounty hunter / \"Bo\" / \"Bob'ika\"\n*Cal Omas; Chief of State, Galactic Alliance \n*Cha Niathal; admiral, Galactic Alliance / \"Iceberg Face\"\n*Dinua Jeban; Mandalorian soldier \n*Dur Gejjen; Prime Minister, Corellia \n*Ghes Orade; Mandalorian soldier \n*Goran Beviin; Mandalorian soldier \n*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight \n*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight \n\n*Jori Lekauf; GAG corporal \n*Leia Organa Solo; Jedi Knight, copilot, Millennium Falcon \n*Lon Shevu; GAG captain \n*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Grand Master / \"Farmboy\"\n*Lumiya; Dark Lady of the Sith / Shira Brie\n*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master \n*Medrit Beviin; Mandalorian soldier / \"Med'ika\" \n*Mirta Gev; bounty hunter, Boba Fett's granddaughter \n*Novoc Vevut; Mandalorian soldier"@en . . . . . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@en . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@pt . "Dziedzictwo Mocy V: Po\u015Bwi\u0119cenie"@pt . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@pt . . . . "367"^^ . . "Opfer"@cs . "Inferno"@en . "40"^^ . "345477405"^^ . . "Dziedzictwo Mocy V: Po\u015Bwi\u0119cenie"@cs . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@cs . . . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@pt . "*Alderaan \n*Almania \n*Arkania \n*Beris \n*Bimmiel \n*Bogden system\n*Bothan sector\n**Bothawui\n*Caluula Station \n*Chazwa \n*Commenor \n*Contruum system\n**Contruum \n**Contruum (star) \"Contruum's star\"\n*Corellian sector\n**Corellian system\n***Corellia \n****Coronet City \"Coronet\" \n***Drall\n****Luminous Gardens \"Luminous Gardens Spa\" \n*****Fountain \n***Zerria's Bar \n*Coruscant\n**Galactic City\n***Coruscant Military Spaceport \n***Galactic City civilian port \n****Arrivals 7-B \n***Senate District\n****GA Starfighter Command \n****GAG HQ\n*****Jacen Solo's office\n*****Surveillance Center \n****New Jedi Temple\n*****Jedi Temple Main Entrance\n*****High Council Chamber \"Jedi Council Chamber\"\n****Osarian quarter \n****Port Quarter \n*****Lon Shevu's apartment \n****Republica House \n*****Cal Omas's apartment \n****Rotunda Zone\n*****Jacen Solo's apartment\n*****Lumiya's safe house \n*****Skywalkers' apartment\n*****Speeder Park \n****Sanvia Vitajuice Bar \n****Senate Building\n*****Chief of State's Suite\n*****Grand Convocation Chamber \"Senate Chamber\"\n******Repulsorpod \"Floating platform\"\n*****Supreme Commander's Office \n****Senate Plaza\n***Skydome Botanical Gardens\n***Starfighter Command Headquarters \"Starfighter Command\"\n*Coruscant Prime\n*Deep Core\n**Vulpter\n***Charbi \n****Charbi City Spaceport \n*****Building G \n******53-L \n**Vulpter (star)\n*Drewwa \n*Expansion Region \n**Sika \n\n*Fondor \n*Geonosis \n**Petranaki arena \"Arena on Geonosis\" \n*Gilatter system \n**Gilatter VIII \n***Gilatter VIII resort satellite \n*Hapes Cluster\n**Hapes system\n***Hapes\n****Fountain Palace\n**Kavan \n**Terephon\n***Tu'ana \n**Transitory Mists\n*Haruun Kal \n*Hesperidium\n*Hutt Space \n*Kamino \n**Tipoca City \n*Kem Stor Ai \n*Kiffu \n*Kuat system\n**Bador\n***Bunar \n****Paradise Cantina \n**Kuat\n***Kuat City\n****South Side Landing Strip \n****Tekshar Falls \n****Tekshar Falls Casino \n*Las Lagon \n*Mandalore sector\n**Concord Dawn / \"Dawn\" \n**Mandalore / Manda'yaim\n***Beviin-Vasur farm \n***Enceri \n***Keldabe\n****Cikartan's tapcaf \n****Oyu'baat \n***Kelita River\n***MandalMotors Hall\n***Norg Bral \n**Mandalore (star)\n*Mon Cal \n*Murkhana \n*Muunilinst \n*MZX32905 system\n**The Home\n*Naboo \n*Null \n*Osarian \n*Ossus \n*Phaeda \n*Roche sector \n**Roche system\n***Roche asteroid field \"Roche\"\n*Sepan system \n**Dimok \n**Ripoblus \n*Taanab system \"Taanab space\"\n**Taanab \n*Ziost"@en . "\u0416\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430"@cs . "Sacrifice"@en . . . . . "40"^^ . "*Gial Ackbar \n*Almak \n*Beluine \n*Briila \n*Bossk \n*Neth Bralor \n*C-3PO \n*Lando Calrissian \n*Baltan Carid \n*Cherit \n*Cikartan \n*Cilghal\n*Hebanh Del Dalhe \n*Nelani Dinn \n*Tenel Ka Djo\n*Kyp Durron\n*Duvil \n*Byalfin Dyur \n*Nav Ekhat \n*Jagged Fel \n*Jango Fett \n*L. Fraig \n*Gellus \n*Heol Girdun\n*Graad \n*Grievous \n*G'vli G'Sil\n*Nab H'aas \n*HM-3 / \"Aitch\" \n*Corran Horn\n*Jacen (stuffed creature) \n*Dinua Jeban\n*Jintar \n*Bardan Jusik \n*Kyle Katarn\n*Gefal Keb \n*Obi-Wan Kenobi \n*Darth Krayt \n*Erv Lekauf \n*Lenovar \n*Limm \n*Makin Marec \n*Hayca Mekket \n*Jaster Mereel \n*Lord Mirdalan\n\n*Montross \n*Faskus Olvidan \n*Kiara Olvidan \n*Palpatine \n*Ph'Olla \n*Piris \n*Alema Rar / \"Bug Girl\"\n*Hidu Rezodar \n*Heilan Rotham \n*Ko Sai \n*Barit Saiy \n*Thrackan Sal-Solo \n*Saba Sebatyne\n*Serku \n*Shaker \n*Shalk \n*Shula Shevu \n*Fenn Shysa \n*Sass Sikili \n*Darman Skirata \n*Jaing Skirata\n*Kal Skirata \n*Venku Skirata / \"Kad'ika\" \n*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader \n*Allana Solo\n*Anakin Solo \n*Han Solo \n*Isko Talgal\n*Biris J. Te Gaf \n*Patra Tebut \n*Unidentified bartender \n*Unidentified Mandalorian chieftain \n*Walon Vau \n*Ailyn Vel \n*Sintas Vel / \"Sin\" \n*Tav Vello \n*Vergere \n*Tor Vizsla \n*Herik Vorad \n*Taun We \n*Mace Windu \n*Wirut\n*Yoda \n*Jir Yomaget \n*Zavirk \n*Zekk"@en . "darthwho"@en . . "First Look: Sacrifice"@en . "*Bantha \n*Barve \n*Bursa \n*Devee \n*Eel \n*Mee \"Beach daggert\" \n*Mythosaur \n*Nek \"Nek battle dog\" \n*Nerf \n*Nuna\n*Nusito \n*Sarlacc \n*Strill\n*Tauntaun \n*Veermok \n*Zombie"@en . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@en . . . . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@cs . . . "Legado de la Fuerza: Sacrificio"@en . . "Jason Felix"@cs . . "Sacrifice"@cs . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@cs . . . . "eu/lit/novel/news20070110.html"@en . "Sacrifice.jpg"@cs . "Karen Traviss"@cs . "Exile"@en . "Sacrifice"@cs . "*Alliance to Restore the Republic \"Rebellion\" \n*Ambassador \n*Arkanian Microtechnologies \"Arkanian Micro\" \n*Assassin\n*Bartender \"Barkeep\"\n*BlasTech Industries \n*Bodyguard\n*Bounty hunter\n*Charbi Port Authority / \"CPA\" \n*Cherit's gang \n*Chiss Expansionary Defense Force \"Chiss fleet\" \n*Confederation\n**Corellian Security Force \"Corellian Security\" / \"CorSec\"\n**Prime Minister\n**Triumvirate \n*Coruscant Security Force / \"CSF\"\n*Dark Jedi\n*Death Watch \n*Coruscant Air Traffic Control \"Coruscant ATC\"\n*Galactic Empire \n**Galactic Emperor \n***Emperor's Hand \n**Imperial Army \n***Stormtrooper \"Stormie\" \n*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances\n**Admiral\n**Chief of Staff \n**Chief of State\n***Office of the Chief of State \n**Citizen Watch \n**Galactic Alliance Defense Force\n***Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet\n****Bronzium Squadron \n****Mothma Squadron \n****Qaresi Squadron \n***Legal and Legislative Department \n***Supreme Commander\n**Galactic Alliance Department of Justice \"Justice Department\" \n**Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service \"Alliance Intel\"\n***Galactic Alliance Guard / GAG\n****967 Commando\n****Captain\n****Colonel\n****Corporal\n****Junior Lieutenant\n****Lieutenant\n****Sergeant\n**Galactic Alliance Senate\n***Defense Council \n***Policy and Resources Council \n***Security Council\n***Senator\n**Galactic Alliance Treasury \n**Joint Chiefs of Staff \n**Joint Chief of State \n**Procurement and Supply \n***Defense Procurement and Supply Agency \n***Engineering Support \n\n*Galactic Republic \"Republic\" \n**Clone trooper \n***Null-class Advanced Recon Commando \"Null\" \n*Hapes Consortium\n**Hapan Fleet Ops\n**Queen Mother\n*Himar Clan\n*Incom Corporation \n*Interplanetary civil court \n*Interstellar Stock Exchange \"ISE\"\n*Item 24 \n*Item 357 \n*Joiner\n*Kadikla \n*Khipulogist \n*Kuat Drive Yards \"KDY\" \n*Kuati Security Forces \"Kuat police\" \n*MandalMotors\n**Research Wing \n*Mandalorian Protectors\n**Mandalore / Mand'alor\n**Mercenary\n*Monster Raving Anarchist Party \n*Murkhanan Department of Trade and Industry \n*New Jedi Order\n**Grand Master\n**Jedi academy \n**Jedi Council\n**Jedi Knight\n**Jedi Master\n*New Republic \n*President \n*Prisoner \n*Roche Hive Mechanical Apparatus Design and Construction Activity for Those Who Need the Hive's Machines \"Roche Industries\"\n*Senate Building Maintenance \n*Sith Order\n**Lumiya's Sith\n***Lumiya's fleet \n***Sith Acolyte\n***Sith apprentice\n***Sith Lord\n****Dark Lord of the Sith \"Dark Lord\"\n*Sniper\n*SoroSuub Corporation \n*Spy \n*Tallaani Shipyards \"Tallaan\" \n*Tenloss Syndicate \n*Tirual Construction Holdings \n*University of Pangalactic Cultural Studies"@en . "Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice"@cs . "\u041D\u0430\u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0435 \u0421\u0438\u043B\u044B: \u0416\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430"@en . . . "*515 blaster \n*Alluvial damper \"Damper\"\n*Anti-theft device\n*Beskad\n*Blaster\n*BT25 blaster \n*Chrono\n*Clone\n*Comlink\n*Comm unit\n*Conservator\n*Credit chip\n*Crushgaunt \n*Cybernetics\n*Cyborg\n*Dart gun\n*Datapad\n*Dataport\n*Deflector shield \n*Dispersal gas \n*EE-3 carbine rifle\n*Fibercord whip \"Fibercord\"\n*Flamethrower\n*Flechette launcher\n*Force field\n*Gel-form droid\n*Grenade launcher\n*Ground-penetrating radar \"GPR\"\n*Heads-up display \"HUD\"\n*Hold-out blaster\n*Holocam\n*Holochart\n*Holodisplay\n*Hologram\n*Holographic tactical display\n*HoloNet\n**HoloNet News \"Holonews\" \n**HoloNet News and Entertainment \"HNE\"\n*Holovid \n\n*Holozine\n*Homing beacon\n*Hyperdrive\n*Identicard\n*Jetpack\n*Karpaki Fifty \n*Laser cannon\n*Lightsaber\n**Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber\n**Ben Skywalker's lightsaber\n**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber\n**Jacen Solo's lightsaber\n**Jaina Solo's lightsaber\n**Shoto\n***Luke Skywalker's shoto\n*Lightwhip\n**Lumiya's lightwhip\n*Magnetic accelerator \n*Mandalorian armor\n*Poison dart\n*Proton torpedo\n*Singularity mine \"Singularity ordnance\" \n*Sniper rifle\n**Karpaki Fifty \n*Strip-cam\n*Thermal detonator\n*Tracking dust \n*Tractor beam \n*Transponder code \"Transponder signal\" / \"Identification transponder\" \n*Turbolaser\n*Turbolift\n*Turbosaw\n*Turret\n*Verpine fiber ultramesh \"Ultramesh technology\" \n*Verpine shatter gun \"Verpine rifle\"\n*Vibroblade\n**Ben Skywalker's vibroblade \n*Vibroshovel \n*Viewscreen"@en . "Opfer #legends"@en . "Sacrifice"@en . "\u0416\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430"@pt .