"Daughter's Road"@en . . . "Two magical roads which Hwarin Dalthippa built. \n* She built them to to conquer the barbarians of the south. \n* The First Road runs southwards from Jillaro to Filichet. \n* It runs near the Daughter's Road Sun Dome and Mirin's Cross \n* The Second Road runs eastward from Cafol to Hilltown. \n* Its structure has two tiers, the upper tier is used only for ceremony. Source: Guide to Glorantha"@en . . . "Two magical roads which Hwarin Dalthippa built. \n* She built them to to conquer the barbarians of the south. \n* The First Road runs southwards from Jillaro to Filichet. \n* It runs near the Daughter's Road Sun Dome and Mirin's Cross \n* The Second Road runs eastward from Cafol to Hilltown. \n* Its structure has two tiers, the upper tier is used only for ceremony. Source: Guide to Glorantha"@en . . .