. "Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki/Characters"@en . . . "Yuuki is a magical fan. Thanks to Hermod's magic, Yuuki now transforms into a magical girl. Yuuki is the new valkyrie and is charged with protecting Midgard and Asgard from the forces of the fire giant Surt. \n* Action Girl: though he used to be a guy. \n* Ascended Fanboy: parodied and deconstructed; despite being a Magical Girl fan, Yuuki isn't really happy to have been forcefully turned into a woman and hired as a Walkyrie. \n* Chick and Dude Magnet: Chiaki, Taki, Loki, Freya... the scary thing is, she seems to attract even more girls since her genderbent. \n* First Law of Gender Bending: When Hermod tells Yuuki he can't undo the gender bending. \n* Foreshadowing: Yuuki's rather squick-y costume manipulation involving the ribbon. \n* Gender Bender \n* Gender Blender Name: Yuuki (Courage), while a male name, is very similar to the feminine Yuki (Hope or snow, depending on the characters). \n* Giant Waist Ribbon \n* I Just Want to Be Normal: well, more like I just want to be a guy again, but still. \n* Magical Girl: of the Magical Girl Warrior variety \n* Man, I Feel Like a Woman \n* Naughty Tentacles: Of ribbon \n* Power Parasite: Yuuki is able to steal power from Otsana and Shebi \n* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Yuuki does this in the chapter Game Changer in a way reminiscent of a Split Personality Takeover. Or indeed in a way reminiscent to Freya's eyes when she was trying to kill Yuuki directly. \n* Super Gender Bender \n* Transformation Sequence \n* Weak but Skilled: Yuuki continually impresses Thor and Hermod by quickly mastering abilities other Valkries never even knew they had, but since everyone else s/he fights is either a legendary hero, a mythological monster, part-god, or some combination thereof, s/he's always outclassed in terms of strength. (However, the fact that Yuuki is a gender-bent male does lead to some Unfortunate Implications regarding power vs. skill.) Lampshaded by Yuuki. \"Why is everybody I meet stronger than me!?\" indeed."@en . "Yuuki is a magical fan. Thanks to Hermod's magic, Yuuki now transforms into a magical girl. Yuuki is the new valkyrie and is charged with protecting Midgard and Asgard from the forces of the fire giant Surt."@en . . . . . . . . . . . .