"An arcanist is a type of NPC that sells basic items, starter weapons, reagents and certain higher level spells and magic-related skills."@en . . . . "An arcanist is a type of NPC that sells basic items, starter weapons, reagents and certain higher level spells and magic-related skills."@en . . . . "Arcanist"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Echoes of the weary does sleep for a minute. EVA storm can stunn the oponment for a few seconds. (3 - 4 seconds)"@en . . . "Arcane Magic is een vluchtige en bedwelmde drug, pure kracht gedestilleerd en via het lichaam om mysterieuze effecten te cre\u00EBren. Veel rassen hanteren geheimzinnige macht achteloos, ongeacht de lessen van het verleden. De Arcanist class omvat alle gebruikers van mysterieuze magie - degenen die de macht willen zonder rekening te houden voor de gevolgen, en degenen die denken dat geheimzinnige op verantwoorde wijze kunnen worden afgehandeld; elke mysterieuze tovenaar kiest voor een duidelijke pad. Degenen die wensen te manipuleren mysterieuze magische vaak kiezen tussen de weg van de mage, Necromancer of warlock. Elk pad is gespecialiseerd in een bepaald soort magie, die de aard en de praktijk van de geheimzinnige kunst op Azeroth weerspiegelt. In een wereld gesmeed in oorlog en geteisterd "@nl . . "Arcane magic is a volatile and inebriating drug, pure power distilled and channeled through the body to create arcane effects. Many races wield arcane power carelessly, disregarding the lessons of the past. The arcanist class encompasses all users of arcane magic \u2014 those who seek power without regard for consequences, and those who think arcane can be handled responsibly; each arcane spellcaster chooses a distinct path. Those who wish to manipulate arcane magic often choose between the way of the mage, necromancer, or warlock. Each path specializes in a particular kind of magic, which reflects the nature and practice of the arcane arts on Azeroth. In a world forged in war and beset by pervasive evils such as the Scourge and the Burning Legion, arcanists have gradually come to excel in spec"@en . . . . "A earned by gaining +40,000 (Ally) faction with the in the City of Kelethin."@en . "2"^^ . . "N/A"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . . . "Unlike any other appearance, Arcanists do not deal damage\u2014instead they support the party by using debilitation spells, spells that will deal damage over time, and spells to heal or revive allies. Their defining trait is their ability to summon pets into battle. The Emerald Carbuncle, obtainable at level 4, specializes in wind-elemental attacks, while Topaz Carbuncle focuses on tanking abilities. An Arcanist can be upgraded into a Summoner or Scholar and wield grimories in battle."@en . . "El Arcanist (??? Arcanista), apodado el \"Maestro de los elementos\", es la clase que procede del Elementor una vez que llega al nivel 130. Estos maestros de los elementos realmente hacen honor a el nombre de su clase previa (Elementor), controlando los elementos de la naturaleza y con las energ\u00EDas del universo en sus manos, son guerreros extremadamente fuertes, capaces de acabar con casi cualquier persona que se cruce en sus caminos."@es . . "The following are changes in the Arcanist class from its listing in Paizo material"@en . "Akin to Hexers from the first two games, Arcanists specialize in inflicting crippling ailments or binds to multiple enemies at once, allowing the rest of the party to lay into them. These are accomplished using Circles, which not only inflict the bind/ailment to all enemies, but also repeatedly attempt the specified ailment/bind at the end of the turn, over 3 turns, without needing any further input from the Arcanist. In the meantime, the Arcanist is free to set down their debuffs or utilize other skills granted by their subclass, while their Circle Boon passively heals the party. In the chance that the circle is no longer needed, usually due to all enemies being afflicted, the Arcanist converts the circle into pure damage with Dismiss Blow or Dismiss Blast, or supports the party with a po"@en . "Arcane magic is a volatile and inebriating drug, pure power distilled and channeled through the body to create arcane effects. Many races wield arcane power carelessly, disregarding the lessons of the past. The arcanist class encompasses all users of arcane magic \u2014 those who seek power without regard for consequences, and those who think arcane can be handled responsibly; each arcane spellcaster chooses a distinct path. Those who wish to manipulate arcane magic often choose between the way of the mage, necromancer, or warlock. Each path specializes in a particular kind of magic, which reflects the nature and practice of the arcane arts on Azeroth. In a world forged in war and beset by pervasive evils such as the Scourge and the Burning Legion, arcanists have gradually come to excel in specific areas of arcane magic. What Azeroth's arcanists lack in versatility, however, they more than make up for in the abilities they acquire and the powers they wield within their chosen paths. Dwarves, gnomes, high elves, night elves, blood elves, humans, trolls, and Forsaken are all capable of becoming mages. The dark path of the necromancer is rarely taken. Humans and the Forsaken practice this black art, while most other races seem not to have the stomach for such magic. Warlocks are uncommon. Some exist among the Forsaken, outcast gnomes, or humans and orcs foolish enough to toy with the forces of demonic energy. The few remaining high elves who are warlocks have long since become blood elves. Arcanists can have the best of intentions, and while mages mostly tend to be from the good and lawful alignments, necromancers and warlocks tend to come from the more unsavory levels of morality. Arcanists are found among all of the affiliations, regardless of their practices, in both the Horde and the Alliance. Warlocks are far more common in the Alliance, surprisingly enough \u2014 the fact that the use of arcane magic is so prevalent in the Alliance possibly allows for such reckless practices. Still, mages are far more common in the Alliance, outnumbering warlocks immensely. Necromancers are almost unheard of until someone encounters one. Not all arcanists devote themselves to one type of arcane art. One of the most famous arcanists is Arcanist Doan, the keeper of the Scarlet Monastery's Library. Other arcanists include Arcanist Nozzlespring and Arcanist Vandril. This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King. In Dalaran, a number of named arcanists can be found among the ranks of the Silver Covenant."@en . . . . . . . "Estos magos derivan su poder de los s\u00EDmbolos de poder que nacen de las t\u00E9cnicas de geometr\u00EDa que provienen del m\u00E1s all\u00E1 de las mares al sur. Protegido dentro de los grimoires ocultos, estos s\u00EDmbolos prestan su forma al auther de los arcanistas, lo que les permite producir varios encantos poderosos. Los arcanists utilizan los mismos s\u00EDmbolos para liberar el poder latente contenido dentro de las gemas, adem\u00E1s pueden convocar a sus familiares llamados Carbuncles que est\u00E1n a su mando."@es . . . "Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Arcanist is a Passive skill that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. It was introduced with the introduction of the Champion System during Update 6."@en . . . . . . "Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Arcanist is a Passive skill that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. It was introduced with the introduction of the Champion System during Update 6."@en . . . . "The following are changes in the Arcanist class from its listing in Paizo material"@en . "An Arcanist is the name for a magician that studies the very basics of arcane energy, and it's applications. He weaves it not into fire, or mind bending enchantments, but rather uses the raw force of the energy itself to create marvelous effects. Using this power, he can protect himself, hurt others, and even mess with the flow of time and space. Though perhaps the most powerful, the arcanist is one of the slightest of all the Magician classes."@en . . . . . . . "An Arcanist is the name for a magician that studies the very basics of arcane energy, and it's applications. He weaves it not into fire, or mind bending enchantments, but rather uses the raw force of the energy itself to create marvelous effects. Using this power, he can protect himself, hurt others, and even mess with the flow of time and space. Though perhaps the most powerful, the arcanist is one of the slightest of all the Magician classes."@en . . . . "Arcane Magic is een vluchtige en bedwelmde drug, pure kracht gedestilleerd en via het lichaam om mysterieuze effecten te cre\u00EBren. Veel rassen hanteren geheimzinnige macht achteloos, ongeacht de lessen van het verleden. De Arcanist class omvat alle gebruikers van mysterieuze magie - degenen die de macht willen zonder rekening te houden voor de gevolgen, en degenen die denken dat geheimzinnige op verantwoorde wijze kunnen worden afgehandeld; elke mysterieuze tovenaar kiest voor een duidelijke pad. Degenen die wensen te manipuleren mysterieuze magische vaak kiezen tussen de weg van de mage, Necromancer of warlock. Elk pad is gespecialiseerd in een bepaald soort magie, die de aard en de praktijk van de geheimzinnige kunst op Azeroth weerspiegelt. In een wereld gesmeed in oorlog en geteisterd door doordringende kwaden, zoals de Scourge en de Burning Legion, hebben Arcanists geleidelijk uit te blinken in specifieke gebieden van geheimzinnige magie. Wat Azeroth's Arcanists gebrek aan veelzijdigheid, maar ze meer dan goed te maken in de vermogens die zij verwerven en de bevoegdheden die zij uitoefenen binnen hun gekozen pad."@nl . "Estos magos derivan su poder de los s\u00EDmbolos de poder que nacen de las t\u00E9cnicas de geometr\u00EDa que provienen del m\u00E1s all\u00E1 de las mares al sur. Protegido dentro de los grimoires ocultos, estos s\u00EDmbolos prestan su forma al auther de los arcanistas, lo que les permite producir varios encantos poderosos. Los arcanists utilizan los mismos s\u00EDmbolos para liberar el poder latente contenido dentro de las gemas, adem\u00E1s pueden convocar a sus familiares llamados Carbuncles que est\u00E1n a su mando."@es . . "Level 50"@en . "Arcanist is a Signature Villains Perk. __NoToC__"@en . . . "El Arcanist (??? Arcanista), apodado el \"Maestro de los elementos\", es la clase que procede del Elementor una vez que llega al nivel 130. Estos maestros de los elementos realmente hacen honor a el nombre de su clase previa (Elementor), controlando los elementos de la naturaleza y con las energ\u00EDas del universo en sus manos, son guerreros extremadamente fuertes, capaces de acabar con casi cualquier persona que se cruce en sus caminos. Son pocas las personas capaces de decir que tienen un poder m\u00E1gico incre\u00EDblemente poderoso, pero los Arcanist pueden decirlo y mucho m\u00E1s, pueden controlar tanto el elemento oscuro, y el elemento de la luz, con un gran potencial m\u00E1gico para atacar tanto a distancia como cuerpo a cuerpo."@es . "Arcanist is a Class that so far has only appeared in Wild Arms XF and is unique to Labyrinthia Wordsworth. Labryinthia, as an Arcanist, is very powerful. While her movement range is poor, she can cross large distances with her Warp spell. What she lacks in physical power she makes up for in raw magical mastery for maximum effectiveness. Giving her spellbooks instead of her fans add more to her magic stats than her default class's fans, and as such this makes her an ideal Elementalist as well. One of the weaknesses Labyrinthia has is that she probably won't be able to get her second turn right away in order to unleash her full force on enemies, due to her poor RFX stat. She makes the best candidate as a healer for the party, and with the Arcanist class, can create duplicates of herself with the Replica skill for distractions or to stand on pedestals, and her Lightning spell is in a category all on its own, and thus enemies with magic resistance cannot guard against it. It is recommended that she learn as many attack spells as possible, as Labyrinthia has the potential to become the most powerful magic user in the game, the second being Levin."@en . . . . "Echoes of the weary does sleep for a minute. EVA storm can stunn the oponment for a few seconds. (3 - 4 seconds)"@en . . "thumbMagia tajemna to niebezpieczny i uzale\u017Cniaj\u0105cy narkotyk, czysta destylowana energia przepuszczana przez cia\u0142o, by wywo\u0142a\u0107 tajemne efekty. Wiele ras u\u017Cywa magii tajemnej bezmy\u015Blnie, nie bacz\u0105c na nauki z przesz\u0142o\u015Bci. Klasa Wtajemniczonego skupia wszystkich u\u017Cytkownik\u00F3w magii tajemnej - tych, kt\u00F3rzy szukaj\u0105 mocy bez patrzenia na konsekwencje, jak r\u00F3wnie\u017C tych, kt\u00F3rzy uwa\u017Caj\u0105, \u017Ce magia tajemna mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cywana rozs\u0105dnie; ka\u017Cdy u\u017Cytkownik magii tajemnej obiera jedn\u0105 z tych dr\u00F3g. Ci, kt\u00F3rzy chc\u0105 manipulowa\u0107 magi\u0105 tajemn\u0105 cz\u0119st owybieraj\u0105 mi\u0119dzy drogami maga, nekromanty i czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnika. Ka\u017Cda \u015Bcie\u017Cka specjalizuje si\u0119 w w\u0105skim typie magii, kt\u00F3ry oddzia\u0142ywuje na natur\u0119 i praktyk\u0119 magii tajemnej w Azeroth. W \u015Bwiecie ukszta\u0142towanym przez wojn\u0119 i skazanym na takie okropie\u0144stwa, jak Plaga czy P"@pl . "Arcanist"@es . . . . . . "An arcanist is one who has worked his or her way through the Arcanum at the University and been given a gilthe, or guilder, to carry as a symbol of that achievement. It appears common for students to take six years to pass through the ranks of the Arcanum and become arcanists. Arcanists are viewed with great suspicion by many uneducated persons in the Four Corners, and their abilities, which seem essentially magical to those who are not educated in an arcanist's crafts, are often viewed as unnatural and evil. They are often mistakenly linked with demons and evil fae."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Arcanist is a Signature Villains Perk. __NoToC__"@en . . . . . . "An arcanist is one who has worked his or her way through the Arcanum at the University and been given a gilthe, or guilder, to carry as a symbol of that achievement. It appears common for students to take six years to pass through the ranks of the Arcanum and become arcanists. Arcanists are viewed with great suspicion by many uneducated persons in the Four Corners, and their abilities, which seem essentially magical to those who are not educated in an arcanist's crafts, are often viewed as unnatural and evil. They are often mistakenly linked with demons and evil fae."@en . . . "Arcanist is a Class that so far has only appeared in Wild Arms XF and is unique to Labyrinthia Wordsworth. Labryinthia, as an Arcanist, is very powerful. While her movement range is poor, she can cross large distances with her Warp spell. What she lacks in physical power she makes up for in raw magical mastery for maximum effectiveness. Giving her spellbooks instead of her fans add more to her magic stats than her default class's fans, and as such this makes her an ideal Elementalist as well. One of the weaknesses Labyrinthia has is that she probably won't be able to get her second turn right away in order to unleash her full force on enemies, due to her poor RFX stat."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Akin to Hexers from the first two games, Arcanists specialize in inflicting crippling ailments or binds to multiple enemies at once, allowing the rest of the party to lay into them. These are accomplished using Circles, which not only inflict the bind/ailment to all enemies, but also repeatedly attempt the specified ailment/bind at the end of the turn, over 3 turns, without needing any further input from the Arcanist. In the meantime, the Arcanist is free to set down their debuffs or utilize other skills granted by their subclass, while their Circle Boon passively heals the party. In the chance that the circle is no longer needed, usually due to all enemies being afflicted, the Arcanist converts the circle into pure damage with Dismiss Blow or Dismiss Blast, or supports the party with a powerful Dismiss Heal. To improve their ability at crippling enemies, Arcanists have incredible Luck growth, and their strong Technique stat empowers their damaging and healing ability. Their durability only barely surpasses the Runemasters, so it is best that the Arcanist remain at the back row during battles. \n* Strengths: Capable of shutting down multiple enemies at once, great support capability. \n* Weaknesses: TP-taxing skills, skill tree requires large skill point investments to fully utilize."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Arcanist"@en . "Arcanist"@nl . . . . . . . . "Unlike any other appearance, Arcanists do not deal damage\u2014instead they support the party by using debilitation spells, spells that will deal damage over time, and spells to heal or revive allies. Their defining trait is their ability to summon pets into battle. The Emerald Carbuncle, obtainable at level 4, specializes in wind-elemental attacks, while Topaz Carbuncle focuses on tanking abilities. An Arcanist can be upgraded into a Summoner or Scholar and wield grimories in battle."@en . . . . . . "A earned by gaining +40,000 (Ally) faction with the in the City of Kelethin."@en . . . . . . . . . "thumbMagia tajemna to niebezpieczny i uzale\u017Cniaj\u0105cy narkotyk, czysta destylowana energia przepuszczana przez cia\u0142o, by wywo\u0142a\u0107 tajemne efekty. Wiele ras u\u017Cywa magii tajemnej bezmy\u015Blnie, nie bacz\u0105c na nauki z przesz\u0142o\u015Bci. Klasa Wtajemniczonego skupia wszystkich u\u017Cytkownik\u00F3w magii tajemnej - tych, kt\u00F3rzy szukaj\u0105 mocy bez patrzenia na konsekwencje, jak r\u00F3wnie\u017C tych, kt\u00F3rzy uwa\u017Caj\u0105, \u017Ce magia tajemna mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cywana rozs\u0105dnie; ka\u017Cdy u\u017Cytkownik magii tajemnej obiera jedn\u0105 z tych dr\u00F3g. Ci, kt\u00F3rzy chc\u0105 manipulowa\u0107 magi\u0105 tajemn\u0105 cz\u0119st owybieraj\u0105 mi\u0119dzy drogami maga, nekromanty i czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnika. Ka\u017Cda \u015Bcie\u017Cka specjalizuje si\u0119 w w\u0105skim typie magii, kt\u00F3ry oddzia\u0142ywuje na natur\u0119 i praktyk\u0119 magii tajemnej w Azeroth. W \u015Bwiecie ukszta\u0142towanym przez wojn\u0119 i skazanym na takie okropie\u0144stwa, jak Plaga czy P\u0142on\u0105cy Legion, wtajemniczeni staraj\u0105 si\u0119 wyr\u00F3wnywa\u0107 pewne obszary magii tajemnej. Je\u015Bli wtajemniczonym z Azeroth brakuje wszechstronno\u015Bci, jej brak nadrabiaj\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015Bciami i mocami zdobytymi poprzez obrane przez nich \u015Bcie\u017Cki. Krasnoludy, gnomy, wysokie elfy, krwawe elfy, ludzie, trolle i Opuszczeni s\u0105 w stanie zosta\u0107 magami. Mroczna \u015Bcie\u017Cka nekromancji jest rzadko obierana. Ludzie i Opuszczeni praktykuj\u0105 t\u0105 mroczn\u0105 sztuk\u0119, podczas gdy pozosta\u0142e rasy wydaj\u0105 si\u0119 nie mie\u0107 nerw\u00F3w na ten typ magii. Czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnicy nie s\u0105 powszechnym widokiem. Niekt\u00F3rzy \u017Cyj\u0105 po\u015Br\u00F3d Opuszczonych, wygnanych ludzi lub orkow na tyle g\u0142upich, by bawi\u0107 si\u0119 energi\u0105 demon\u00F3w. Nieliczne pozosta\u0142e przy \u017Cyciu wysokie elfy, kt\u00F3re s\u0105 czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnikami, sta\u0142y si\u0119 ostatnimi czasy krwawymi elfami. Wtajemniczeni mog\u0105 mie\u0107 jak najlepsze intencje i o ile magowie przewa\u017Cnie oscyluj\u0105 wok\u00F3\u0142 dobrego i praworz\u0105dnego nastawienia, nekromanci i czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnicy preferuj\u0105 mniej popularne rodzaje moralno\u015Bci. Wtajemniczonych mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 po\u015Br\u00F3d wszystkich frakcji, niezale\u017Cnie od wyznawanych praktyk, zar\u00F3wno w Hodzie, jak i Przymierzu. Czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnicy s\u0105 bardziej rozpowszechnieni w Przymierzu - fakt, \u017Ce u\u017Cycie magii tajemnej jest na porz\u0105dku dziennym w Przyierzu po prostu zezwala na tak karygodne praktyki. Mimo to wci\u0105\u017C liczebno\u015Bci\u0105 czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnik\u00F3w znacznie wyprzedzaj\u0105 magowie. Nekromanci s\u0105 niemal\u017Ce niespotykanym zjawiskiem, a ich przedstawicieli mo\u017Cna zliczy\u0107 na palcach. Nie wszyscy wtajemniczeni zadeklarowali si\u0119 na jednej \u015Bcie\u017Cce magii tajemnej. Jednym z najs\u0142ynniejszych jest Wtajemniczony Doan, opiekun Biblioteki Szkar\u0142atnego Klasztoru. Inni znani wtajemniczeni to Wtajemniczony Nozzlespring i Wtajemniczony Vandril."@pl . "Arcanist"@en . . . . . . . . .