. . . "Kaldorei"@en . . . . . . . . "The Kaldorei; (from Darnassian or Thalassian: Kal - star and Dorei - children), which means \"children of the stars\" in their main tongue of Darnassian, were a race of nocturnal, feral nomadic humanoids that once lived in the jungles of the former continent of Kalimdor, (S&L 128) at the time the sole continent of Azeroth. They were considered the greatest tribe in the land. (WRPG 20) They journeyed around the continent eager to uncover secrets hidden in dark places. (M&M 14) At some point, they were drawn to the shimmering power of the Well of Eternity. They named the continent Kalimdor and settled near the vortex of cosmic energy. (WRPG 20) They adopted the name Kaldorei meaning \"children of the stars\" in their native tongue. (WC3Man 47) After several ages spent in peace and learning, the "@en . . . "The Kaldorei; (from Darnassian or Thalassian: Kal - star and Dorei - children), which means \"children of the stars\" in their main tongue of Darnassian, were a race of nocturnal, feral nomadic humanoids that once lived in the jungles of the former continent of Kalimdor, (S&L 128) at the time the sole continent of Azeroth. They were considered the greatest tribe in the land. (WRPG 20) They journeyed around the continent eager to uncover secrets hidden in dark places. (M&M 14) At some point, they were drawn to the shimmering power of the Well of Eternity. They named the continent Kalimdor and settled near the vortex of cosmic energy. (WRPG 20) They adopted the name Kaldorei meaning \"children of the stars\" in their native tongue. (WC3Man 47) After several ages spent in peace and learning, the Kaldorei grew in power and wisdom so that they soon outstripped the other humanoid races of Azeroth. Their kingdom (WRPG 30) had now become an empire. (LoC 16, 19) (LoM 12) (APG 75) (DF 10, 166) After the War of the Ancients and the Great Sundering, those trapped in the Eternal Palace were cursed and transformed into the Naga. Xavius was transformed by Sargeras into a Satyr, and became the progenitor of that race. Most of the remaining Highborne caste of Kaldorei broke off from their surviving brethren and would become to be known as the High Elves. Those Kaldorei (Night Elves, as they would come to be known as) who remained would live a much changed life they would dedicate to a 10,000 year long vigil, abstaining from the use of arcane magic in an attempt to prevent the return of that war. Unknown to them, at least 2 other groups of Kaldorei endured, the Highborne in the city of Eldre'thalas (now Dire Maul) who would come to be known as the Shen'drelar[citation needed] and the Highborne led city of Suramar (the original home city of the Night Elf leadership and many of the survivors), who would later come to be known as the Nightborne."@en .